Collection Overview
Title: Carl D. Perkins Congressional Papers, 1948-1984

Primary Creator: Perkins, Carl Dewey (1912-1984)
Other Creators: Reed, Hartwell (1924-1994)
Extent: 495.56 Cubic Feet
Date Acquired: 11/29/1984
Subjects: Appalachian Region., Blue Grass Army Depot (Ky.), Democratic Party (Ky.), Education--Kentucky., Flood control., Kentucky--Officials and employees--Sources., Labor laws and legislation., Perkins, Carl Dewey, 1912-1984., Politics, Practical, Strip mining., United States--Politics and government., United States. Congress. House.
Languages: English
Carl D. Perkins (1912-1984) served eastern Kentucky as a US Representative between 1948 and 1984. His papers contain legal documents and correspondence related to his activities in Congress and focus heavily on coal mining, flood control, education, labor and the Appalachian Region.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Carl D. Perkins Papers are currently divided into eight series. The number of series may change as several of the artificial series are more fully processed and the General, Committee and Departmental series are weeded and put in new folders. The collection was partially rehoused and fully inventoried by a number of student workers over a period of several years after the material first arrived at EKU.
Application Series Contains constituent correspondence requesting assistance in applying for jobs, either federal or state, and some dealing with jobs in the private sector. Student aid appears to be requesting aid for school loans and grants, as well as other educational assistance.
Committee Series Contains correspondence from constituents regarding specific legislation and is filed according to the committee which handled the particular subject (i.e. a letter from a constituent about Social Security legislation would be filed under Ways & Means). The folders may also contain copies of bills relating to the subject, copies of Congressional Record remarks on the subject and copies of Congressman Perkins' correspondence with the constituent. They may also include petitions, background and research information, research reports, copies of speeches on the subject and news clippings.
Departmental Series This series is comprised primarily of constituent correspondence having to do with problems related to branches of government. This correspondence is as far ranging as problems with a passport photos printed on glossy paper (regulations required non-glossy paper) to a request for assistance in obtaining construction funds for an adult activity center in Northern Kentucky (referred to the HEW Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services). The folders may also contain pamphlets, news clippings and other material related to the specific subject or problem. This material is arranged by Congress and then alphabetically by department except that all military branches and veterans cases are at the front of each section.
General Series This series consists largely of constituent correspondence that is very general nature and does not usually relate to specific legislation or an application problem. It is arranged chronologically by Congress (81st, 82nd, 83rd, etc.), and then alphabetically by subject. It also includes copies of correspondence from Perkins to the constituent, campaign material, invitations to receptions, parties and dedications, congratulatory letters, reports and handouts from seminars and other events, Christmas and other holiday cards, constituent correspondence concerning problems with state government (usually filed in folders marked "Kentucky Govt."), mailing lists, photographs, news clippings and occasional background or research material. Please note that in the filing system for the General Series, "Kentucky Govt. - Highway Department" in 84th 87th Congress changed to "Kentucky Highways" in the 88th 93rd Congress and "Kentucky Govt. - Transportation - Highways" in the 94th 98th Congress)
Legislative Series This is an artificial series comprised of material that was apparently pulled from other series when the collection first arrived. As it all relates to legislative issues (with the speeches being an exception), it has been grouped together for ease of access. The series is comprised primarily of material relating to Congressman Perkins' activities surrounding legislation such as voting record, bills introduced and/or co-sponsored, remarks made for the Congressional Record, press releases and articles or speeches.
Personal Series The Personal Series includes reference material on various subjects, guest books, and Congressional pictorial directories. Most of the material in this series was found in Congressman Perkins' desk or credenza after his death, and was boxed as found. Some of this material may be re-filed later if it is clear that it belongs in other series such as General, Committee or Departmental; however, it is likely that the bulk of this material is actually photocopies from those other series.
Reed Files (Hartwell D. Reed) These files may originally have been part of the Committee Series (and were labeled as "Legislative Sub-Series"). However, it appears that they were actually files maintained by Hartwell D. (Jack) Reed as counsel to the Education & Labor Committee. They were separated sometime after they came to the EKU Archives and are currently being maintained as a series until the collection is fully processed. They comprise material similar to that found in the committee series but it appears that the majority of the correspondence is non-constituent and there is much more inter-government communication as well as background or research material on the subjects indicated by the folder titles.
Specialized Formats This series contains the plaques, awards and certificates that Mr. Perkins accumulated during his long career as well as a number of artifacts such as lapel pins, carvings, paperweights, nameplates and commemorative coins. Included in this series are motion picture film, audiotapes (in several formats) and videotapes that document his career. There are also 884 photographs that provide a visual record of visits to his home district and activities in the House as well as photo opportunities with constituents and dignitaries. Among the people he was photographed with are Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Andrew Young, Pearl Bailey, Robert Kennedy and Walter Mondale. This series also contains much of the correspondence relating to request for photographs of the Congressman or of the President.
Biographical Note
Carl D. Perkins, was born in Hindman, KY on October 15, 1912. He attended school in Knott County before enrolling at Caney Junior College (now Alice Lloyd). He also attended Lees College before teaching in a remote Knott County school. In 1935 he graduated from the University of Louisville law school. He entered private practice for the next three years, during which time he married Verna Johnson, a teacher. They had one child, Carl Christopher. Perkins completed an unexpired term as commonwealth attorney in 1939 and the following year was elected to the Kentucky General Assembly. He was elected Knott County attorney in 1941, and again in 1945 after his first tenure was interrupted by combat service in World War II. A Democrat from Kentucky's mountainous 7th District, Perkins was first elected to Congress in 1948 and began to serve on January 3, 1949. He was appointed to the House Education and Labor Committee. Perkins became chairman of the committee in 1967, as it prepared to consider major anti-poverty legislation. Perkins was a champion of the rights of labor, one of the nation's foremost advocates of federal social welfare programs for the disadvantaged and was considered the father of virtually every postwar federal education program. His bill supporting vocational education became law in 1963. The following year his committee produced landmark legislation to provide financial aid to disadvantaged college students, and, for the first time, extend general federal aid to elementary and secondary education. He helped formulate the Economic Opportunity Act, centerpiece of Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, and was one of its strongest advocates. He was a champion of the Head Start program, the school lunch program, adult education, federal assistance to libraries, and federal aid for the construction of highways and hospitals in the depressed Appalachian region. An early supporter of civil rights, Perkins backed President Harry S. Truman's attempt to establish a permanent Fair Employment Practices Commission, and was one of eleven Southern Democrats to vote for the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He also wrote federal legislation to improve safety standards in coal mines and to extend compensation to victims of black lung disease. In his final years, Perkins fought vigorously to protect federal education and social welfare programs from budget cuts, and he emerged as a leading Democratic spokesman in opposition to the Reagan administration. Perkins died of a massive heart attack on August 3, 1984, en route from Washington to his home in Hindman and was buried in Perkins Cemetery at Leburn, KY. (Adapted from: The Kentucky Encyclopedia, 1992.)
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives
Acquisition Source:
Perkins, Carl C.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Application],
Series 2: Committee],
[Series 3: Departmental],
Series 4: General],
Series 5: Legislative],
Series 6: Personal],
Series 7: Hartwell D. Reed Files],
Series 8: Plaques, Memorabilia and Artifacts],
- Series 3: Departmental

- This series is comprised primarily of constituent correspondence having to do with problems related to branches of government. This correspondence is as far ranging as problems with a passport photos printed on glossy paper. State Department regulations required non-glossy paper to a request for assistance in obtaining construction funds for an adult activity center in Northern Kentucky referred to the HEW Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services. As might be expected, the folders may also contain pamphlets, news clippings and other material related to the specific subject or problem. This material is arranged by Congress and then alphabetically by department except that all military branches and veterans cases are at the front of each section.
- Box D-001: 81st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114555
- Folder 1: Army - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Veterans - Misc

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Surplus Food

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 7: Army - Army Engineers

- Folder 8: Army - Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 9: Army - Army Engineers - Dewey Dam Appropriations

- Folder 10: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Commerce - Census Bureau

- Folder 12: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous, 1950

- Box D-002: 81st and 82nd Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014114597
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous, 1949

- Folder 2: Civil Service Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Interior - Bureau of Mines

- Folder 5: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1949

- Folder 7: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1950

- Folder 8: Post Office - Mail Routes, 1949

- Folder 9: Post Office - Mail Routes, 1950

- Folder 10: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Box D-003: 82nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234013795537
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Big Sandy Locks & Dams

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Fishtrap and Haysi Reservoirs

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Kentucky River Locks & Dams

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Kentucky River Locks & Dams - Misc. Correspondence

- Folder 6: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Commerce - Census Bureau

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies, 1951

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies, 1952

- Folder 11: Independent Agencies - Atomic Energy Plant - Eastern Kentucky

- Folder 12: Independent Agencies - Atomic Energy Plant - Louisville

- Folder 13: Independent Agencies - ECA Coal Exports

- Box D-004: 82nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114571
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - ESA Controls

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Commerce - Steel Seizure

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Tennessee Valley Authority - TVA

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Tennessee valley Authority - District Mail

- Folder 5: Interior - Bureau of Mines - Synthetic Liquid Fuel

- Folder 6: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1951

- Box D-005: 82nd and 83rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114589
- Folder 1: Post Office - Mail Routes, 1951

- Folder 2: Air Force - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Army - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Veterans - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Commodity Credit Corporation - Surplus Foods

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Drought, 1953

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Reorganization Plan

- Folder 9: Agriculture - REA - Rural Electrification Administration

- Box D-006: 83rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114506
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Soil Conservation - Little Sandy - Tygart's Creek

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Buckhorn Reservoir

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - East Kentucky Industrial Organization

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Fishtrap and Haysi Reservoirs

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Greenup Dam

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Jackson Cutoff - Including Appropriations

- Folder 11: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Correspondence from District
- Box D-007: 83rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114498
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Kentucky River Locks and Dams

- Folder 2: Civil Service - Misc

- Folder 3: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies, 1953

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Atomic Energy

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Tennessee valley Authority

- Folder 7: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Interior - Bureau of Mines - Synthetic Liquid Fuel

- Folder 9: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Labor - Distressed Area Authorization, f.01

- Box D-008: 83rd and 84th Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014114480
- Folder 1: Labor - Distressed Area Authorization, f.02

- Folder 2: Post Offices - Miscellaneous, 1953

- Folder 3: Post Offices - Louisville

- Folder 4: Post Offices - Mail Routes, 1953

- Folder 5: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: State - FOA, Foreign Operations Administration - Coal Exports

- Folder 7: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Air Force - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Army - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Veterans - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Box D-009: 84th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114472
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Commodity Credit Corporation - Surplus Foods

- Folder 2: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Buckhorn Reservoir

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Cave Run Dam

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Catlettsburg Flood Wall

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Greenup Dam

- Folder 11: Army Engineers - Jackson Cutoff

- Including Appropriations
- Folder 12: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Box D-010: 84th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114464
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Lock & Dam No.3 - Louisa, Kentucky

- Folder 2: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Commerce - Census - Agriculture, 1954

- Folder 4: Commerce - Kentucky Highways

- Folder 5: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Small Business

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Tennessee valley Authority

- Folder 9: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Interior - Bureau of Mines - Synthetic Liquid Fuel

- Box D-011: 84th and 85th Congresses

- Barcode: 31234013795546
- Folder 1: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Labor - Employment Security

- Folder 3: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: State - FOA, Foreign Operations Administration - Coal Exports

- Folder 6: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Army - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Navy - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Veteran's Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Agriculture - REA

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Tobacco - Morehead Tobacco Warehouse

- Box D-012: 85th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114456
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Upper Licking River Project

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1957-1958

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Beattyville

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Big Sandy, Pound, Fishtrap, KY River

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Buckhorn Reservoir

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Catlettsburg Flood Wall

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Catlettsburg Lock & Dam

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Cave Run Dam

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Cumberland River - Wolf Creek Dam

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Greenup Dam

- Folder 11: Army Engineers - Jackson Cutoff

- Folder 12: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Folder 13: Army Engineers - Little Sandy - Tygart's Creek

- Folder 14: Army Engineers - Louisa

- Box D-013: 85th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114449
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Markland Locks & Dams

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - New Richmond Locks & Dams

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Ohio River Valley Improvement Association

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Olive Hill

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Prestonsburg

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Russell

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Salyersville

- Folder 8: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Commerce - Kentucky Highways

- Folder 10: Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Health, Education, and Welfare - Greenup County Schools

- Folder 12: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Independent Agencies - Atomic Energy

- Folder 14: Independent Agencies - Civil Defense - Kentucky River, Floods

- Folder 15: Independent Agencies - Civil Defense - Kentucky Floods

- Box D-014: 85th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114431
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Civil Defense - Kentucky Floods - Red Cross

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Civil Defense - Road & Bridge Repairs, Kentucky Flood

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Communications Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Federal Housing Administration

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Office of Defense Mobilization

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - Railroad Retirement

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - Selective Service

- Folder 11: Independent Agencies - Small Business

- Folder 12: Independent Agencies - Tennessee valley Authority

- Folder 13: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 14: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 15: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 16: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Box D-015: 85th and 86th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114340
- Folder 1: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 2: Post Office - Rural Routes - Pikeville - Victor Moore

- Folder 3: State Department - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Treasury Department - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Air Force - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Army - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Navy - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Robinson Substation

- Folder 10: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Surplus Food

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Box D-016: 86th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114357
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1960

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1961

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Big Sandy - Pond Creek Local Protection Project and Williamson's Flood Wall

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Catlettsburg Flood wall

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Cave Run Dam

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Cumberland River

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Greenup Dam

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Box D-017: 86th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114365
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Little Sandy - Tygart's Creek

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Louisa

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Markland Lock & Dams

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - New Richmond - Locks & Dams

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Ohio River Valley

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Walker Creek Dam

- Folder 7: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Commerce - Census - Applications for Census Jobs

- Folder 10: Commerce - Kentucky Highways

- Folder 11: Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous

- Box D-018: 86th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114373
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Federal Communication Commission

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Housing Administration

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Small Business Administration

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Tennessee valley Authority

- Folder 9: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 12: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 14: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Jeff, Kona, Letcher, Blackey, Ison
- Folder 15: Treasury Department - Miscellaneous

- Folder 16: State Department - Miscellaneous

- Box D-019: 87th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114381
- Folder 1: Air Force - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Air Force - A-B

- Folder 3: Army - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Navy - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Navy - A-C

- Folder 6: Navy - D-L

- Folder 7: Navy - M-Z

- Folder 8: Veterans Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Box D-020: 87th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114399
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Surplus Foods

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Misc

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Carr's Fork

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Carr's Fork - Hazard Herald

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Cave Run Dam

- Box D-021: 87th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114407
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Grayson Reservoir

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Greenup Dam

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Little Sandy - Tygart's Creek

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Little Sinking Valley

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Ohio River Valley

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Paint Creek - Paintsville

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Triplett Creek

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Walker Creek Dam

- Folder 11: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 12: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Commerce - Census A-F

- Folder 14: Commerce - Census D-L

- Box D-022: 87th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114415
- Folder 1: Commerce - Census M-R

- Folder 2: Commerce - Census S-Z

- Folder 3: Commerce - Kentucky Highways

- Folder 4: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Atomic Energy

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Federal Communications Commission

- Box D-023: 87th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114423
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Federal Housing - Correspondence, 1961

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Federal Housing - Correspondence, 1962

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Housing - Publications

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Flood Disaster

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Peace Corps

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - Selective Service

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - Small Business Administration

- Folder 11: Independent Agencies - Tennessee Valley Authority

- Box D-024: 87th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115628
- Folder 1: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 6: Post Office - Watts, John

- Box D-025: 87th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796261
- Folder 1: State Department - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Treasury Department - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARA, Area Redevelopment Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARA - Materials

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARA - Bath County

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARA - Boyd County

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARA - Breathitt County

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARA - Carter County

- Folder 9: Commerce - ARA - Elliott County

- Folder 10: Commerce - ARA - Fleming County

- Folder 11: Commerce - ARA - Floyd County

- Folder 12: Commerce - ARA - Greenup County

- Folder 13: Commerce - ARA - Johnson County

- Folder 14: Commerce - ARA - Knott County

- Folder 15: Commerce - ARA - Lawrence County

- Folder 16: Commerce - ARA - Lee County

- Folder 17: Commerce - ARA - Letcher County

- Folder 18: Commerce - ARA - Lewis County

- Folder 19: Commerce - ARA - Magoffin County

- Box D-026: 87th and 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115636
- Folder 1: Commerce - ARA - Martin County

- Folder 2: Commerce - ARA - Mason County

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARA - Menifee County

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARA - Morgan County

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARA - Perry County

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARA - Pike County

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARA - Rowan County

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARA - Wolfe County

- Folder 9: Air Force - Misc

- Folder 10: Army - Misc

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Misc

- Folder 12: Agriculture - FHA, Farmer's Home Administration - Misc

- Folder 13: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 14: Agriculture - REA - Letters from Members

- Box D-027: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115651
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Surplus Foods

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Misc., 1963

- Box D-028: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115644
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Misc., 1964

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Materials

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Big Sandy

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Booneville

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Box D-029: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115677
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Flood Control

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Box D-030: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115685
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Kinniconick Creek

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Licking River

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Little Sandy - Tygart's Creek

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Little Sinking

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Ohio River Valley

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Paint Creek

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Tripletts Creek

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Walker Creek

- Folder 9: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Box D-031: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115669
- Folder 1: Commerce - Misc

- Folder 2: Commerce - Census

- Folder 3: Commerce - Census - A - F

- Folder 4: Commerce - Census - G - L

- Folder 5: Commerce - Census - M - R

- Folder 6: Commerce - Census - S - Z

- Folder 7: Commerce - Kentucky Highways

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARA, Area Redevelopment Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Commerce - ARA - Materials, f.01

- Box D-032: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115594
- Folder 1: Commerce - ARA - Materials, f.02

- Folder 2: Commerce - ARA - Appalachian Region

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARA - Eastern Kentucky Emergency Projects

- Folder 4: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous, f.01

- Box D-033: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115610
- Folder 1: HEW - Misc., f.02

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Economic Opportunity

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - FAA, Federal Aviation Administration

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Federal Communications

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Federal Housing

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - General Services

- Box D-034: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115602
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEP - Office of Emergency Planning - Floods 1963

- Government Correspondence
- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEP - Floods 1963 - Paintsville Correspondence

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEP - Floods 1963 - Public Correspondence

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Public and Private Power

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Railroad Retirement

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Small Business Administration

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Selective Service

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - Tennessee Valley Authority

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - Unemployment Compensation

- Box D-035: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115586
- Folder 1: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Post Office - Fifth District

- Folder 6: Post Office - Rural Routes - Misc

- Folder 7: Post Office - Rural Routes - Ashland - Pikeville

- Box D-036: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796279
- Folder 1: Post Office - Rural Routes - West Prestonsburg - Salyersville

- Folder 2: State - Misc

- Folder 3: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Bath County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 5: Boyd County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 6: Breathitt County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 7: Carter County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 8: Fleming County - Commerce - ARA

- Box D-037: 88th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115578
- Folder 1: Floyd County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 2: Greenup County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 3: Johnson County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 4: Knott County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 5: Lawrence County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 6: Lee County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 7: Letcher County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 8: Lewis County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 9: Magoffin County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 10: Martin County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 11: Mason County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 12: Menifee County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 13: Morgan County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 14: Perry County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 15: Perry County - Mt. Mary Hospital - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 16: Rowan County - Commerce - ARA

- Folder 17: Wolfe County - Commerce - ARA

- Box D-038: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115560
- Folder 1: Veterans Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Miscellaneous, 1965

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Miscellaneous, 1966

- Folder 4: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Box D-039: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115552
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Misc

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Big Sandy

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Beaver Creek - Right and Left

- Box D-040: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115545
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Booneville

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Box D-041: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115537
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Kinniconick

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Knox

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Licking River

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Little Sinking

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Ohio River

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Paint Creek

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Tygart Creek

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Box D-042: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114332
- Folder 1: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Commerce - Appalachia - Vocational Schools

- Folder 4: Commerce - Appalachian Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Commerce - Appalachian Highways

- Box D-043: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114324
- Folder 1: Commerce - Census - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Commerce - Kentucky Highways

- Folder 3: Commerce - Kentucky Highways - Tug Valley

- Folder 4: Commerce - EDA, Economic Development Association - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Box D-044: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114290
- Folder 1: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous, 1965

- Folder 2: HEW - Miscellaneous, 1966

- Folder 3: HEW - Information

- Box D-045: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114308
- Folder 1: HUD, Housing and Urban Development - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Atomic Energy Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Emergency Planning Office

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Federal Aviation Agency

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Federal Communication Commission

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Federal Communication Commission - Whitesburg TV Translator

- Box D-046: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114316
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Kentucky Soil &Water Conservation Commission

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - OEO, Office of Economic Opportunity - Miscellaneous

- Box D-047: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013795552
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area Development Council, Floyd, Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin, Martin, Pike

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - Licking Valley Community Action - Bath, Fleming, Mason, Menifee, and others out of district

- Folder 3: OEO - Middle Kentucky River Group - Breathitt, Lee, Wolfe, Owsley

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO - Neighborhood Youth Corps - Miscellaneous, 1966

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - Northeast Kentucky Area Development Council - Carter, Elliott, Greenup, Lewis, Morgan, Rowan

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - OEO - Upper Kentucky River - Knott, Letcher, Perry, Leslie

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - OEO - Vista, Appalachian Volunteers

- Box D-048: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115495
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Selective Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Small Business - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Labor - MDTA, Manpower Development and Training Act

- Folder 7: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Box D-049: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115503
- Folder 1: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 2: Post Office - Rural Routes - Morgan County

- Folder 3: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Transportation - Misc., 1966

- Box D-050: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796287
- Folder 1: Bath County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Bath County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 3: Boyd County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 4: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 6: Boyd County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 7: Breathitt County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 8: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 9: Breathitt County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 10: Carter County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 11: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Carter County - HUD

- Folder 13: Carter County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 14: Elliott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Elliott County - HUD

- Folder 16: Elliott County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 17: Fleming County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 18: Fleming County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 19: Floyd County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 20: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Floyd County - Beaver - Elkhorn - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 22: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 23: Floyd County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-051: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115438
- Folder 1: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 3: Greenup County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 4: Johnson County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 5: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 7: Johnson County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 8: Knott County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 9: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 11: Knott County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-052: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115446
- Folder 1: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Lawrence County - HUD

- Folder 3: Lawrence County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 4: Lee County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 5: Lee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Lee County - HUD

- Folder 7: Lee County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 8: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Letcher County - HUD

- Folder 10: Letcher County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 11: Lewis County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 12: Lewis County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Lewis County - HUD

- Folder 14: Lewis County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 15: Magoffin County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 16: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 17: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 18: Magoffin County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 19: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 20: Martin County - HUD

- Folder 21: Martin County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 22: Mason County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 23: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 24: Mason County - HUD

- Folder 25: Mason County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 26: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 27: Menifee County - HUD

- Folder 28: Menifee County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 29: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 30: Morgan County - HUD

- Folder 31: Morgan County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 32: Perry County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 33: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 34: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 35: Perry County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-053: 89th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115453
- Folder 1: Pike County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 2: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 3: Pike County - HUD

- Folder 4: Pike County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 5: Rowan County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 6: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Rowan County - Water - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 9: Rowan County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 10: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Wolfe County - HUD

- Folder 12: Wolfe County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-054: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115461
- Folder 1: Marines - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Navy - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Veteran's Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Agriculture - FHA, Farmer's Home Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Agriculture - FHA - Special Impact Program

- Folder 7: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Box D-055: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115479
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Soil Conservation - Requests

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Surplus Food

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous - 1967

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Beaver Creek - Right and Left

- Box D-056: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115487
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Booneville

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Big Sandy

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Cave Run, Access Roads

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Cave Run, Land Appraisal

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Box D-057: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115511
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Kentucky River

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Kinniconick

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Knox

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Licking River

- Box D-058: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013795560
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Little Sinking

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Ohio River

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Paint Creek

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Red River

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Royalton

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Tygart's Creek - Kehoe

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Folder 8: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Box D-059: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115529
- Folder 1: Commerce - Appalachian Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Commerce - Appalachian Highways

- Folder 3: Commerce - Appalachian - Hospitals

- Folder 4: Commerce - Appalachian - Vocational Schools

- Folder 5: Commerce - Census - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Commerce - Census - A-F

- Folder 7: Commerce - Census - G-L

- Folder 8: Commerce - Census - M-R

- Folder 9: Commerce - Census - S-Z

- Folder 10: Commerce - Kentucky Highways

- Folder 11: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 12: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Misc., 1967

- Box D-060: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115420
- Folder 1: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Misc., 1968

- Folder 2: HEW - Aging

- Folder 3: HEW - Education

- Folder 4: HEW - Education - BOOTSTRAP, Better Opportunities for Teachers and Students to Realize the Awareness for Progress

- Box D-061: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115412
- Folder 1: HEW - Education - Proposals for Congressman Perkins

- Folder 2: HEW - Hospitals, 1967

- Folder 3: HEW - Information

- Folder 4: HEW - Social Security - Miscellaneous, 1967

- Folder 5: HUD - Housing & Urban Development - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Atomic Energy Committee

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Emergency Planning Office

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - Federal Aviation Agency

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - Federal Communication Commission

- Box D-062: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115404
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Federal Communication Commission - Pikeville TV, 1967

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Federal Communication Commission - Whitesburg TV Translator

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission, f.01

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission, f.02

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - OEO, Office of Economic Opportunity - Misc

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - OEO - CEP, Concentrated Employment Program

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - Small Business - Miscellaneous

- Box D-063: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796295
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area Development Council, Floyd, Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin, Martin, Pike

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - Licking Valley Community Action - Bath, Fleming, Mason, Menifee, & others out of district

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEO - Middle Kentucky River Group - Breathitt, Lee, Wolfe, Owsley

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO - Northeast Kentucky Area Development Council - Carter, Elliott, Greenup, Lewis, Morgan, Rowan

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - Upper Kentucky River - Leslie, Knott, Letcher, Perry, CAC, f.01

- Box D-064: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115396
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Upper Kentucky River - Leslie, Knott, Letcher, Perry, CAC, f.02

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - Neighborhood Youth Corps, 1967

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEO - Project Hope

- Folder 4: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Interior - Geologic Survey Requests

- Folder 6: Interior - Strip Mining

- Folder 7: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Box D-065: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115362
- Folder 1: Labor - Green Thumb

- Folder 2: Labor - MDTA, Manpower Development and Training

- Folder 3: Post Office - Misc

- Folder 4: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 5: State - Miscellaneous

- Box D-066: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796303
- Folder 1: Transportation - Misc

- Folder 2: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Misc. Counties - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Misc. Counties - Commerce - EDA - FIVCO Area Development

- Folder 5: Bath County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Bath County - HUD

- Folder 7: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 9: Boyd County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 10: Breathitt County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 11: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 13: Breathitt County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 14: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Carter County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 16: Elliott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 17: Elliott County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-067: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115388
- Folder 1: Fleming County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 2: Fleming County - HUD

- Folder 3: Fleming County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 4: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Floyd County - Beaver - Elkhorn - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Floyd County - Sandy Valley - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 8: Floyd County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 9: Greenup County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 10: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 12: Greenup County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 13: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 14: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 15: Johnson County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 16: Knott County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 17: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 18: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 19: Knott County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 20: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Lee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 22: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 23: Letcher County - HUD

- Box D-068: 90th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115370
- Folder 1: Letcher County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 2: Lewis County - HUD

- Folder 3: Magoffin County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 4: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 6: Magoffin County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 7: Martin County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 8: Mason County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 9: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Menifee County - HUD

- Folder 11: Menifee County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 12: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Morgan County - HUD

- Folder 14: Morgan County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 15: Perry County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 16: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 17: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 18: Perry County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 19: Pike County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 20: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Pike County - Marrowbone - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 22: Pike County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 23: Rowan County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 24: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 25: Rowan County - Water - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 26: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 27: Rowan County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 28: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 29: Wolfe County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-069: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115354
- Folder 1: Navy - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Air Force - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Veterans Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Agriculture - FHA, Federal Housing Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Agriculture - FHA - Special Impact Program

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox Creek Water Shed, f.01

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox Creek Watershed, f.02

- Folder 9: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electric Administration

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Box D-070: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115289
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Surplus Food

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Misc

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Beaver Creek, Right & Left

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Big Sinking

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Booneville

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Box D-071: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115271
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Cave Run Access Roads

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Cave Run Land Appraisal

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Kentucky River - Kingdom Come

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Licking River - Royalton Dam

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Ohio River

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Paint Creek

- Folder 11: Army Engineers - Pikeville

- Box D-072: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115297
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Tygart's Creek - Kehoe

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Folder 3: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Commerce - Appalachia - Tri-State Airport, Midway

- Folder 6: Commerce - Appalachia - Tri-State Airport, Midway

- Folder 7: Commerce - Appalachian Commission - Miscellaneous

- Box D-073: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115305
- Folder 1: Commerce - Appalachian Highways

- Folder 2: Commerce - Appalachian Hospitals

- Folder 3: Commerce - Appalachian Vocational Schools

- Folder 4: Commerce - Census Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Commerce - Census - A-F

- Folder 6: Commerce - Census - G-L

- Folder 7: Commerce - Census - M-R

- Folder 8: Commerce - Census - S-Z

- Folder 9: Commerce - EDA, Economic Development Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous, f.01

- Box D-074: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115313
- Folder 1: HEW - Miscellaneous, f.01

- Folder 2: HEW - Aging

- Folder 3: HEW - Air Pollution

- Folder 4: HEW - Education, f.01

- Folder 5: HEW - Education, f.02

- Box D-075: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115321
- Folder 1: HEW - Education, f.03

- Folder 2: HEW - Education, f.04

- Folder 3: HEW - Grants

- Folder 4: HEW - Headstart

- Folder 5: HEW - Headstart, form letters

- Folder 6: HEW - Hospitals

- Folder 7: HEW - Hospitals - Methodist, Pikeville, Kentucky

- Folder 8: HEW - Hospitals - Morgan County

- Box D-076: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115347
- Folder 1: HUD, Housing and Urban Development - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Aviation Agency

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - FCC, Federal Communications Commission

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - FCC - Pikeville T.V.

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - ICC, Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - ICC, C&O Railroad

- Folder 11: Independent Agencies - Office of Emergency Preparedness

- Folder 12: Independent Agencies - Selective Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Independent Agencies - Small Business - Miscellaneous

- Box D-077: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115339
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - Miscellaneous, form Letters on Program Cuts

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEO - Appalachian Volunteers - VISTA

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO - CEP, Concentrated Employment Plan

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - CEP - Correspondence - Medical - Green Thumb

- Box D-078: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796311
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy ADC - Floyd, Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin, Martin, Pike - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy - Floyd County Comprehensive Health Service

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEO - Gateway Area Development Council

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO - Licking Valley Community Act - Bath, Fleming, Mason, Menifee, and others out of district

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - Middle Kentucky River Area Development Council

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - OEO - Middle Kentucky River Group - Breathitt, Lee, Wolfe, Owsley

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - OEO - Northeast Kentucky Area Development Council - Carter, Elliott, Greenup, Lewis, Morgan, Rowan

- Box D-079: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115263
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Upper Kentucky River - Leslie, Knott, Letcher, Perry

- Folder 2: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Interior - Strip Mining

- Folder 4: Interior - Water Pollution

- Box D-080: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115255
- Folder 1: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Labor - Green Thumb

- Folder 4: Labor - Job Corps

- Folder 5: Labor - MDTA, Manpower Development and Training Act

- Folder 6: Labor - NYC, Neighborhood Youth Corps - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Labor - NYC - I-O

- Folder 8: Labor - OJT, On the Job Training Program

- Box D-081: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796329
- Folder 1: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 3: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Transportation - Misc

- Folder 5: Miscellaneous Counties, FIVCO Area Development - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Misc. Counties, Middle Kentucky Housing - Breathitt, Wolfe, Lee, Owsley - HUD

- Folder 7: Misc. Counties, FIVCO - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-082: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796337
- Folder 1: Bath County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Bath County - HUD

- Folder 3: Bath County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 4: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Boyd County - Cannonsburg Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 7: Boyd County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 8: Breathitt County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 9: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 11: Breathitt County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 12: Carter County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 13: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 14: Carter County - Globe-Soldier Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Carter County - HUD

- Folder 16: Elliott County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 17: Fleming County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 18: Fleming County - HUD

- Folder 19: Fleming County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 20: Floyd County - Beaver - Elkhorn - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 22: Floyd County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 23: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 24: Greenup County - Maloneton Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Box D-083: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115206
- Folder 1: Greenup County - Worthington Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 3: Greenup County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 4: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 6: Johnson County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 7: Knott County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 8: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Knott County - Caney Creek - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Knott County - Hindman Water System - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 12: Knott County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 13: Knott County - Quicksand Center - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 14: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Lawrence County - HUD

- Folder 16: Lee County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 17: Lee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 18: Lee County - HUD

- Folder 19: Lee County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Box D-084: 91st Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115149
- Folder 1: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Letcher County - HUD

- Folder 3: Letcher County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 4: Lewis County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 5: Lewis County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Lewis County - HUD

- Folder 7: Lewis County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 8: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Magoffin County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 10: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 11: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Martin County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 13: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 14: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Menifee County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 16: Morgan County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 17: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 18: Morgan County - HUD

- Folder 19: Perry County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 20: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 22: Perry County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 23: Pike County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 24: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 25: Pike County - Marrow Bone - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 26: Pike & Floyd Counties - Sandy Valley Water - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 27: Pike County - HUD

- Folder 28: Pike County - HUD

- Box D-085: 91st and 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115131
- Folder 1: Pike County - Model Cities Program/Pike County Airport - HUD

- Folder 2: Pike County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 3: Rowan County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 4: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 6: Rowan County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 7: Wolfe County - Commerce - Appalachia

- Folder 8: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Wolfe County - HUD

- Folder 10: Wolfe County - Independent Agencies - OEO

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 12: Agriculture - FHA Farmer's Home Administration Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Agriculture - FHA Farmer's Home Administration Special Impact Program

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox Creek Watershed

- Folder 15: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Surplus Food / Food Stamps

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Box D-086: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115164
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Beaver Creek - Right & Left - Martin

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Booneville

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Box D-087: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115248
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Fishtrap - Evaluation of Mining Activities and Resultant Siltation Problem

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Kentucky River - Kingdom Come

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Kinniconick

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Licking River - Royalton Dam

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Paint Creek - Paintsville

- Box D-088: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115230
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Ohio River

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Pikeville

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Red River

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Tug Fork

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Tygart Creek - Kehoe

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Yatesville, 1971-1972

- Folder 7: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 9: Commerce - Appalachian Commission, f.01

- Box D-089: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115198
- Folder 1: Commerce - Appalachian Commission, f.02

- Folder 2: Commerce - Appalachian Hospital

- Folder 3: Commerce - Appalachian Highways

- Folder 4: Commerce - Appalachian Vocational Schools

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission - Big Sandy Area Development District

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARC - Bluegrass Area Development District

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARC - Buffalo Trace Area Development District - State National Bank Building, Maysville, KY

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARC - FIVCO Area Development District

- Folder 9: Commerce - ARC - Gateway Area Development District

- Folder 10: Commerce - ARC - Kentucky River Foothills Area Development District

- Folder 11: Commerce - Census - Miscellaneous

- Folder 12: Commerce - Census - A-H

- Folder 13: Commerce - Census - I-O

- Folder 14: Commerce - Census - P-Z

- Box D-090: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115214
- Folder 1: Commerce - EDA - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: HEW - Miscellaneous, 1971

- Folder 4: HEW - Miscellaneous, 1972

- Folder 5: HEW - Child Development

- Folder 6: HEW - Education, f.01

- Box D-091: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115222
- Folder 1: HEW - Education, f.02

- Folder 2: HEW - Food and Drug Administration

- Folder 3: HEW - Headstart

- Folder 4: HEW - Hospitals

- Folder 5: HEW - Mental Health

- Folder 6: HEW - Public Health

- Box D-092: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234013795578
- Folder 1: HUD, Housing and Urban Development - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Environmental Protection Agency

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Federal Aviation Agency

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - FCC, Federal Communications Commission

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - FCC - Whitesburg TV Translator

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Box D-093: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115180
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Office of Emergency Preparedness

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO, Office of Economic Opportunity - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - CEP, Concentrated Employment Plan - Misc

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area CAP, Community Action Program - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area CAP, Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services, f.01

- Box D-094: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115172
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area CAP, Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services, f.02

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area CAP, Floyd County Emergency Food & Medical

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEO - Kentucky River Foothills Development Council

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Leslie, Knott, Letcher, Perry - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Home Repair - Eastern Kentucky Housing Development Corporation

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Millstone Sewing Center

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - OEO - Licking Valley CAP

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - OEO - Middle Kentucky River CAP

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - OEO - Northeast KY CAP

- Box D-095: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115156
- Folder 1: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Interior - Geological Survey Request

- Folder 3: Interior - Mining

- Folder 4: Interior - Pollution

- Folder 5: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Labor - Emergency Employment

- Box D-096: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115123
- Folder 1: Labor - Green Thumb; Green Light

- Folder 2: Labor - Job Corps - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Labor - MDTA, Manpower Development and Training Act

- Folder 4: Labor - Neighborhood Youth Corps - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Labor - OJT, On-Job-Training

- Folder 6: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Box D-097: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234013796345
- Folder 1: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Transportation - Misc

- Folder 3: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Misc. Counties - Middle Kentucky Housing - Breathitt, Wolfe, Lee, and Owsley

- Folder 5: Bath County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Bath County - HUD

- Folder 7: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Boyd County - Cannonsburg Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Boyd County - Greenup Sanitation - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 11: Bracken County - HUD

- Folder 12: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Breathitt County - HUD

- Box D-098: 92nd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115081
- Folder 1: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Carter County - Globe-Soldier Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 3: Carter County - HUD

- Folder 4: Elliott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Elliott County - HUD

- Folder 6: Fleming County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Floyd County - Beaver - Elkhorn - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 10: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Greenup County - Maloneton Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 14: Knott County - Hindman Water System - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 16: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 17: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 18: Letcher County - HUD

- Folder 19: Lewis County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 20: Lewis County - HUD

- Folder 21: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 22: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 23: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 24: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 25: Mason County - HUD

- Folder 26: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 27: Menifee County - HUD

- Folder 28: Montgomery County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 29: Montgomery County - HUD

- Folder 30: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Box D-099: 92nd and 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115099
- Folder 1: Nicholas County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 3: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Pike County - Marrowbone Water District - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Pike County - HUD

- Folder 7: Pike County - HUD - Model Cities - Pikeville Airport

- Folder 8: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 10: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Wolfe County - HUD

- Folder 12: Veteran's Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 14: Agriculture - FHA. - Miscellaneous

- Folder 15: Agriculture - REA

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Food Stamps / Surplus Food Commodities

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Forest Service

- Box D-100: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115107
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Soil Conservation

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Tobacco

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous

- Box D-101: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115115
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous - User Charges

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Booneville

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Carr's Fork

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Box D-102: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115040
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Cave Run - Zilpo

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Kehoe - Tygart Creek

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Kentucky River - Kingdom Come

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Kinniconick

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Martin - Beaver Creek, right & left

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Ohio River, f.01

- Box D-103: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115057
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Ohio River, f.02

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Paintsville - Paint Creek

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Pikeville

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Red River, f.01

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Red River, f.02

- Box D-104: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115065
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Red River, f.03

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Red River, f.04

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Red River - Meadows, Nellie Exhibit

- Oversize Box D-255
- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Royalton Dam - Licking River

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Tug Fork

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Box D-105: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115701
- Folder 1: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Commerce - Census - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARC - Miscellaneous - Project Applications

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARC - Appalachian Highways

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARC - Appalachian Vocational Schools

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARC - Big Sandy ADD, Area Development District

- Folder 9: Commerce - ARC - Buffalo Trace ADD

- Folder 10: Commerce - ARC - Bluegrass ADD

- Folder 11: Commerce - ARC - FIVCO - ADD

- Folder 12: Commerce - ARC - Gateway ADD

- Folder 13: Commerce - ARC - Kentucky River Foothills ADD

- Folder 14: Commerce - EDA, Economic Development Administration - Misc

- Box D-106: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115693
- Folder 1: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: HEW - Appalachian Hospitals

- Box D-107: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115016
- Folder 1: HEW - Day Care & KIPP, Kentucky Infant Preschool Project

- Folder 2: HEW - Education

- Box D-108: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234013795586
- Folder 1: HEW - Food & Drug Administration

- Folder 2: HEW - Headstart and Follow Through

- Folder 3: HEW - Hospitals

- Folder 4: HEW - Mental Health

- Folder 5: HEW - Public Health

- Folder 6: HUD, Housing & Urban Development - Miscellaneous

- Box D-109: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115024
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Cost of Living Council, 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Cost of Living Council - Budget - Cutback in Programs

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Environmental Protection Agency

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Federal Communications Commission

- Box D-110: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115032
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Federal Energy Administration 3 folders)

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Federal Power Commission

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - General Accounting Office

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Box D-111: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115008
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - National Foundation for Arts & Humanities

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - National Science Foundation

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO, Office of Economic Opportunity - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area CAP, Community Action Program - Misc

- Box D-112: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014114993
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - Kentucky River Foothills Development Council

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Leslie, Knott, Letcher, Perry - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Boone Fork - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Eastern KY Housing Development Corporation - Misc.

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - Licking Valley CAP

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - OEO - Middle KY River CAP

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - OEO - Northeast KY CAP

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Office of Emergency Preparedness

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - Selective Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - Small Business Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Independent Agencies - Railroad Retirement - Miscellaneous

- Folder 12: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 13: Interior - Energy & Fuel Crisis & Conversion

- Box D-113: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115073
- Folder 1: Interior - Mining

- Folder 2: Interior - Outdoor Recreation

- Folder 3: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Labor - Concentrated Employment Program

- Folder 6: Labor - Emergency Employment

- Folder 7: Labor - Green Thumb - Green Light

- Folder 8: Labor - MDTA, Manpower Development and Training Act

- Folder 9: Labor - Neighborhood Youth Corps - Miscellaneous

- Box D-114: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117145
- Folder 1: Labor - On The Job Training and Job Corps

- Folder 2: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 4: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Transportation - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Transportation - Federal Aviation Administration

- Folder 7: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Box D-115: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117137
- Folder 1: Bath County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Bath County - HUD, Housing and Urban Development

- Folder 3: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 5: Bracken County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 8: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Carter County - HUD

- Folder 10: Elliott County - HUD

- Folder 11: Fleming County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Fleming County - HUD

- Folder 13: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 14: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 15: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 16: Greenup County - Wurtland - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 17: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 18: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 19: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 20: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 22: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 23: Lawrence County - HUD

- Folder 24: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 25: Letcher County - HUD

- Folder 26: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 27: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 28: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Box D-116: 93rd Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117129
- Folder 1: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Mason County - HUD

- Folder 3: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Menifee County - HUD

- Folder 5: Montgomery County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Montgomery County - HUD

- Folder 8: Nicholas County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Nicholas County - HUD

- Folder 10: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 12: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Pike County - HUD

- Folder 14: Pike County - Model Cities - Pikeville Airport - HUD

- Folder 15: Powell County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 16: Powell County - HUD

- Folder 17: Robertson County - HUD

- Folder 18: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 19: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 20: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Wolfe County - HUD

- Box D-117: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117111
- Folder 1: Air Force - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Army - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Navy - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Veterans Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Food Stamps - Surplus Food Commodities

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Forest Service

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Soil Conservation and ASCS, Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Tobacco, f.01

- Box D-118: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116840
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Tobacco, f.02

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Tobacco, f.03

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, f.01

- Box D-119: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116824
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, f.02

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Booneville

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Buckhorn

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Cave Run Zilpo

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Box D-120: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116816
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Kehoe - Tygart's Creek

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Kentucky River - Kingdom Come

- Box D-121: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116808
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Martin - Beaver Creek

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Ohio River

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Paintsville - Paint Creek

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Pikeville

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Red River, f.01

- Box D-122: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116790
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Red River, f.02

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Red River Gorge

- Box D-123: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117020
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Royalton Dam - Licking River

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Tug Fork

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Folder 4: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARC - Miscellaneous Project Applications

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARC - Ambulance

- Folder 9: Commerce - ARC - Appalachian Highways

- Box D-124: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117012
- Folder 1: Commerce - ARC - Appalachian Vocational Schools

- Folder 2: Commerce - ARC - Big Sandy ADD, Area Development District

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARC - Big Sandy ADD Meeting, 16-Jul-76

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARC - Buffalo Trace ADD

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARC - Bluegrass ADD

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARC - FIVCO ADD

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARC - FIVCO ADD Meeting, 19-Aug-76

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARC - Foothills Development Council

- Folder 9: Commerce - ARC - Gateway ADD

- Folder 10: Commerce - ARC - Kentucky River ADD

- Folder 11: Commerce - Census - Miscellaneous

- Box D-125: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117004
- Folder 1: Commerce - EDA, Economic Development Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous, 1975

- Folder 4: HEW - Miscellaneous, 1976

- Folder 5: HEW - Day Care & KIPP, Kentucky Infant Preschool Project

- Box D-126: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116998
- Folder 1: HEW - Education, 1975

- Folder 2: HEW - Education, f.01, 1976

- Box D-127: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116980
- Folder 1: HEW - Education, f.02, 1976

- Folder 2: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Headstart and Follow Through

- Folder 3: HEW - Hospitals

- Box D-128: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116972
- Folder 1: HEW - Hospitals - Appalachian Regional Commission

- Folder 2: HEW - Mental Health

- Folder 3: HEW - Public Health

- Box D-129: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116964
- Folder 1: HUD, Housing and Urban Development - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Cost of Living Council

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - ERDA, Energy Research & Development Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Environment Protection Agency

- Box D-130: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116865
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Environment Protection Agency - Maxey Flats, KY

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - FCC, Federal Communications Commission

- Box D-131: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116857
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Federal Energy Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Federal Energy Administration - Kentucky Problems

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - FPC, Federal Power Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - FPC - Columbia Gas, f.01

- Box D-132: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117087
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - FPC - Columbia Gas, f.02

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - General Accounting Office

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Box D-133: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117079
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - National Foundation for Arts & Humanities

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - National Science Foundation

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO, Office of Economic Opportunity - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - Big Sandy Area CAP - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - OEO - Gateway Community Services

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - OEO - Kentucky River Foothills Development Council

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - OEO - Lexington - Fayette CAP

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - OEO - Licking Valley CAP

- Box D-134: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117061
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP. Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Eastern Kentucky Housing Development Corporation

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Home Repair, A-H

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - OEO - LKLP - Home Repair, I - O

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - OEO - Middle Kentucky River CAP

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - OEO - Northeast Kentucky CAP

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - Small Business Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - Selective Service

- Folder 9: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Interior - Conversion - ERDA, Energy Research and Development Administration

- Box D-135: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117046
- Folder 1: Interior - Mining

- Box D-136: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116956
- Folder 1: Interior - Mining - Scotia Coal Mine Disaster

- Folder 2: Interior - Mining - Scotia Coal Mine Disaster f.01, Mar-76

- Folder 3: Interior - Mining - Scotia Coal Mine Disaster f.02, Mar-76

- Folder 4: Interior - Mining - Scotia Coal Mine Disaster f.03, Mar-76

- Box D-137: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116949
- Folder 1: Interior - Mining - Scotia Coal Mine Disaster f.04, Mar-76

- Folder 2: Interior - Mine Safety - Questions & Answers, 1966

- Folder 3: Interior - Outdoor Recreation

- Folder 4: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Labor - Miscellaneous

- Box D-138: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116931
- Folder 1: Labor - CEP, Concentrated Employment Program Emergency Employment

- Folder 2: Labor - MDTA/CETA

- Folder 3: Labor - Green Thumb & Green Light

- Folder 4: Labor - Kentucky Employment Rate

- Folder 5: Labor - NYC/YCC

- Folder 6: Labor - Pensions

- Folder 7: Post Office - Miscellaneous

- Box D-139: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116873
- Folder 1: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 2: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: State - Passports & Visas

- Box D-140: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116832
- Folder 1: Transportation - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Transportation - FAA, Federal Aviation Administration

- Folder 3: Transportation - FRA, Federal Railroad Administration - Coal Hopper Cars

- Folder 4: Treasury - Revenue Sharing

- Box D-141: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117103
- Folder 1: Misc. Counties - Commerce - EDA, Economic Development Administration

- Folder 2: Bath County - HUD, Housing and Urban Development

- Folder 3: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Boyd - Greenup Counties - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 6: Bracken County - HUD

- Folder 7: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 9: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Elliott County - HUD

- Folder 11: Fleming County - HUD

- Folder 12: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Floyd County - HUD

- Box D-142: 94th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117095
- Folder 1: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 3: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 5: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 7: Lawrence County - HUD

- Folder 8: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Letcher County - HUD

- Folder 10: Lewis County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Lewis County - HUD

- Folder 12: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 14: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Martin County - HUD

- Folder 16: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 17: Mason County - HUD

- Folder 18: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 19: Menifee County - HUD

- Folder 20: Montgomery County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 21: Montgomery County - HUD

- Box D-143: 94th and 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117038
- Folder 1: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Nicholas County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 3: Nicholas County - HUD

- Folder 4: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 6: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Pike County - HUD

- Folder 8: Powell County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Powell County - HUD

- Folder 10: Robertson County - HUD

- Folder 11: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 13: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 14: Wolfe County - HUD

- Folder 15: Veterans Administration - Miscellaneous

- Box D-144: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014117053
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Agriculture - FHA, Farmer's Home Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Agriculture - FHA, A-H

- Folder 4: Agriculture - FHA, I-O

- Folder 5: Agriculture - FHA, P-Z

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Food Stamps

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Forest Service

- Box D-145: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116881
- Folder 1: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration.

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Soil Conservation & ASCS, Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Tobacco, 1977

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Tobacco, 1978

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Box D-146: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116907
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Big Sandy

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Cave Run - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Cave Run - Zilpo

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Kehoe - Tygart Creek

- Folder 11: Army Engineers - Martin - Beaver Creek

- Folder 12: Army Engineers - Ohio River, f.01

- Box D-147: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116899
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Ohio River, f.02

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Paintsville

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Paintsville-Yatesville

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Red River, 1977

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Red River, 1978

- Box D-148: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116923
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Royalton Dam - Licking River

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Tug Fork and Levisa Fork

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Folder 4: Civil Service - Miscellaneous

- Box D-149: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116915
- Folder 1: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Commerce - ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARC - Miscellaneous Project Applications

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARC - Appalachian Vocational School

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARC - Ambulance

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARC - Big Sandy ADD

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARC - Bluegrass ADD

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARC - Buffalo Trace ADD

- Box D-150: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116782
- Folder 1: Commerce - ARC - FIVCO ADD

- Folder 2: Commerce - ARC - Gateway ADD

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARC - Kentucky River ADD - Area Development District

- Folder 4: Commerce - Census

- Folder 5: Commerce - CSA, Community Service Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP - Community Action Program - Misc

- Box D-151: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116766
- Folder 1: Commerce - CSA - Gateway Community Services

- Folder 2: Commerce - CSA - Kentucky River Foothills Development Council

- Folder 3: Commerce - CSA - Lexington - Fayette CAP

- Folder 4: Commerce - CSA - LKLP - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Commerce - CSA - LKLP - Eastern Kentucky Housing Corporation

- Folder 6: Commerce - CSA - Licking Valley Corporation

- Folder 7: Commerce - CSA - Middle Kentucky River CAP

- Folder 8: Commerce - CSA - Northeast Kentucky CAP

- Folder 9: Commerce - CSA - Winter, 1978

- Folder 10: Commerce - CSA - Winter - January Snow Disaster, 1978

- Folder 11: Commerce - EDA, Economic Development Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 12: Commerce - EDA - Title X - Public Works Jobs - Miscellaneous

- Box D-152: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116774
- Folder 1: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Defense - Blue Grass Depot, 1977

- Folder 3: Defense - Blue Grass Depot, 1978

- Folder 4: Energy - Misc.

- Folder 5: HEW, Health, Education, and Welfare - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Box D-153: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116725
- Folder 1: HEW - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 2: HEW - Day Care & Kentucky Infant Preschool Project

- Folder 3: HEW - Education, 1977

- Folder 4: HEW - Education, 1978

- Box D-154: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116691
- Folder 1: HEW - Education, 1978

- Folder 2: HEW - Education, 1978

- Box D-155: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116709
- Folder 1: HEW - Food and Drug Administration

- Folder 2: HEW - Headstart - Perkins, 1978

- Folder 3: HEW - Headstart - Follow-Through

- Folder 4: HEW - Headstart - Nora Horn

- Folder 5: HEW - Hospitals - ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission

- Box D-156: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116626
- Folder 1: HEW - Hospitals - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: HEW - Mental Health

- Folder 3: HEW - Public Health, 1977

- Box D-157: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116634
- Folder 1: HEW - Public Health, 1977

- Folder 2: HEW - Public Health, 1978

- Folder 3: HEW - Rural Health Initiative Program

- Folder 4: HUD - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Box D-158: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116758
- Folder 1: HUD - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 2: HUD - Federal Disaster Assistance

- Folder 3: HUD - Flood, Dec-78

- Folder 4: HUD - Flood - Insurance

- Box D-159: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116741
- Folder 1: HUD - Flood - News Clippings

- Folder 2: HUD - Flood - News Clippings, Dec-78

- Folder 3: HUD - Flood - Press Releases

- Folder 4: HUD - Kentucky Housing Corporation

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - ERDA, Energy Research and Development Administration - Misc

- Box D-160: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116733
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - EPA, Environmental Protection Agency - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - EPA - Maxey Flats, Kentucky

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Communication Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - FEA, Federal Energy Administration - Misc

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - FEA - Energy Policy

- Box D-161: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116717
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - FEA - Energy Policy - Kentucky Problems

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - FPC, Federal Power Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - FPC - Columbia Gas

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - General Accounting Office

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - ICC, Interstate Commerce Commission - Miscellaneous

- Box D-162: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116667
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - ICC - L&N Coal Car Shortage, f.01

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - ICC - L&N Coal Car Shortage, f.02

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - ICC - L&N Paris to Maysville

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - National Science Foundation

- Box D-163: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116675
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation - See also UMWA misc.

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - RBB, Railroad Retirement Board - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Small Business Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Interior - Conversion, 1977

- Folder 6: Interior - Conversion, 1978

- Folder 7: Interior - Mining - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Folder 8: Interior - Mining - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Box D-164: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234013795594
- Folder 1: Interior - Mining - MESA, Mining Enforcement & Safety Administration - MHSA, Mine Health & Safety Act

- Folder 2: Interior - Mining - Scotia

- Folder 3: Interior - Outdoor Recreation

- Folder 4: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Justice - LEAA, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration

- Folder 6: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Box D-165: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116683
- Folder 1: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 2: Labor - CEP, Concentrated Employment Program & Emergency Employment

- Folder 3: Labor - Green Thumb & Green Light

- Folder 4: Labor - Kentucky Employment Rate

- Box D-166: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116576
- Folder 1: Labor - MDTA/CETA

- Folder 2: Labor - MESA/MSHA

- Folder 3: Labor - Neighborhood Youth Corps - Youth Conservation Corps - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Labor - Pensions

- Folder 5: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Folder 6: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Box D-167: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116568
- Folder 1: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 2: State - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Transportation - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Transportation - FAA, Federal Aviation Administration

- Folder 5: Transportation - FRA, Federal Railroad Administration

- Folder 6: Transportation - U.S. Grant Bridge, f.01

- Box D-168: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116584
- Folder 1: Transportation - U.S. Grant Bridge, f.02

- Folder 2: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Treasury - Revenue Sharing

- Folder 4: Bath County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Bath County - Commerce - EDA-LPW, Local Public Works

- Folder 6: Bath County - HUD

- Folder 7: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Boyd - Greenup Counties - Commerce - EDA

- Box D-169: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116592
- Folder 1: Bracken County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Bracken County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 3: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 5: Bracken County - HUD

- Folder 6: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 8: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 9: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Carter County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 11: Carter County - HUD

- Folder 12: Elliott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Elliott County - HUD

- Folder 14: Fleming County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Fleming County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 16: Fleming County - HUD

- Folder 17: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 18: Floyd County - Mud Creek - Commerce - EDA

- Box D-170: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116600
- Folder 1: Floyd County - NDWP - National Demonstration Water Project - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 3: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 4: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 6: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 7: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 9: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 10: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Knott County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 12: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 13: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 14: Lawrence County - HUD

- Folder 15: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 16: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 17: Letcher County - HUD

- Box D-171: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116618
- Folder 1: Lewis County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Lewis County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 3: Lewis County - HUD

- Folder 4: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 6: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Martin County - HUD

- Folder 8: Martin County, Flood - HUD

- Folder 9: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Mason County - HUD

- Folder 11: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Montgomery County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Montgomery County - HUD

- Folder 14: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Box D-172: 95th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116642
- Folder 1: Nicholas County - HUD

- Folder 2: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 3: Perry County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 4: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 5: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Pike County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 7: Pike County - HUD

- Folder 8: Powell County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Powell County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 10: Powell County - HUD

- Folder 11: Robertson County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 12: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 14: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA-LPW

- Folder 15: Wolfe County - HUD

- Box D-173: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116659
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Agriculture - FHA, Farmer's Home Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Agriculture - FHA - A - H

- Box D-174: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116220
- Folder 1: Agriculture - FHA - I - O

- Folder 2: Agriculture - FHA - P - Z

- Folder 3: Agriculture - FHA - District VII - Community Service Type Projects

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Food Stamps

- Box D-175: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116212
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Food Stamps - Amendments

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Forest Service

- Folder 3: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Administration

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Soil Conservation & ASCS, Agriculture Conservation & Stabilization Service

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Tobacco, 1979

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Tobacco, 1980

- Box D-176: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116204
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1979

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1980

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Big Sandy

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Box D-177: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116238
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Kehoe - Tygart Creek

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Martin - Beaver Creek

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Ohio River

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Paintsville Paint Creek

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Red River

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Royalton Dam Licking River

- Folder 11: Army Engineers - Tugs Fork - Levisa Fork

- Box D-178: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116253
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Folder 2: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARC - Miscellaneous - Project Applications

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARC - Big Sandy ADD, Area Development District

- Folder 6: Commerce - ARC - Bluegrass ADD

- Folder 7: Commerce - ARC - Buffalo Trace ADD

- Folder 8: Commerce - ARC - FIVCO ADD

- Folder 9: Commerce - ARC - Gateway ADD

- Folder 10: Commerce - ARC - Kentucky River ADD

- Box D-179: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116261
- Folder 1: Commerce - Census - Misc

- Folder 2: Commerce - Census, 1980

- Folder 3: Census - 27 Counties

- Folder 4: Commerce - EDA - Miscellaneous

- Box D-180: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116246
- Folder 1: Commerce - CSA - Miscellaneous, 1979

- Folder 2: Commerce - CSA - Miscellaneous, 1980

- Folder 3: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy CAP, Community Action Program - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP, A-H

- Folder 5: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP, I-O

- Folder 6: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP, P-Z

- Folder 7: Commerce - CSA - Gateway Community Service

- Folder 8: Commerce - CSA - Kentucky River Foothills Development Council

- Folder 9: Commerce - CSA - LKLP, Leslie, Knott, Letcher, Perry - Miscellaneous

- Folder 10: Commerce - CSA - LKLP - Home Repair, A-H

- Folder 11: Commerce - CSA - LKLP - Home Repair, I-O

- Folder 12: Commerce - CSA - LKLP - Home Repair, P-Z

- Folder 13: Commerce - CSA - Lexington - Fayette CAP

- Folder 14: Commerce - CSA - Licking Valley CAP

- Folder 15: Commerce - CSA - Middle Kentucky River CAP

- Folder 16: Commerce - CSA - Northeast Kentucky CAP

- Folder 17: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 18: Defense - Lexington Bluegrass Depot

- Box D-181: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116279
- Folder 1: Energy - Miscellaneous, 1980

- Folder 2: Energy - Miscellaneous, 1979

- Box D-182: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116170
- Folder 1: Energy - Buffalo Trace

- Folder 2: Energy - City of Martin, 1980

- Folder 3: Energy - Columbia Gas

- Folder 4: Energy - Gas Stations

- Folder 5: Energy - Gasohol

- Folder 6: Energy - Union Oil

- Folder 7: Energy - Vanceburg Hydroelectric Plant

- Folder 8: Energy - Reference Materials, 1979

- Box D-183: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116196
- Folder 1: Energy - Reference Materials, 1979

- Folder 2: Energy - Reference Materials, 1980

- Box D-184: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116147
- Folder 1: Energy - Reference Materials

- Folder 2: HEW, Health, Education & Welfare, 1979

- Box D-185: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116139
- Folder 1: HEW, Health, Education & Welfare, 1980

- Folder 2: HEW - Education, 1979

- Box D-186: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116121
- Folder 1: HEW - Education, 1980

- Folder 2: HEW - FDA, f.od and Drug Administration - Eastburn, Ida

- Folder 3: HEW - FDA - Ginseng

- Folder 4: HEW - FDA - Laetrile

- Folder 5: HEW - Headstart & Follow Through

- Box D-187: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116113
- Folder 1: HEW - Hospitals 1979

- Folder 2: HEW - Mental Health / Public Health, 1979

- Folder 3: HEW - Mental Health / Public Health, 1980

- Folder 4: HEW - Public Health, 1979

- Box D-188: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116063
- Folder 1: HUD, Housing & Urban Development - Miscellaneous, 1979

- Folder 2: HUD - Miscellaneous, 1980

- Folder 3: HUD - Flood - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: HUD - Flood of 1977

- Box D-189: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116188
- Folder 1: HUD - Flood of Dec, 1978

- Folder 2: HUD - Flood of Jul, 1979

- Folder 3: HUD - Flood of August, 1980

- Folder 4: HUD - Flood Insurance Federal Disaster Assistance

- Folder 5: HUD - Kentucky Housing Corporation

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - Misc

- Box D-190: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116162
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - EPA, Environmental Protection Agency - Misc., 1979

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - EPA - Misc1980

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - EPA - Lewis County - Waste Disposal Site, 1980

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - EPA - Kentucky-Ohio Coal Controversy

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - FCC, Federal Communications Commission - Misc., 1979

- Box D-191: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116154
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - FCC - Misc., 1980

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - FCC - Religious Broadcasting

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - General Accounting Office

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - GSA, General Service Administration - Ashland Courthouse

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - GSA - Carson City Silver Dollars

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - ICC, Interstate Commerce Commission - Miscellaneous

- Box D-192: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116105
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - ICC - L&N Coal Car Shortage, 1979

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - ICC - L&N Coal Car Shortage, 1980

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - ICC - L&N Increase

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Railroad Retirement Board

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - SBA, Small Business Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - SBA, A-H

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - SBA, I-O

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - SBA, P-Z

- Box D-193: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116097
- Folder 1: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Interior - Conversion

- Folder 3: Interior - Recreation

- Folder 4: Interior - Surface Mining, 1979

- Folder 5: Interior - Surface Mining, 1980

- Box D-194: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116089
- Folder 1: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Justice - INS, Immigration & Naturalization Service

- Folder 3: Justice - INS - Sehlani

- Folder 4: Justice - INS - Dr. Manuel Chua

- Box D-195: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116071
- Folder 1: Justice - INS - Kum Sook Sohn

- Folder 2: Justice - INS - Ghani

- Folder 3: Justice - LEAA, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration

- Folder 4: Justice - Parole, A-H

- Folder 5: Justice - Parole, I-O

- Folder 6: Justice - Parole, P-Z

- Folder 7: Justice - Prisons - Federal Correctional Institution - Ashland

- Folder 8: Justice - Prisons - Federal Correctional Institution - Summit, Kentucky

- Box D-196: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116543
- Folder 1: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1979

- Folder 2: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1980

- Folder 3: Labor - CEP, Concentrated Employment Program - CETA, Comprehensive Employment and Training Act - Manpower

- Box D-197: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116550
- Folder 1: Labor - Green Thumb & Green Light

- Folder 2: Labor - Kentucky Employment Rate

- Folder 3: Labor - MSHA - Deep Mining

- Folder 4: Labor - MSHA - Self Rescuer

- Folder 5: Labor - Pensions

- Folder 6: Labor - Summer Youth Employment

- Box D-198: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116469
- Folder 1: Labor - Women's Employment Services Information

- Folder 2: Labor - Worker's Compensation

- Folder 3: Labor - Office of Personal Management - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Post Office - Misc

- Folder 5: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 6: State - Miscellaneous

- Box D-199: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116477
- Folder 1: State - Passports and Visas

- Folder 2: Transportation - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Transportation - FAA, Federal Aviation Administration

- Folder 4: Transportation - FAA - Eastern Airlines

- Folder 5: Transportation - FRA, Federal Railroad Administration

- Box D-200: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116485
- Folder 1: Transportation - U.S. Grant Bridge

- Folder 2: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Treasury - IRS, A-H

- Folder 4: Treasury - IRS, I-O

- Folder 5: Treasury - IRS, P-Z

- Folder 6: Treasury - Revenue Sharing

- Folder 7: Bath County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Bath County - HUD

- Box D-201: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116493
- Folder 1: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 3: Bracken County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Bracken County - HUD

- Folder 5: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 7: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Carter County - HUD

- Folder 9: Elliott County - HUD

- Folder 10: Fleming County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Fleming County - HUD

- Folder 12: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Floyd County - Beaver - Elkhorn Water - Commerce - EDA

- Box D-202: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116378
- Folder 1: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 2: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 3: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 4: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Knott County - HUD

- Folder 6: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 8: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Lawrence County - HUD

- Folder 10: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Letcher County - HUD

- Folder 12: Letcher County - HUD - Valley View Residential Development

- Oversize - Box D-255
- Folder 13: Lewis County - HUD

- Box D-203: 96th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116501
- Folder 1: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 3: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Martin County - HUD

- Folder 5: Martin County - Beauty - HUD

- Folder 6: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Mason County - HUD

- Folder 8: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Menifee County - HUD

- Folder 10: Montgomery County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Montgomery County - HUD

- Folder 12: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Morgan County - HUD

- Folder 14: Nicholas County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Nicholas County - HUD

- Box D-204: 96th and 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116519
- Folder 1: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 3: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Pike County - HUD

- Folder 5: Powell County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Powell County - HUD

- Folder 7: Robertson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Robertson County - HUD

- Folder 9: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 11: Wolfe County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Wolfe County - HUD

- Folder 14: Army - Miscellaneous

- Box D-205: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116527
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Agriculture - FHA Farmer's Home Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Agriculture - FHA, A-H

- Box D-206: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116535
- Folder 1: Agriculture - FHA, I-O

- Folder 2: Agriculture - FHA, P-Z

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Food Stamps

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Forest Service

- Folder 5: Agriculture - James, Chenault

- Box D-207: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116436
- Folder 1: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electric Association

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Soil Conservation & ASCS, Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Box D-208: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116444
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 2: Army Engineers - Big Sandy

- Folder 3: Army Engineers - Carrs Fork

- Folder 4: Army Engineers - Cave Run

- Folder 5: Army Engineers - Dewey Dam

- Folder 6: Army Engineers - Falmouth

- Folder 7: Army Engineers - Fishtrap

- Folder 8: Army Engineers - Grayson

- Folder 9: Army Engineers - Kehoe - Tygart Creek

- Folder 10: Army Engineers - Martin - Beaver Creek

- Folder 11: Army Engineers - Paintsville - Paint Creek

- Folder 12: Army Engineers - Ohio River

- Folder 13: Army Engineers - Royalton Dam

- Folder 14: Army Engineers - Tug Fork - Levisa Fork

- Box D-209: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116451
- Folder 1: Army Engineers - Yatesville

- Folder 2: Commerce - Misc

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARC - Miscellaneous - Project Announcements

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARC - Big Sandy ADD, Area Development District

- Box D-210: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116360
- Folder 1: Commerce - ARC - Buffalo Trace ADD

- Folder 2: Commerce - ARC - Bluegrass ADD

- Folder 3: Commerce - ARC - FIVCO ADD

- Folder 4: Commerce - ARC - Gateway ADD

- Folder 5: Commerce - ARC - Kentucky River ADD

- Folder 6: Commerce - Census

- Folder 7: Commerce - CSA, Community Service Administration - Miscellaneous

- Box D-211: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116329
- Folder 1: Commerce - CSA - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 2: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP, Community Action Program - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP, A - H

- Folder 4: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP, I - O

- Folder 5: Commerce - CSA - Big Sandy Area CAP, P - Z

- Folder 6: Commerce - CSA - Gateway Community Services

- Folder 7: Commerce - CSA - Kentucky River Foot Hills Development Council

- Folder 8: Commerce - CSA - Lexington - Fayette CAP

- Folder 9: Commerce - CSA - Licking Valley CAP

- Folder 10: Commerce - CSA - LKLP - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Commerce - CSA - LKLP Home Repair, A - H

- Folder 12: Commerce - CSA - LKLP Home Repair, I - O

- Folder 13: Commerce - CSA - LKLP Home Repair, P - Z

- Folder 14: Commerce - CSA - Middle Kentucky River CAP

- Folder 15: Commerce - CSA - Northeast Kentucky CAP

- Folder 16: Commerce - EDA - Miscellaneous

- Folder 17: Commerce - EDA - National Demonstration Waste Project

- Folder 18: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 19: Defense - Lexington Bluegrass Depot

- Folder 20: Education - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Box D-212: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116337
- Folder 1: Education - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Folder 2: Education - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 3: Energy - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Box D-213: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116345
- Folder 1: Energy - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Gas Stations

- Folder 3: Energy - Gasohol

- Folder 4: Energy - Reference Materials, 1981

- Folder 5: HHS - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Folder 6: HHS - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 7: HHS - FDA, f.od & Drug Administration

- Folder 8: HHS - Headstart and Follow Through

- Folder 9: HHS - Hospitals, 1981

- Box D-214: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116352
- Folder 1: HHS - Hospitals, 1982

- Folder 2: HHS - Mental Health / Public Health

- Folder 3: HUD - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Box D-215: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116410
- Folder 1: HUD - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 2: HUD - Flood - Misc

- Folder 3: HUD - Flood, 1981

- Folder 4: HUD - Flood, Sep-82

- Folder 5: HUD - Flood Insurance

- Folder 6: HUD - Kentucky River Housing Corporation

- Folder 7: HUD - Payroll

- Box D-216: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116386
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 1981

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - EPA, 1982

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - FCC, Federal Communications Commission, 1981

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - FCC, 1982

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - FCC - Religious Broadcasting

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency - Sewer Explosion

- Box D-217: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116287
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Federal Trade Commission

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - General Accounting Office

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - ICC, Interstate Commerce Commission - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - ICC - L&N Coal Car Shortage

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

- Folder 7: Independent Agencies - National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities

- Folder 8: Independent Agencies - National Science Foundation

- Folder 9: Independent Agencies - Railroad Retirement Board

- Folder 10: Independent Agencies - SBA, Small Business Administration - Miscellaneous

- Box D-218: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116295
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - SBA, A - H

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - SBA, I - O

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - SBA, P - Z

- Folder 4: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 5: Interior - Conversion

- Folder 6: Interior - Recreation

- Folder 7: Interior - Surface Mining, 1981

- Folder 8: Interior - Surface Mining, 1982

- Box D-219: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116303
- Folder 1: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Justice - INS, Immigration and Naturalization Services

- Folder 3: Justice - LEAA, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration

- Folder 4: Justice - Parole, A - H

- Folder 5: Justice - Parole, I - O

- Folder 6: Justice - Parole, P - Z

- Folder 7: Justice - Prisons - FCI, Federal Correctional Institution - Ashland

- Box D-220: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116311
- Folder 1: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Folder 2: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 3: Labor - CEP, Concentrated Employment Program - CETA Comprehensive Employment and Training Act - Manpower and Job Corps

- Folder 4: Labor - Green Thumb and Green Light

- Box D-221: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116428
- Folder 1: Labor - Kentucky Employment Rate

- Folder 2: Labor - Mine Disaster

- Folder 3: Labor - MHSA, Mine Health & Safety Act - Deep Mining

- Folder 4: Labor - MHSA - Self Rescuer

- Folder 5: Labor - Pensions

- Box D-222: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116394
- Folder 1: Labor - Office of Personal Management - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Labor - Summer Youth Employment

- Folder 3: Labor - TAA, Trade Adjustment Assistance - Semet Solvay

- Folder 4: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Folder 5: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 6: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 7: State - Miscellaneous

- Box D-223: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116402
- Folder 1: State - Passports and Visas

- Folder 2: Transportation - Miscellaneous

- Folder 3: Transportation - FAA, Federal Aviation Administration

- Folder 4: Transportation - FRA, Federal Railroad Administration

- Folder 5: Transportation - US Grant Bridge

- Box D-224: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116048
- Folder 1: Treasury - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Treasury - IRS, A - H

- Folder 3: Treasury - IRS, I - O

- Folder 4: Treasury - IRS, P - Z

- Folder 5: Treasury - Revenue Sharing

- Folder 6: Bath County - Commerce - EDA, Economic Development Administration

- Folder 7: Bath County - HUD, Housing & Urban Development

- Folder 8: Boyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 9: Boyd - Greenup Counties - Commerce - EDA

- Box D-225: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116030
- Folder 1: Boyd County - HUD

- Folder 2: Bracken County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 3: Bracken County - HUD

- Folder 4: Breathitt County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 5: Breathitt County - HUD

- Folder 6: Carter County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 7: Carter County - HUD

- Folder 8: Elliott County - HUD

- Folder 9: Fleming County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 10: Fleming County - HUD

- Folder 11: Floyd County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Floyd County - Mud Creek - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 13: Floyd County - HUD

- Folder 14: Greenup County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 15: Greenup County - HUD

- Folder 16: Johnson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 17: Johnson County - HUD

- Folder 18: Knott County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 19: Knott County - HUD

- Box D-226: 97th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116014
- Folder 1: Lawrence County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Lawrence County - HUD

- Folder 3: Letcher County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Letcher County - HUD

- Folder 5: Lewis County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Lewis County - HUD

- Folder 7: Magoffin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 8: Magoffin County - HUD

- Folder 9: Martin County - HUD

- Folder 10: Martin County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 11: Mason County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 12: Mason County - HUD

- Folder 13: Menifee County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 14: Menifee County - HUD

- Folder 15: Montgomery County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 16: Montgomery County - HUD

- Folder 17: Morgan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 18: Morgan County - HUD

- Folder 19: Nicholas County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 20: Nicholas County - HUD

- Folder 21: Perry County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 22: Perry County - HUD

- Folder 23: Pike County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 24: Pike County - HUD

- Box D-227: 97th and 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116022
- Folder 1: Powell County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 2: Powell County - HUD

- Folder 3: Robertson County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 4: Robertson County - HUD

- Folder 5: Rowan County - Commerce - EDA

- Folder 6: Rowan County - HUD

- Folder 7: Wolfe County - HUD

- Folder 8: 98th Congress

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Misc

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Cheese

- Folder 11: Agriculture - FHA, Farmer's Home Administration - Miscellaneous

- Box D-228: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115966
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Food Stamps, 3 folders

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Forest Service

- Folder 3: Agriculture - REA, Rural Electrification Association

- Box D-229: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115958
- Folder 1: Agriculture - Soil Conservation & ASCS, Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Tobacco, 1983

- Folder 3: Commerce - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: Commerce - Census

- Box D-230: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115925
- Folder 1: Defense - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Defense - LBAD, Lexington Bluegrass Army Depot - Airport

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - Airport Hearing

- Folder 4: Defense - LBAD - Archives

- Folder 5: Defense - LBAD - Army Logistics Manual

- Box D-231: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116055
- Folder 1: Defense - LBAD - Bibliography of Logistics Studies

- Folder 2: Defense - LBAD - Club Closures

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - 2nd Issue

- Folder 4: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - 3rd Issue

- Folder 5: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Appeals, Case No. 76-108

- Folder 6: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Appeals, Case No. 76-2279

- Box D-232: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115990
- Folder 1: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Briefs, 2 folders

- Folder 2: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Briefs - Extra

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Case Files, 2 folders

- Box D-233: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014116006
- Folder 1: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Case Files, 3 folders

- Box D-234

- Barcode: 31234014115982
- Folder 2: 98th Congress

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - District Court Case File

- Folder 4: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - News Clippings

- Folder 5: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Original Suit

- Folder 6: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Preliminary Injunction

- Folder 7: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Reference Materials, 2 folders

- Folder 8: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Statutes

- Box D-235: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115974
- Folder 1: Defense - LBAD - Court Cases - Transcripts

- Folder 2: Defense - LBAD - Current Situation, 2 folders

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - DARCOM Report, f.01

- Box D-236: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115941
- Folder 1: Defense - LBAD - DARCOM Report, f.02

- Folder 2: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Correspondence - Army

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Correspondence - Constituent

- Folder 4: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Correspondence - Department

- Folder 5: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Correspondence - Perkins and Hopkins

- Folder 6: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Correspondence - Perkins Telegrams

- Folder 7: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Inquires

- Folder 8: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Rebuttal

- Box D-237: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115933
- Folder 1: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Field Trip

- Folder 2: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - GAO, General Accounting Office Audit, 1979

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - GAO Material

- Folder 4: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Save the Depot Committee

- Folder 5: Defense - LBAD - Downsizing - Testimony

- Folder 6: Defense - LBAD - Heiser Study

- Folder 7: Defense - LBAD - Publications

- Box D-238: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115917
- Folder 1: Defense - LBAD - TMDE, Testing Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment - Correspondence

- Folder 2: Defense - LBAD - TMDE - DARCOM Problem

- Folder 3: Defense - LBAD - TMDE - Management and Concepts Study

- Folder 4: Defense - LBAD - TMDE - Review

- Folder 5: Defense - LBAD - TMDE - Single Manager Proposal

- Box D-239: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115818
- Folder 1: Education - Miscellaneous, 1983

- Folder 2: Education - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Folder 3: Education - Headstart & Follow Through

- Folder 4: HHS, Health & Human Services - Miscellaneous, 1983

- Folder 5: HHS - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Box D-240: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115750
- Folder 1: HHS - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Folder 2: HHS - FDA, f.od & Drug Administration

- Folder 3: HHS - Hospitals - Miscellaneous

- Folder 4: HHS - Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous, 1983

- Box D-241: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115768
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - Miscellaneous - Betsy Ross Bakeries

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 1983

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - EPA, 1984

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - EPA - Maxey Flats

- Folder 6: Independent Agencies - FCC, Federal Communications Commission- Miscellaneous, 1983

- Box D-242: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115776
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - FCC - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - FCC - Religious Broadcasting

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - Federal Emergency Management Administration

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - General Trade Commission

- Box D-243: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115784
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - General Services Administration

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - ICC, Interstate Commerce Commission

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - ICC - CSX/ACL, American Commercial Lines Inc. - Control Issue - Documents includes microfiche copy

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - ICC - CSX/ACL - Control Issue - Evidence

- Box D-244: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115792
- Folder 1: Independent Agencies - ICC - CSX/ACL Control Issue - Other work project

- Folder 2: Independent Agencies - ICC - CSX/ACL Control Issue - Potential Legislation

- Folder 3: Independent Agencies - National Endowment For Arts & Humanities

- Folder 4: Independent Agencies - Railroad Retirement Board

- Folder 5: Independent Agencies - Small Business Administration - Miscellaneous

- Folder 6: Interior - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Interior - Recreation

- Folder 8: Interior - Surface Mining, 1983

- Folder 9: Interior - Surface Mining, 1984

- Folder 10: Justice - Miscellaneous

- Folder 11: Justice - INS, Immigration and Naturalization Service

- Folder 12: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1983

- Box D-245: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115909
- Folder 1: Labor - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Folder 2: Labor - Community Development Jobs Bill

- Folder 3: Labor - CEP/CETA - Manpower

- Folder 4: Labor - Kentucky Employment Rate

- Folder 5: Labor - MHSA, Mine Health & Safety Act

- Folder 6: Labor - OPM, Office of Personal Management - Miscellaneous

- Folder 7: Labor - Summer Youth Employment, 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1983

- Folder 9: Post Office - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Folder 10: Post Office - Rural Routes

- Folder 11: State - Miscellaneous

- Box D-246: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115883
- Folder 1: Transportation - Miscellaneous

- Folder 2: Transportation - Federal Aviation Administration

- Folder 3: Transportation - Federal Railroad Administration

- Folder 4: Treasury - Misc

- Folder 5: Treasury - Revenue Sharing

- Box D-247: 98th Congress

- Barcode: 31234014115826
- Folder 6: Post Office - Allais

- Folder 7: Post Office - Amba

- Folder 8: Post Office - Ashland, 1956-1961

- Folder 9: Post Office - Ashland, 1962-1963

- Folder 10: Post Office - Ashland, 1964-1965

- Folder 11: Post Office - Ashland, 1966-1967

- Box D-248: All Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014115735
- Folder 1: Post Office - Ashland, 1968-1969

- Folder 2: Post Office - Ault

- Folder 3: Post Office - Banks

- Folder 4: Post Office - Bath

- Folder 5: Post Office - Beattyville

- Folder 6: Post Office - Betty - Lower Jones Fork

- Folder 7: Post Office - Big Woods - Closed

- Folder 8: Post Office - Bolyn

- Folder 9: Post Office - Bonanza

- Folder 10: Post Office - Bradley

- Folder 11: Post Office - Brainard

- Folder 12: Post Office - Calf Creek

- Folder 13: Post Office - Carr Creek

- Folder 14: Post Office - Chandlerville

- Folder 15: Post Office - Cherokee

- Folder 16: Post Office - Cliff

- Folder 17: Post Office - Coal Run

- Folder 18: Post Office - Collista

- Folder 19: Post Office - Cordell

- Folder 20: Post Office - Dale

- Box D-249: All Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014115727
- Folder 1: Post Office - Daysboro

- Folder 2: Post Office - Dobbins

- Folder 3: Post Office - Dock

- Folder 4: Post Office - Dunraven

- Folder 5: Post Office - Ebon

- Folder 6: Post Office - Edsel

- Folder 7: Post Office - Ellen

- Folder 8: Post Office - Epson

- Folder 9: Post Office - Evanston

- Folder 10: Post Office - Fielden

- Folder 11: Post Office - Fixer

- Folder 12: Post Office - Florress

- Folder 13: Post Office - Fullerton - South Shore

- Folder 14: Post Office - Gallup

- Folder 15: Post Office - Globe

- Folder 16: Post Office - Grayfox

- Folder 17: Post Office - Hall

- Folder 18: Post Office - Hamm - Rowan County

- Folder 19: Post Office - Handshoe

- Folder 20: Post Office - Hartley

- Folder 21: Post Office - Hatfield

- Folder 22: Post Office - Heenon

- Folder 23: Post Office - Hollonville

- Folder 24: Post Office - Ibex

- Folder 25: Post Office - Jeptha

- Folder 26: Post Office - Jeriel

- Folder 27: Post Office - Juan

- Folder 28: Post Office - Justell

- Folder 29: Post Office - Kehoe

- Folder 30: Post Office - Lakeville

- Folder 31: Post Office - Lamont

- Folder 32: Post Office - Lancer

- Folder 33: Post Office - Lawson

- Folder 34: Post Office - Leon

- Folder 35: Post Office - Letitia

- Folder 36: Post Office - Lothair

- Folder 37: Post Office - Lunah

- Folder 38: Post Office - Manuel

- Folder 39: Post Office - Millard

- Folder 40: Post Office - Moree

- Folder 41: Post Office - Newcombe

- Folder 42: Post Office - Newton

- Folder 43: Post Office - Noble

- Folder 44: Post Office - Orr

- Box D-250: All Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014115743
- Folder 1: Post Office - Ova

- Folder 2: Post Office - Patrick

- Folder 3: Post Office - Payton - See Stacy Fork

- Folder 4: Post Office - Pikeville

- Folder 5: Post Office - Pomp

- Folder 6: Post Office - Portsmouth

- Folder 7: Post Office - Redwine

- Folder 8: Post Office - The Ridge

- Folder 9: Post Office - Ritchie

- Folder 10: Post Office - Roscoe

- Folder 11: Post Office - Sewell

- Folder 12: Post Office - Sharkey

- Folder 13: Post Office - Sideway

- Folder 14: Post Office - Smithsboro

- Folder 15: Post Office - Springdale

- Folder 16: Post Office - Stevenson

- Folder 17: Post Office - Taulbee

- Folder 18: Post Office - Tilford

- Folder 19: Post Office - Tong

- Folder 20: Post Office - Trent

- Folder 21: Post Office - Trinity

- Folder 22: Post Office - Truitt - See Tygarts Valley - Warnock

- Folder 23: Post Office - Upper Tygart

- Folder 24: Post Office - War Creek

- Folder 25: Post Office - Watts

- Folder 26: Post Office - Wilstacy

- Folder 27: Post Office - Winifred

- Folder 28: Post Office - Wiscoal

- Folder 29: Post Office - Woodsbend

- Folder 30: Post Office - Yeager

- Folder 31: Post Office - Closed - Access

- Folder 32: Post Office - Closed - Add

- Folder 33: Post Office - Closed - Alphoretta

- Folder 34: Post Office - Closed - Amba, Floyd

- Folder 35: Post Office - Closed - Arthurmabel

- Folder 36: Post Office - Closed - Asa

- Folder 37: Post Office - Closed - Barnrock, Johnson

- Folder 38: Post Office - Closed - Barridge

- Folder 39: Post Office - Closed - Barwick

- Box D-251: All Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014115800
- Folder 1: Post Office - Closed - Beech

- Folder 2: Post Office - Closed - Beefhide

- Folder 3: Post Office - Closed - Big Branch

- Folder 4: Post Office - Closed - Big Woods

- Folder 5: Post Office - Closed - Bloomington

- Folder 6: Post Office - Closed - Blue Moon

- Folder 7: Post Office - Closed - Boat

- Folder 8: Post Office - Closed - Boldman

- Folder 9: Post Office - Closed - Bonny

- Folder 10: Post Office - Closed - Booth

- Folder 11: Post Office - Closed - Bowlingtown

- Folder 12: Post Office - Closed - Buchanan

- Folder 13: Post Office - Closed - Burg

- Folder 14: Post Office - Closed - Burkhart

- Folder 15: Post Office - Closed - Buskirk

- Folder 16: Post Office - Closed - Canyon Falls

- Folder 17: Post Office - Closed - Carbon Glow

- Folder 18: Post Office - Closed - Chenowee

- Folder 19: Post Office - Closed - Clemons

- Folder 20: Post Office - Closed - Coal Run

- Folder 21: Post Office - Closed - Coleman, Pike County

- Folder 22: Post Office - Closed - Copebranch

- Folder 23: Post Office - Closed - Cordia

- Folder 24: Post Office - Closed - Cressmont

- Folder 25: Post Office - Closed - Crockettsville

- Folder 26: Post Office - Closed - Dalesburg

- Folder 27: Post Office - Closed - Dan

- Folder 28: Post Office - Closed - Day

- Folder 29: Post Office - Closed - Dehart

- Folder 30: Post Office - Closed - Delvinta

- Folder 31: Post Office - Closed - Dew Drop

- Folder 32: Post Office - Closed - Dony, Floyd

- Folder 33: Post Office - Closed - Doorway

- Folder 34: Post Office - Closed - Dunham

- Folder 35: Post Office - Closed - Dunlap

- Folder 36: Post Office - Closed - Earnestville

- Folder 37: Post Office - Closed - Edo

- Folder 38: Post Office - Closed - Eldrigde

- Folder 39: Post Office - Closed - Enterprise

- Folder 40: Post Office - Closed - Evelyn

- Folder 41: Post Office - Closed - Fannin

- Folder 42: Post Office - Closed - Farraday

- Folder 43: Post Office - Closed - Flint

- Folder 44: Post Office - Closed - Fusonia

- Folder 45: Post Office - Closed - Galdia

- Folder 46: Post Office - Closed - George's Creek

- Folder 47: Post Office - Closed - Gesling

- Folder 48: Post Office - Closed - Gimlet

- Folder 49: Post Office - Closed - Glo

- Folder 50: Post Office - Closed - Glomawr

- Folder 51: Post Office - Closed - Goodloe

- Box D-252: All Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014115891
- Folder 1: Post Office - Closed - Gordon Ford

- Folder 2: Post Office - Closed - Graysbranch

- Folder 3: Post Office - Closed - Greasy Creek

- Folder 4: Post Office - Closed - Greear

- Folder 5: Post Office - Closed - Greeley

- Folder 6: Post Office - Closed - Green

- Folder 7: Post Office - Closed - Gullett

- Folder 8: Post Office - Closed - Halcom

- Folder 9: Post Office - Closed - Hardshell

- Folder 10: Post Office - Closed - Harveyton

- Folder 11: Post Office - Closed - Hatfield

- Folder 12: Post Office - Closed - Heisey

- Folder 13: Post Office - Closed - Hiltonian

- Folder 14: Post Office - Closed - Holliday

- Folder 15: Post Office - Closed - Hopewell

- Folder 16: Post Office - Closed - Houckville

- Folder 17: Post Office - Closed - Hurst

- Folder 18: Post Office - Closed - Hylton, Pike

- Folder 19: Post Office - Closed - Ivis

- Folder 20: Post Office - Closed - Jetts Creek

- Folder 21: Post Office - Closed - Juan, Kentucky

- Folder 22: Post Office - Closed - Justell

- Folder 23: Post Office - Closed - Keck

- Folder 24: Post Office - Closed - Kellacy

- Folder 25: Post Office - Closed - Kenwood

- Folder 26: Post Office - Closed - Kernie

- Folder 27: Post Office - Closed - Kerz

- Folder 28: Post Office - Closed - Kodak

- Folder 29: Post Office - Closed - Lacey

- Folder 30: Post Office - Closed - Landsaw

- Folder 31: Post Office - Closed - Leatha

- Folder 32: Post Office - Closed - Lexie

- Folder 33: Post Office - Closed - Liberty Road

- Folder 34: Post Office - Closed - Licking River

- Folder 35: Post Office - Closed - Little Dixie

- Folder 36: Post Office - Closed - Lower Buffalo

- Folder 37: Post Office - Closed - Lykins

- Folder 38: Post Office - Closed - Lynn

- Folder 39: Post Office - Closed - McClure

- Folder 40: Post Office - Closed - Malaga

- Folder 41: Post Office - Closed - Matthew

- Folder 42: Post Office - Closed - May

- Folder 43: Post Office - Closed - Millard

- Folder 44: Post Office - Closed - Minefork

- Folder 45: Post Office - Closed - Moct

- Folder 46: Post Office - Closed - Naples

- Folder 47: Post Office - Closed - Nickell

- Folder 48: Post Office - Closed - Oakdale

- Folder 49: Post Office - Closed - Omer

- Folder 50: Post Office - Closed - Osborn

- Folder 51: Post Office - Closed - Owsley

- Folder 52: Post Office - Closed - Pactolus

- Folder 53: Post Office - Closed - Panama

- Folder 54: Post Office - Closed - Paxton

- Folder 55: Post Office - Closed - Pekin

- Folder 56: Post Office - Closed - Penny

- Folder 57: Post Office - Closed - Pigeon

- Folder 58: Post Office - Closed - Plutarch

- Box D-253: All Congresses

- Barcode: 31234014115875
- Folder 1: Post Office - Closed - Preece

- Folder 2: Post Office - Closed - Press

- Folder 3: Post Office - Closed - Rexville

- Folder 4: Post Office - Closed - Riverton

- Folder 5: Post Office - Closed - Rock Lick

- Folder 6: Post Office - Closed - Rooney

- Folder 7: Post Office - Closed - Rosefork

- Folder 8: Post Office - Closed - Rothwell

- Folder 9: Post Office - Closed - Sackett

- Folder 10: Post Office - Closed - Samaria

- Folder 11: Post Office - Closed - Sarah

- Folder 12: Post Office - Closed - Sellars, Kentucky

- Folder 13: Post Office - Closed - Siloam

- Folder 14: Post Office - Closed - Simpson

- Folder 15: Post Office - Closed - Skaggs

- Folder 16: Post Office - Closed - Sloan

- Folder 17: Post Office - Closed - Southdown

- Folder 18: Post Office - Closed - Spanglin

- Folder 19: Post Office - Closed - Spider

- Folder 20: Post Office - Closed - Stillwater

- Folder 21: Post Office - Closed - Stidham

- Folder 22: Post Office - Closed - Sutton

- Folder 23: Post Office - Closed - Thomas

- Folder 24: Post Office - Closed - Tip Top

- Folder 25: Post Office - Closed - Toler

- Folder 26: Post Office - Closed - Toliver

- Folder 27: Post Office - Closed - Twenty-Six

- Folder 28: Post Office - Closed - Tygarts Valley

- Folder 29: Post Office - Closed - Warnock

- Folder 30: Post Office - Closed - Wentz

- Folder 31: Post Office - Closed - Whitaker

- Folder 32: Post Office - Closed - Wihurst

- Folder 33: Post Office - Closed - Willow

- Folder 34: Post Office - Closed - Woods

- Folder 35: Post Office - Closed - Wurtland, Ky

- Folder 36: Post Office - Closed - Yatesville

- Folder 37: Post Office - Closed - Yellow Mountain

- Folder 38: Post Office - Closed - Zag

- Folder 39: Post Office - Closed - Zebulon

- Folder 40: Post Office - Mail Routes

- Box D-255: Oversize

- Items listed in series above
- Barcode: 31234013922453
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Application],
Series 2: Committee],
[Series 3: Departmental],
Series 4: General],
Series 5: Legislative],
Series 6: Personal],
Series 7: Hartwell D. Reed Files],
Series 8: Plaques, Memorabilia and Artifacts],