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John Wilson Townsend Papers


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

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John W. Townsend Plaster Mask

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John Wilson Townsend Papers, 1898-1965 | Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives

By Jonathan Stokdyk

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Collection Overview

Title: John Wilson Townsend Papers, 1898-1965Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1903-1940

Primary Creator: Townsend, John Wilson (1885-1968)

Extent: 6.47 Cubic Feet

Date Acquired: 04/09/2003

Subjects: African American poets., American literature--Kentucky., American poetry. - Kentucky, Authors, American--Kentucky., Horses--Breeding--Kentucky., Poets, American - Kentucky, Thoroughbred horse. - Kentucky, Women authors, American--Kentucky, Women poets, American--Kentucky

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The John Wilson Townsend Papers consist of letters received by Townsend which reflect literary, business, and personal concerns. The bulk of the materials consist of letters received by Townsend, as well as photographs, book reviews, manuscripts and various other items about Kentucky literary figures. These include, but are not limited to, James Lane Allen, Madison Cawein, Irvin S. Cobb, Willard R. Jillson, Harriette Simpson Arnow, Samuel M. Wilson, Paul Sawyier, Otto A. Rothert, and Jesse Stuart. The letters offer insights into authors that might not otherwise be found, as well as discussions of their works and biographical information. Many letters simply talk about sending or receiving autographed copies of books. Some letters were not written to Townsend, but seem to have been collected by him instead.

In addition there are also letters concerning horses, as Townsend raised Thoroughbreds for years while living at Graceland Farm.

The collection is generally arranged alphabetically by the author of the letter, but in cases where Townsend is not the recipient, the letter was alphabetized by the recipient's name, with a notation in this finding aid of who the letter was from. Letters about a single person are filed by that person's name rather than the author of the letter. All photographs, book reviews, news clippings and other items are filed with the subject making the arrangement a collection of subject files.

There are multiple subjects per folder and because of this the folders have been numbered with a dash to maintain the subject integrity of the arrangement.

Biographical Note

John Wilson Townsend, Kentucky author and historian was born November 2, 1885. His parents were Charles Wesley Townsend, Lexington journalist and lawyer, and Jeannie Dillon Townsend. Townsend had three sisters, two of whom died in infancy and the third, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Morrison who died in 1931 in West Virginia.

Townsend received his early education in the Johnson and Dudley Grammar Schools of Lexington. Following grammar school, he attended the Preparatory School of Kentucky University. After graduating from Kentucky University, now Transylvania College, in 1906, he enrolled in Harvard University where he continued his study of history and literature.

It was at Kentucky University where he first made the acquaintance of James Lane Allen, who later became his personal friend, and about whom he has written much. This friendship began when Allen made a large contribution to the Periclean Literary Society of which Townsend was the member in charge of fund-raising.

His first book, "The Life of Richard Hickman Menefee," was published when he was only 19 years old. Several others followed during his years as a student at Harvard. After leaving Harvard he taught at the Fishburne Military Academy in Virginia before returning to Kentucky as an assistant librarian at the Lexington Public Library in 1909. He subsequently worked at the Kentucky Historical Society, Lexington Herald (1910 to 1916), the Kentucky Geological Survey (1928-1932), WPA (1936-1942), and the Lexington Signal Depot in the 1940s. Throughout this period Townsend was actively engaged in literary and historical research and published numerous books and pamphlets on prominent Kentucky historical and literary figures.

Townsend's best known work is "Kentucky in American Letters," which was the first anthology of Kentucky literature ever published. This work probably produced most of the letters contained in this collection. In addition, he was good friends with many literary figures that he regularly corresponded with. These include Irvin S. Cobb, James Lane Allen, James H. Mulligan, John Fox Jr., and others.

In 1930, Townsend's finest collection of Kentuckiana, consisting of over 1500 books, numerous pamphlets, letters and pictures, was sold to Eastern State Teachers College Library (now Eastern Kentucky University) where it remains to this day. Townsend continued to collect books until his death in 1968.

Subject/Index Terms

African American poets.
American literature--Kentucky.
American poetry. - Kentucky
Authors, American--Kentucky.
Poets, American - Kentucky
Thoroughbred horse. - Kentucky
Women authors, American--Kentucky
Women poets, American--Kentucky

Administrative Information

Repository: Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives

Acquisition Source: Townsend, Dorothy

Box and Folder Listing

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[Box 17: John W. Townsend Plaster Mask, 1937],
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Box 1Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234013792419
Folder 1-1: Abbott, H. P. Almon, Aug 1932Add to your cart.
(1 item) Baccalaureate sermon at Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, "The Importance in Life of Thoughtfulness".
Folder 1-2: Abdallah Park, 1/20/1895Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letterhead for Abdullah Park, Benjamin Hey, Proprietor.
Folder 1-3: Abell, Irvin, 2/4/1929Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. "A Retrospect of Surgery in Kentucky".
Folder 1-4: Acker, Elizabeth, 6/14/1927Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Western Kentucky Teachers College history class.
Folder 1-5: Adams, H. S., 12/27/1928Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to Elizabeth H. Gregory. The Spur (editor).
Folder 1-6: Adams, Hugh W., 10/13/1913Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT about books from the Torch Press.
Folder 1-7: Adams, John Wolcott, May 1925Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. Drawings, illustrations.
Folder 1-8: Adams, Marshall, 10/17/1921Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. J.C. Cobb. Georgetown College.
Folder 1-9: Adcock, James R., 2/23/1933Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. "Heart Whispers", "Wooing in Rusticity". Biographical sketch.
Folder 1-10: Agnes, Sister Rose, 2/5/1938Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. "A Flora of Nelson County".
Folder 1-11: Akers, L. R. Lewis Robeson), 7/2/1930Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. E. Stanly Jones, Asbury College.
Folder 1-12: Akers, Susan Grey, 2/21/1929Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT about her book on library cataloging.
Folder 1-13: Akin, Elizabeth Hall, Aug 1929Add to your cart.
(5 items) Letters to JWT. Biographical sketch. Photograph
Folder 2-1: Alexander, A. J. A., 1902-1928Add to your cart.
(9 items) Letters to JWT. Alexander family history. Woodburn Farm. W. E. Simms, Elisha Warfield, Jonathan Williams, David Weisiger, Eliza Weisiger.
Folder 2-2: Alexander, Gross, 4/9/1929Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT from Turnpike. "Son of Man", "The History of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South", "Epistles to the Colossians and the Ephesians".
Folder 2-3: Allen, Frank Waller, 1906-1930Add to your cart.
(37 items) Letters to JWT. Includes biographical notes by Frank Waller Allen. Three postcards: "First Christian Church, Springfield, IL", "Bronze Figures on Lincoln's Monument in Oakridge Cemetery, Springfield, IL", "The Iron Door, Entrance to Mammoth Cave, KY". Includes reviews of Allen's books, lecture series schedules. Several newspaper articles from the Springfield Sunday Journal by Allen, circa 1922. Includes 2 photographs, one circa 1927 is autographed.
Folder 3-1: Allen, Henry T., 1930Add to your cart.
(2 items)  Letters to JWT. The Rhineland Occupation, Alaska.
Folder 3-2: Allen, James Lane, 1910-1930Add to your cart.
(51 items) Letters to JWT. Newspaper reviews of James Lane Allen and JWT's works. Photograph of King Solomon of KY's Monument. Library of Congress certificate for JWT's "James Lane Allen, A Personal Note". Transcript of radio talk by JWT. Book, letter and price lists from book sellers and libraries. Transcripts of letters, poems and writings by J. L. Allen. Letter from Lexington mayor about James Lane Allen Memorial. Print of a portrait photograph. Review by H. C. Wright in "Children's Stories in American Literature".
Folder 4-1: Allen, Lewis M., 1925-1926Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. Horses
Folder 4-2: Allen, Nancy Armistead, 1929Add to your cart.
(3 items) (Mrs. Ellis S. Allen) Letters to JWT. Biographical sketch.  Includes a copy of "Promises of God".
Folder 4-3: Allgood, Joseph, 7/21/1912Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Biographical sketch.
Folder 4-4: Allison, Richard, 3/18/1957Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Gravesites in the Richmond Cemetery, Bruce, Thomas, Warfield, Ballard, Jeffrey.
Folder 4-5: Allison, Young E., 2/9/1937Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to Mary Floyd. "The Old Kentucky Home, Immortalized by S. C. Foster". Photograph with John N. Carey and F. H. Gavisk.
Folder 4-6: Allmond, Marcus B., 1908Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. Principal, The Anne Arundel Academy.
Folder 4-7: Altsheler, Joseph A., 1912-1917Add to your cart.
(37 items) Letters to JWT from Joseph Altsheler of The World (New York). Biographical sketch of Altsheler. "Literary Notes" by JWT. Reply to request for biography of Altsheler by D. Appleton & Company. Photograph (newspaper clipping).
Folder 5-1: Ammerman, Mary David, 9/2/1914Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter. The White Rose of Miami. The Transylvania verses Virginia Controversy.
Folder 5-2: Anderson, Edward L., 4/20/1912Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Grandson of Col. Richard Clough Anderson. Virginia Continental Line.
Folder 5-3: Anderson, James Blythe, 1912-1913Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letter to JWT. Biographical sketch. Signed poem "Kentucky's Dead in Glory Live".
Folder 5-4: Anderson, Margaret Steele, 1912-1918Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
(13 items) Letters to JWT. One letter to "Dear Mr. Speaker". News clipping of poem "On the Death of Rupert Brooke" by Anderson with note. News clipping with photograph. "The Study of Modern Painting" advertisement by The Century Company.
Folder 5-5: Anderson, Mary, 2/24/1909Add to your cart.
(1 item) Partial news clipping by JWT.
Folder 5-6: Anderson, Sollie, 1908Add to your cart.
(1 item) Postcard to Anderson from Amelia B. "Denomination Garden, Martinsville, Ind., 'Lovely Mary', born Sept. 27, 1824". Celestina R. Phelps' Denomination Garden.
Folder 6-1: Andrews, Edward Deming, 1940Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. Photograph of Andrews (damaged). Brief sketch of Andrews by self. Shaker furniture.
Folder 6-2: Andrews, Mary Raymond, 1913-1930Add to your cart.
(6 items) Letters and cards to JWT. Canada. Published book list.
Folder 6-3: Ardery, Julie Spencer, 1928-1943Add to your cart.
(6 items) (Mrs. William Breckenridge Ardery) Letters to JWT. Duncan Tavern, Paris KY, stationary. James Lane Allen. Book by Ardery.
Folder 6-4: Argosy Book Stores, 10/19/1931Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Cawein "The Triumph of Music". Gosse "Critical Kit-Kats". G. L.
Folder 6-5: Armstrong, A. Joseph, 1929-1931Add to your cart.
(4 items) Letter to JWT. Brief personal sketch by Armstrong. Signed photograph.
Folder 6-6: Arnow, Harriette Louisa, 1938Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. Signed Harriett L. Simpson. Biographical sketch by Simpson. Photograph. Mountain Path autograph.
Folder 6-7: Ashton, J. M., 8/6/1929Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. "Ice-bound".
Folder 6-8: Audubon, John J., n.d.Add to your cart.
(1 item) Print of Audubon.
Folder 6-9: Ayars, Rebecca Caudill, 2/8/1960Add to your cart.
(1 item) (Mrs. James S. Ayars) Letter to JWT. Wrote as Rebecca Caudill. List of writings.
Folder 6-10: Ayres, Katharine S., 1907-1929Add to your cart.
(4 items) Letters to JWT. Biographical sketch by Ayres. Mrs. Chester T. Ayres. "Charcoal Sketches". Photograph.
Folder 6-11: Bach, Nancy, n.d.Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. (Mrs. Marion Taylor Bach)
Folder 7-1: Bagby, Emmet W., 1927Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. Carnegie Public Library, Paducah, KY. JWT's biography of James Lane Allen. Fred Neuman, Irvin S. Cobb. Dr. Charles Caldwell.
Folder 7-2: Baily, Joseph W., 1929Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. Pataud (a horse). Col. Chinn.
Folder 7-3: Baker, Mrs. I.N., Jr., 8/28/1958Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. General Duke's book on Morgan's Raiders.
Folder 7-4: Ball, George A., May 1930Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letter to JWT. Omar Khayam. Dickens Christmas Carol.
Folder 7-5: Ball, Rachel, 8/1/1930Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. One of JWT's books.
Folder 7-6: Ball, Samuel W., 8/11/1936Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Arcane Bookshop
Folder 7-7: Barbee, J. S., 9/4/1917Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Glen Helen Stud (horses)
Folder 7-8: Barborn, Abby Pickett, 1930Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. Biographical sketch of Thomas Edward Pickett. "Testimony of the Mounds".
Folder 7-9: Barbour, Mrs. Lewis Green, 10/17/1892Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to Mrs. F. W. Field. Heaven, Hell, Church, Christ, Mrs. Field's father
Folder 7-10: Barbour, Philip F., 5/25/1912Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Lewis Green Barbour's poem and brief biographical sketch.
Folder 7-11: Barkley, Alben W., 1929-1933Add to your cart.
(5 items) Letters to JWT. Senator Ollie James, Sen. James' Memorial Address, "Book of Kentucky" by US Railroad Administration, House Document 258, Stephen C. Foster's address, Porter's House Bill 10170.
Folder 7-12: Barnett, Evelyn Snead, 1905-1912Add to your cart.
(10 items) Letters to JWT. Addresses, Kentucky writers. Elvira Sydner, Ethel A. Murphy, Mr. Musgrove, Jane Scott Woodruff. Mrs. Venita Seibert, Mrs. Roach.
Folder 7-13: Barnwell, Mildred Telford, 1939Add to your cart.
(9 items) (Mrs. Stephen Elliott Barnwell) Letters to JWT. Mr. Allison, Irish verses, copies of several of her poems, "Kaleidograph".
Folder 7-14: Barrow, John, 5/5/1939Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letter to Isabel Bennett. Berea College Library book mending contest, contest judging rules.
Folder 7-15: Barton, B., 10/27/1932Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Father's autobiography (William Barton?), radio program "The Parade of the States".
Folder 7-16: Barton, William Eleazar, 1908-1924Add to your cart.
(4 items) Letters to JWT. Brief bio sketch, "The Lincolns in Their Old Kentucky Home", First Congregational Church of Oak Park Illinois bulletin.
Folder 7-17: Basket, James Newton, 1913Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to The Torch Press Company and JWT. "Kentucky in American Letters", "Balboa".
Folder 8-1: Basler, Roy Prentice, 1929Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. James Lane Allen doctoral dissertation.
Folder 8-2: Bate, R. Alexander, 1915-1929Add to your cart.
(5 items) Letters to JWT. "Robert Edward Lee", biographical information, Indian relics, Robert Franklin, General Young's "Prehistoric Men of Kentucky".
Folder 8-3: Baugher, Ruby Dell, n.d.Add to your cart.
(1 item) Brochure for "The Wedgewood Pitcher," a historical novel.
Folder 8-4: Baxley, Lulie M. C., 1933Add to your cart.
(2 items) (Lulie McLaughlin) Letters to JWT. "Kentucky Chivalry".
Folder 8-5: Bay, Jens Christian, 1915-1941Add to your cart.
(5 items) Letters to JWT. Bay's translation of Allen's "Reign of Law". Allison, Uncle Tom's Cabin. Letter from John Crerar Library for Bay's seventieth birthday.
Folder 8-6: Bayne, Mary Addams, 1912-1913Add to your cart.
(10 items) Letters to JWT. "Crestlands" promotional fliers, "The Literature of Kentucky", Bio information on Bayne. Thomas Wood Parry, Mrs. Elvira
Folder 8-7: Beard, Mary Miller, 1934Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. Biographical information for the Biographical Dictionary of the Anthology of Great Plains Verse. Poem "Gifts". Letter to JWT.
Folder 8-8: Beaton, K. C., 1/5/1921Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Cobb article.
Folder 8-9: Beckham, J. C. W., 1906-1910Add to your cart.
(3 items) Letters to JWT. Letter to R. E. Turley. Richard H. Menefee. James Francis Leonard. Letter to R. E. Turley supporting Mr. Sullivan as Regent of the Normal School.
Folder 8-10: Beckner, Lucien, 1906-1934Add to your cart.
(10 items) (Colonel Lucien Beckner) Letters to JWT. Letter to Beckner from Arthur McFarlan. "The Saxons", King Solomon. Christmas card with original verse "Cupid" and Daffydowndilly". Letter from UK's State Geologist about mineral resource survey. Boyd, "Sorrows of Nancy", Lincoln. Wilkinson.
Folder 8-11: Bedford, ? Cobb, 1930Add to your cart.
(2 items) (Mrs. B. T. Bedford) Letters to JWT. "The Times of Long Ago", "Early Times in Mead County, Kentucky".
Folder 9-1: Belden, Charles T. D., 7/10/1928Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Donation to the Boston Public Library
Folder 9-2: Belew, George H., 1/26/1929Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Baylor University's Browing Collection by Dr. S. J. Armstrong
Folder 9-3: Bell House, The, ca. 1958Add to your cart.
(11 items) Petition from the residents of Bell Place asking the City of Lexington to refrain from establishing a youth center at the Bell House. 10 news clippings. Eventually a senior citizens center, 1981.
Folder 9-4: Bell, Charles W., 1912Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. Biographical sketch. "The Good Old Days". "Kentucky's Famous Feuds and Tragedies" by Mutzenburg.
Folder 9-5: Bell, Fannie Moore, 7/3/1929Add to your cart.
(1 item) (Mrs. Tyson Cromwell Bell) Letter to JWT. Eleanora May Bell's "Bits of Dreams".
Folder 9-6: Bell, Lilian, 2/22/1922Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Bob Davis. Wounded Soldiers' Fund.
Folder 9-7: Bellmont, M. M., 2/14/1927Add to your cart.
(1 item) (Mrs. Ray Mona Belmont) Letter to JWT. Belray Farm, horses
Folder 9-8: Benedict, Clara Woolson, 8/14/1913Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letter to JWT. News clipping "The Coopers in Literature" Clara is a niece of Fennimore Cooper's great-niece Constance Fennimore Woolson.
Folder 9-9: Benjamin, Walter R., 192xAdd to your cart.
(4 items) Letters to JWT. Autograph Collector.
Folder 9-10: Bennett, Arnold, 1929Add to your cart.
(3 items)  Letter to JWT signed by secretary. "Fame and Fiction", James Lane Allen. Letter from Buffalo Public Library about "Fame and Fiction". Letter to JWT from Hopkinson.
Folder 9-11: Bennett, Isabel, 9/19/1929Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letters to JWT about starting a Kentucky Collection at Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College.
Folder 9-12: Bent, Silas, 1931Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Books, photograph, Millersburg, Lee Masters.
Folder 9-13: Berea College, ca. 1931Add to your cart.
(4 items) Brochures. The Alumni College. Student Industries.
Folder 9-14: Bigstaff, Frank, c. 1/18/1935Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. "The Kentuckian"
Folder 9-15: Bigstaff, Nazzie, 1935Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. "The Kentuckian"
Folder 9-16: Bingham, George, 3/3/1912Add to your cart.
(4 items) Letters to JWT. Biographical sketch of Bingham. "Hogwallow Kentuckian". News clipping about Bingham and the "Hogwallow Kentuckian".
Folder 9-17: Black, Edna M., 2/14/1941Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. "Daughters of Old Kentucky". Biographical sketch.
Folder 9-18: Blackford, G. L., 1920Add to your cart.
(5 items) Letters to JWT, Graceland Farm. Horses and prices. State National Bank of Denison. Picture of Meelick. Leda, Disguise, Fanny Kemble, Mary Genevieve, Flash-of-Night, Regea, Paschal, Field Flower, Dreamy Eyes, Modena, Centimeter, Meelick, Latonia.
Folder 9-19: Blochin, Victor, 1954-1955Add to your cart.
(7 items) Letters to JWT. Two photographs of Blochin. Anne Elizabeth Wilson (late wife of Blochin). Some biographical info about Wilson.
Folder 9-20: Blythe, Elizabeth, 4/18/1916Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Portraits of grandparents, Margaret Blythe.
Folder 9-21: Blythe, Samuel G., 2/16/1922Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Signed by secretary.
Folder 9-22: Board, J. P., 9/4/1928Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Spring Hill Cemetery. Zoe Anderson Norris.
Folder 9-23: Board, Milton, ca. 1928Add to your cart.
(1 item) News clipping. "Dr. Milton Board Discusses the Future of Democracy". Smith, Hoover.
Folder 9-24: Bobbitt, M.C., 1959Add to your cart.
(2 items) Postcards to JWT. Books.
Folder 10-1: Bodenschatz, Viola, 1/21/1938Add to your cart.
(2 items) (Mrs. George K. Bodenschatz) Letter to JWT. "Fireworks". Photograph.
Folder 10-2: Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1928Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letter to JWT. List of library holdings by Fox, Cobb, Allen.
Folder 10-3: Bole, B. M., 1908Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to "My Darling Baby" from "Your loving Father". Josephine. St. Martins. Mr. Haggins.
Folder 10-4: Bond, Lydia, 1931-1934Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. "Memories and Revelries from the Royal Oak Farm"
Folder 10-5: Booe, Ruth Hanly, 1930-1932Add to your cart.
(4 items) Letters to JWT. John Hilary Hanly obituary
Folder 10-6: Bookmark, John Beverly, 4/21/1928Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. James Lane Allen. Amsterdam, New York.
Folder 10-7: Booth, Percy N., 4/20/1908Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Harvard Club of Kentucky.
Folder 10-8: Bosley, John L., 4/22/1945Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to Mary Floyd. Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, KY. Brutus J. Clay, Caldwell Campbell.
Folder 10-9: Boulios, J. W., 5/15/1962Add to your cart.
(1 item) "Trees of Heaven". Stuart.
Folder 10-10: Bourland, E. B., 11/11/1913Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to the Torch Press. Townsend books.
Folder 10-11: Bouta, Leva Merrith, 2/19/1921Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT.
Folder 10-12: Bowden, R. D., 12/12/1931Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Pilot Oak, James K. Patterson, Bennett prize.
Folder 10-13: Boyd, Lucinda Joan, 1912Add to your cart.
(4 items) Letters to JWT. Biographical sketch.
Folder 10-14: Boyd, Marie, n.d.Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. Irvin Cobb's ancestors' graves and death dates. Cobb house and Whitehall history.
Folder 10-15: Boyd, T., 6/25/1902Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. "Miss Minerva and William Green Hill" by Frances Boyd Calhoun.
Folder 10-16: Boyer, Mary A., 1925-1938Add to your cart.
(9 items) (Mrs. John St. Aubyn Boyer) Letters to JWT. A Christmas card. Boyer Ranch.
Folder 10-17: Braden, Arthur, 1930-1931Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letter to JWT. Transylvania College. Honorary degree for Cobb and Jillson.
Folder 10-18: Bradford, T. S., 8/12/1930Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Pattie and Fox families
Folder 10-19: Bradley, William A., 1930Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letters to JWT. "Old Christmas"
Folder 10-20: Braendle, Rose A., 3/11/1912Add to your cart.
(2 items) Letter to JWT. Biographical sketch. "Tales of Many Lands"
Folder 10-21: Bragin, Charles, 11/13/1941Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter to JWT. Gil Patton, Dime Novels, Merriwell stories, Fred Fearnot, F. W. Doughty.
Folder 10-22: Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt, 3/22/1940Add to your cart.
(1 item) Letter from Library of Congress to JWT. Summary of biographical sketches of Brainerd.

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