Collection Overview
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Committee was established by an act of Congress (Public Law No: 102-484) in 1992 to serve as a communication link between the communities surrounding the Blue Grass Army Depot and the Department of Defense relating to chemical demilitarization efforts. As a part of their mission their records consist of hundreds of publications and presentations documenting the process of determining a safe method of disposal of the chemical weapons at the Depot. This collection includes research on various disposal methods and disposal sites around the world.
These records should be used in conjunction with the records of the Concerned Citizens of Madison County, Citizen Action for a Safe Environment, and the records of the Kentucky Environmental Foundation/Kentucky Resource Council. Together these records thoroughly document the citizen activism that led to the neutralization of chemical weapons rather than incineration or mass transportation.
Collection Historical Note
The CAC provides a vital link between the community and the DOD by providing a forum for exchanging information about chemical weapons disposal efforts. It exists to represent community and state interests to the U.S. Army and DOD. Its mission is to provide a mechanism for the thorough and objective exchange of information among the citizens of Kentucky, the Army and other organizations involved in the chemical weapons demilitarization program.
The governor of Kentucky appoints commission members who serve an unlimited term at the governor’s discretion. The commission consists of nine members — seven are members of the community at large, and two are state officials. Although the commission receives limited federal funding from the DOD, it operates independent of Army influence.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives
Acquisition Source:
Hindman, Douglas
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) Plans],
Series 2: Reports],
[Series 3: Office Files],
Series 4: Audio Visual Materials, 2001-2007],
Series 5: Newspapers, 1993-2018],
- Series 3: Office Files
- Box 17
- Folder 7: Aberdeen Proving Ground, 1996
- Published by the U.S. Army Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center.
- Folder 8: Acronyms, 2001
- Folder 9: ACWA, 2007
- Published by the Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board.
- Folder 10: ACWA Part 1, 2003
- Published by the Program Manager Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives.
- Folder 11: ACWA Part 2, 2003
- Published by the Program Manager Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives.
- Folder 12: ACWA Part 3, 2003
- Published by the Program Manager Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives.
- Box 18
- UnitID: 31234013921752
- Folder 1: ACWA Assessment of Demonstration Test, 2000
- Folder 2: Address/Monthly Mailings, 1997
- Folder 3: Advantages of Technology Options, 2002
- Published by the Kentucky Demilitarization Citizen's Advisory Commission.
- Folder 4: Agricultural Impact, 1995
- Chemical Demilitarization Update.
- Folder 5: Alternative Technologies (f.1 of 2), 1995
- Prepared by the Kentucky Environmental Foundation.
- Folder 6: Alternative Technologies (f.2 of 2), 1995
- Prepared by the Kentucky Environmental Foundation.
- Folder 7: Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment Program, 2002
- Folder 8: Bill Pehlvanian, 1998
- Folder 9: Blue Grass Chemical Act Site Specific Plan, 1998
- Prepared by Booz-Allen & Hamilton.
- Folder 10: Blue Grass Chemical Agent Pilot Plant, 2004
- Prepared by Bechtal Parsons Blue Grass.
- Folder 11: Blue Grass Integrated Process Team, 1998
- Folder 12: Blue Grass Exchange, 2004-2011
- Box 19
- UnitID: 31234013921760
- Folder 1: BGCAPP Project Update, 2008-2009
- Folder 2: Bridging the Gap, 1995
- Folder 3: Budget, 1987
- Folder 4: CAC Agenda's, 2002
- Folder 5: CAC Funds D.E.T., 1997
- Folder 6: CAC Funds Thur CSEPP, 1998
- Folder 7: CAC Important Dates, 2002
- Folder 8: CAC Mailings and Letters, 2001
- Folder 9: CAC Meeting Materials, 1997
- Folder 10: CAC Meeting Minutes, 1996
- Folder 11: CAC Meeting Minutes, 1997
- Folder 12: CAC Meeting Minutes, 1998
- Folder 13: CAC Meeting Minutes, 1999
- Folder 14: CAC Meeting Minutes, 2000
- Folder 15: CAC Members, 2001
- Folder 16: CAC Minutes (f.rom other CAC's), 2000
- Folder 17: CAC Mission Statement, N/A
- Folder 18: CAC Minutes, 2001
- Folder 19: CAC Minutes, 2002
- Folder 20: CAC Minutes, 2003
- Box 20
- UnitID: 31234013921570
- Folder 1: CAC Minutes, 2004
- Folder 2: CAC Minutes, 2005-2007
- Folder 3: CAC/CDCAB Minutes, 2008-2010
- Folder 4: CAC Presentations, 2002
- Folder 5: CAC Public Mtg. Materials, 1997
- Folder 6: CAC Public Meeting Voting Sheets (f.1 of 2), 1997
- Folder 7: CAC Public Meeting Voting Sheets (f.2 of 2), 1997
- Folder 8: CAC Roles and Responsibilities, 1999
- Folder 9: CAC Statement, 2002
- Folder 10: CD CAB, 2004
- Folder 11: CD Disk, 2002
- Box 21
- UnitID: 31234013921778
- Folder 1: Chem. BIO Weapons and Defense Monitor, 1998
- Folder 2: Chemical Demilitarization Update, 2000
- Folder 3: Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board, 2005
- Folder 4: Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, 1994
- Published by the U.S. Army Audit Agency.
- Folder 5: Chemical Stockpile Emergency Prepardness Program, 2001
- Published by the Program Manager for Chemical Demilitarization.
- Folder 6: Chemical Weapons Demilitarization in Kentucky Powerpoint Introduction, 2007
- Folder 7: Chemical Weapons Working Group (f.1 of 2), 1994
- Folder 8: Chemical Weapons Working Group (f.2 of 2), 1994
- Folder 9: Citizens Advisory Commission, 2007
- Folder 10: COCAB Summary of Action Item/Discussions, 2004
- Published by the Keystone Center.
- Folder 11: Correspondence (f.1 of 3), 2002
- Box 22
- UnitID: 31234013921786
- Folder 1: Correspondence (f.2 of 3), 2002
- Folder 2: Correspondence (f.3 of 3), 2002-2004
- Folder 3: Correspondence Craig Williams, 2002
- Folder 4: Correspondence Worley Johnson, 2001
- Folder 5: CSEPP National Conference (f.1 of 2), 1995
- Folder 6: CSEPP National Conference (f.2 of 2), 1995
- Folder 7: CSEPP (f.1 of 2), 2000
- Folder 8: CSEPP (f.2 of 2), 2000
- Folder 9: CSEPP National Workshop Chicago, 2007
- Folder 10: DAB, 2002
- Folder 11: Department of the Army (f.1 of 3), 1998
- Box 23
- UnitID: 31234013921794
- Folder 1: Department of the Army (f.2 of 3), 1998
- Folder 2: Department of the Army (f.3 of 3), 1998
- Folder 3: Department of the Army, Office of the Secretary, 2003
- Folder 4: Dialogue on Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment Ground Rules, 2002
- Folder 5: Department of Defense Assessment of Demonstration Test, 1998
- Published by the U.S. Department of Defense.
- Folder 6: Dioxin Formations, 1996
- Published by the Oregon Department of Environment Quality.
- Folder 7: Dissemination Meeting for Monitoring at Chemical Agent Disposal Fac., 2005
- Folder 8: Doug Hindman Correspondence, 2004
- Folder 9: Doug Hindman E-mails (f.1 of 2), 2002
- Folder 10: Doug Hindman E-mails (f.2 of 2), 2002
- Folder 11: Doug Hindman, 2002
- Folder 12: Draft Criteria, 1997
- Folder 13: Draft Technologies, 1993
- Folder 14: Economic Impact Study for the Pueblo Chemical Demilitarization Facility, 1999
- Prepared by Irene Kornelly and Associates and KPMG Inc.
- Folder 15: EKU Opinion Survey, N/A
- Folder 16: E-mails, 2005
- Box 24
- UnitID: 31234013921802
- Folder 1: E-mailing Monthly Mailing List, 2001
- Folder 2: E-mail's General, 2002
- Folder 3: Employee Safety Manual, N/A
- Published by the Kentucky Demilitarization Citizen's Advisory Committee.
- Folder 4: Energy and Environmental Cabinet Office of the Secretary, 2010
- Folder 5: Energy & Environment Office of the Secretary, 2008
- Folder 6: Enviornmental Form IIV (f.1 of 2), 1999
- Prepared by PMCD.
- Folder 7: Enviornmental Form IIV (f.2 of 2), 1999
- Prepared by PMCD.
- Folder 8: Environmental Forum Report, 2006
- Folder 9: Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet Department for Environmental Protection, 2005
- Prepared by the Divison of Waste Management.
- Folder 10: Environmental Forum II on the United States Chemical Weapons Destruction Program (f.1 of 2), 1996
- Prepared by the Department of Defense.
- Folder 11: Environmental Forum II on the United States Chemical Weapons Destruction Program (f.2 of 2), 1996
- Prepared by the Department of Defense.
- Folder 12: Expenditures, 2008
- Box 25
- UnitID: 31234013921810
- Folder 1: Fax, 1996
- Folder 2: Fax, 1997
- Folder 3: Fax, 1998
- Folder 4: Fax, 2000
- Folder 5: Fax, 2001
- Folder 6: Fax, 2002-2005
- Folder 7: Faxes, 2007
- Folder 8: Final Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board Mission Statement and Governing Procedures, 2004
- Folder 9: Gentner Communications, 2002
- Folder 10: Gulf Syndrome, 1997
- Published by The Journal of the American Medical Association.
- Folder 11: History of Blue Grass Ordnance Depot, 2007
- Published by the Kentucky Demilitarization Citizen's Advisory Committee.
- Folder 12: Incoming Faxes, 1996
- Folder 13: Internet Articles, 1997-2001
- Folder 14: Issues to Consider Regarding Improved Monitoring at BGAD Blue Grass Army Depot
- Box 26
- UnitID: 31234013921828
- Folder 1: J.13 Program Evaluation Criteria, 1997
- Folder 2: JACADS, 1994
- Prepared by the Department of the Army.
- Folder 3: KCDAC (f.1 of 8), 1993
- Folder 4: KCDAC (f.2 of 8), 1993
- Folder 5: KCDAC (f.3 of 8), 1994
- Folder 6: KCDAC (f.4 of 8), 1994
- Folder 7: KCDAC (f.5 of 8), 1992
- Folder 8: KCDAC (f.6 of 8), 1995
- Folder 9: KCDAC (f.7 of 8), 1995
- Folder 10: KCDAC (f.8 of 8), 1996
- Box 27
- UnitID: 31234013921836
- Folder 1: Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission, 2005
- Folder 2: Kentucky Environmental Foundation Chemical Weapons Working Group, 2002
- Folder 3: Kentucky Public Acceptability, N/A
- Folder 4: Keystone-C. Parker (f.1 of 2), 2000
- Folder 5: Keystone-C. Parker (f.2 of 2), 2000
- Folder 6: KY CAC Questions, N/A
- Folder 7: KYCAC Comment On: U.S. Army Alternative Demilitarization Technology for Congress, 1994
- Folder 8: KYCAC Correspondence, 2001-2002
- Folder 9: KYCAC, 2007
- Folder 10: KY Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission Report, 1993
- Folder 11: KY Environmental Foundation, 2001
- Folder 12: Letters, 2007
- Folder 13: M-55 Rocket, 1995
- The U.S. Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program.
- Folder 14: Meeting Minutes, 1994
- Folder 15: Meeting Minutes, 1995
- Folder 16: Memorandum of Agreement, 2012
- Folder 17: Meeting Summary Kentucky Chemical Destrcution Community Advisory Board, 2005
- Box 28
- UnitID: 31234013921844
- Folder 1: Mike Porter (f.1 of 3), 1998
- Folder 2: Mike Porter (f.2 of 3), 1998
- Folder 3: Mike Porter (f.3 of 3), 1998
- Folder 4: Miscellaneous, 2002
- Folder 5: Miscellaneous CAC Paperwork, 2004
- Folder 6: Miscellaneous Items, N/A
- Folder 7: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.1 of 8), N/A
- Folder 8: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.2 of 8), N/A
- Box 29
- UnitID: 31234013921851
- Folder 1: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.3 of 8), N/A
- Folder 2: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.4 of 8), N/A
- Folder 3: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.5 of 8), N/A
- Folder 4: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.6 of 8), N/A
- Folder 5: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.7 of 8), N/A
- Folder 6: Miscellaneous Paperwork (f.8 of 8), N/A
- Folder 7: Miscellaneous Paper, N/A
- Box 30
- UnitID: 31234013921869
- Folder 1: Miscellaneous Paper, N/A
- Folder 2: Miscellaneous Reports, 1996
- Folder 3: Mission Brief - League of Women Voters Berea, 1997
- Folder 4: Mr. Craig Williams Chemical Weapons Working Group, 1994
- Folder 5: National Academies, 2007
- Folder 6: National CAC Chair List, N/A
- Folder 7: National Research Council, 1994
- Folder 8: NCA Monitoring Report Briefing Outline For KYCAC, 2005
- Presented by Craig Williams.
- Folder 9: Neutralization of Chemical Agents, N/A
- Presented by the Kentucky Environmental Foundation.
- Folder 10: Overview of Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, 1995
- Presented by the Department of the Army.
- Folder 11: Personal Services Contract Teams and Conditions, 2008
- Folder 12: Photos, N/A
- Folder 13: PMCD Press Releases & Pamphlets, 2002
- Folder 14: PMCD (f.1 of 2), 2000
- Folder 15: PMCD (f.2 of 2), 2000
- Folder 16: PMCO Schedule and CAI & Risk Schedules for CSEPP, 2001
- Box 31
- UnitID: 31234013921877
- Folder 1: Polution/Waste Reduction Consulting Serv., 1997
- Folder 2: Press Release, 2004
- Folder 3: Prioritization Form, 1998
- Folder 4: Pueblo County, 2002
- Presented by the Pueblo CAC.
- Folder 5: Reach: Employees Reach 2.5 Million Safe Work Hours, 2002
- Folder 6: Reach Newsletters, 2003
- Published by the PMCD.
- Folder 7: Recommendations of the KY COCAB to ACWA/CMA on Design consideration #43B-M-55--Rocket Separation #34, 2005
- Folder 8: Report to the COCAB on Secondary Waste Working Group Meeting, 2004
- Folder 9: Senate Testimony, 1995
- Folder 10: Sign-In KY CAC Meetings, 2007
- Folder 11: Silver II Information, 2002
- Folder 12: Site-Specific Analysis of Major Secondary Waste Issues, N/A
- Folder 13: Sultech, Inc., N/A
- Presented by the University of Pittsburgh Applied Research Center.
- Folder 14: Summary of Comments NCC Meeting, 1998
- Folder 15: Summary Kentucky CAC NRC Finding and Recommendations, 2011
- Folder 16: Technology Passing Go No Go (f.1 of 3), 1997
- Folder 17: Technology Passing Go No Go (f.2 of 3), 1997
- Folder 18: Technology Passing Go No Go (f.3 of 3), 1997
- Folder 19: Tri State Consulting, 1997
- Folder 20: We Are Parsons, N/A
- Folder 21: What's Happening! Winter/Spring/Summer, 2008-2009
- Box 32
- UnitID: 31234013921885
- Folder 1: Worley Johnson Notes (f.1 of 2), 1996
- Folder 2: Worley Johnson Notes (f.2 of 2), 1996
- Folder 3: Worley's Notes, 1997
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) Plans],
Series 2: Reports],
[Series 3: Office Files],
Series 4: Audio Visual Materials, 2001-2007],
Series 5: Newspapers, 1993-2018],