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George D. Smith Papers


Scope and Contents

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Detailed Description

Essays and Stories


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George D. Smith Papers, ca.1890-1925 | Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives

By Kyle Beeler

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Collection Overview

Title: George D. Smith Papers, ca.1890-1925Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1920s

Primary Creator: Smith, George D. (1865-1940)

Extent: 1.19 Cubic Feet

Date Acquired: 05/04/2012

Subjects: Ferns--Kentucky., Natural history--Kentucky., Wild flowers--Kentucky.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

This collection is composed of essays and short stories about nature and ecology as well as photographs of nature. The photographs include a large collection of magic lantern slides that consist of wooded areas, the Red River Gorge, Cumberland Falls, etc. taken during EKU class excursions as well as many photographs of plants, mushrooms, lichens, birds and wildlife. There is also a set of photos showing Dr. Smith's peach orchard from planting to harvest and another set of baby photos of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College faculty and staff.

Dr. Smith believed that the young people of the early 20th century were "very deficient in a first hand acquaintance with the commonest things in nature" and attempted to create in his students an interest and "a burning desire" to know about nature. The short stories and essays written by Dr. Smith include the manuscript of a book he hoped to publish, "Back to Nature in Pictures and Story," as well as other stories. Some of the stories mention community members such as Cassius M. Clay or students such as Earle Combs. One story describes an excursion he took with his students and another inventories ferns that he photographed. Dr. Smith's essays show his love of nature and the outdoors as he writes about the flora and fauna of the locations he hikes.

The photographs in this collection were pieced together from various other collections by using the handwriting on the back of the photos. A portion of the collection, including the magic lantern slides, came from the Dorris Museum collection and those have the number 668 penciled in on the back. A number of the lantern slides are copies of baby photos of Eastern faculty and students from the 1920s and 1930s.

Subject/Index Terms

Natural history--Kentucky.
Wild flowers--Kentucky.

Administrative Information

Repository: Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives

Acquisition Source: Unknown

Finding Aid Revision History: Short stories and magic lantern slides were added to the photographs in the collection 18 Nov 2013.

Other Note: Photographs were initially numbered with the accession number; however, a decision was made to change to collection number. The database was changed, but the numbers written on the images were not changed.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Essays and Stories],
[Series 2: Photographs],

Series 2: PhotographsAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
Sub-Series 1: PrintsAdd to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045890
Folder 2: Photographs, 1910-1920sAdd to your cart.
Item 254: Natural BridgeAdd to your cart.
Photo of Natural Bridge in Powell County.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x7
Item 255: Natural BridgeAdd to your cart.
Photo of Natural Bridge in Powell County.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x7
Item 256: Group Photo at CaveAdd to your cart.
Group photo in front of the cave at Natural Bridge.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x7
Item 257: Natural BridgeAdd to your cart.
Photo of Natural Bridge in Powell County.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 258: Natural BridgeAdd to your cart.
Item 259: Cumberland FallsAdd to your cart.
Photo of a waterfall.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 260: Cumberland FallsAdd to your cart.
Photo of Cumberland Falls.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 261: Upper FallsAdd to your cart.
Photo of upper falls at Cumberland Falls.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 262: Cumberland FallsAdd to your cart.
Distant photo of Cumberland Falls.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 4x6
Item 263: CliffAdd to your cart.
Photo of a cliff and woods.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 264: EKU Class Excursion, 1920sAdd to your cart.
EKU class excursions at the entrance to Natural Bridge.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 4x4
Item 265: EKU Class Excursion, 1915 caAdd to your cart.
EKU class excursions at the entrance to Natural Bridge.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x7
Item 266: EKU Class Excursion, circa 1920Add to your cart.
At Balanced Rock on the trail to Natural Bridge.
Item 267: EKU Class Excursion, circa 1920Add to your cart.
At Balanced Rock on the trail to Natural Bridge.
Item 268: Barge PartyAdd to your cart.
Photo of people attending a barge party.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x4
Item 269: Kentucky RiverAdd to your cart.
Confluence of the Dix and Kentucky Rivers.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 6x8
Item 270: Fox HuntAdd to your cart.
Photo of people participating in a fox hunt.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 271: Eastern Class Excursion, circa 1920Add to your cart.
Entrance to Natural Bridge
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 272: Peach OrchardAdd to your cart.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x7
Item 273: Peach Orchard, 1914Add to your cart.
Picture of three men in a field budding peaches.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 274: Peach Orchard, 1910Add to your cart.
Picture of nine men with tools ready to plant Smith's first orchard.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 3x5
Item 275: PeachesAdd to your cart.
Picture of peaches filling numerous baskets.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x7
Item 276: Aerial PhotoAdd to your cart.
Aerial picture of woods and a river.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 5x4
Item 277: Johnson's Island, Lake ErieAdd to your cart.
Construction site showing men and machinery.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 4x5
Item 278: Huron River, MichiganAdd to your cart.
Wetland ecology beside the river.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 4x5
Item 279: East Pinnacle, Berea KYAdd to your cart.
View of the valley from the East Pinnacle.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 4x5
Item 280: LoggingAdd to your cart.
Photo of an area in the Kentucky mountains that appears to have been logged.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 281: Burnam HallAdd to your cart.
A photo of Burnam Hall on campus.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 282: Oyster MushroomAdd to your cart.
A photo of oyster mushrooms on a tree.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 283: RosesAdd to your cart.
Photo of roses that have been colored in pink.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 284: George D. SmithAdd to your cart.
A photo of George Smith relaxing in a chair outside under a "giant" mushroom.
Creator: George D. Smith
Physical Description: 8x10
Item 285: Natural Bridge, 1915 caAdd to your cart.
Natural Bridge in Powell County.
Item 286: Jersey CalfAdd to your cart.
Item 287: Lilly of the ValleyAdd to your cart.
Item 288: Cuyahoga RiverAdd to your cart.
Item 289: The Country, OhioAdd to your cart.
Two women on a bridge over a stream.
Item 290: OSU Laboratory at Cedar Pt., Ohio, circa 1905Add to your cart.
Sub-Series 2: Magic Lantern SlidesAdd to your cart.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045882
Item 1: Cuyahoga FallsAdd to your cart.
Item 2: The Towers of CuyahogaAdd to your cart.
Item 3: Cuyahoga GorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Cuyahoga Gorge below the fallsAdd to your cart.
Item 5: Cuyahoga Gorge with large iciclesAdd to your cart.
Item 6: Macey Rocks in the gorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 7: Rocks in the Cuyahoga gorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 8: Cuyahoga RiverAdd to your cart.
Item 9: Cuyahoga GorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 10: Cuyahoga Gorge in summerAdd to your cart.
Item 11: Foot bridge across Cuyahoga GorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 12: Cuyahoga Gorge in winterAdd to your cart.
Item 13: Cuyahoga GorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 14: Storm in Cuyahoga GorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 15: Cuyahoga RiverAdd to your cart.
Item 16: Tapping rubber treesAdd to your cart.
Item 17: Crude RubberAdd to your cart.
Item 18: Curing Crude RubberAdd to your cart.
Item 19: Shipping Crude RubberAdd to your cart.
Item 20: Inspecting and melting (?) roomAdd to your cart.
Item 21: Milling apparatusAdd to your cart.
Item 22: Pressing MachineAdd to your cart.
Item 23: Pressing roomAdd to your cart.
Item 24: Pressing roomAdd to your cart.
Item 25: Making tiresAdd to your cart.
Item 26: Variety of Rubber MachineryAdd to your cart.
Item 27: Belt and Folding roomAdd to your cart.
Item 28: Tire RoomAdd to your cart.
Item 29: Measuring RoomAdd to your cart.
Item 30: Pressing RubberAdd to your cart.
Item 31: Tire and Store RoomAdd to your cart.
Item 32: Akron OhioAdd to your cart.
Item 33: Laborers at Akron PotteryAdd to your cart.
Item 34: A Fine Residence in AkronAdd to your cart.
Item 35: Hale's Sugar campAdd to your cart.
Item 36: Hale's Sugar campAdd to your cart.
Item 37: Hale's Sugar campAdd to your cart.
Item 38: Hales Sugar CampAdd to your cart.
Item 39: Sand Dune at Cedar Point, OhioAdd to your cart.
Item 40: Flood on the Ohio in 1912Add to your cart.
Item 41: IronworksAdd to your cart.
Item 42: A Big Sawmill and ShipyardAdd to your cart.
Item 43: Cyclone ResultAdd to your cart.
Item 44: Cyclone ResultAdd to your cart.
Item 45: After HurricaneAdd to your cart.
Item 46: Lake SteamerAdd to your cart.
Item 47: White Caps on Lake ErieAdd to your cart.
Item 48: Unload and Works of Lake ErieAdd to your cart.
Item 49: Boulders on shores of Put-In-BayAdd to your cart.
Item 50: Put-In Bay IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 51: Put-In Bay IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 52: Pigeon holes on Honeycomb Cliffs Boston Ledges OhioAdd to your cart.
Item 53: Erosion on the HuronAdd to your cart.
Item 54: ErosionAdd to your cart.
Item 55: Gravel Bank, Ann ArborAdd to your cart.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045858
Item 56: Glacial Grooves Lake ErieAdd to your cart.
Item 57: Glacial Groove Kellys IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 58: Glacial Groove South Bass IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 59: Glacial Groove Kellys IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 60: Glacial Groove Kellys IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 61: Glacial Groove Johnsons IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 62: Cliff at the entrance of the Garden of the GodsAdd to your cart.
Item 63: A winding streamAdd to your cart.
Item 64: Little Miami Gorge, Clifton OhioAdd to your cart.
Item 65: Berea Flagstone QuarryAdd to your cart.
Item 66: Berea FlagstoneAdd to your cart.
Item 67: Mountain Path Beyond BereaAdd to your cart.
Item 68: East Pinnacles By BereaAdd to your cart.
Item 69: East Pinnacles looking toward Pilot KnobAdd to your cart.
Item 70: Conglomerate at East PinnacleAdd to your cart.
Item 71: Lexington CrematoryAdd to your cart.
Item 72: Phosphate works between Lexington and LouisvilleAdd to your cart.
Item 73: Phosphate bedsAdd to your cart.
Item 74: Dairying Menominee Agricultural SchoolAdd to your cart.
Item 75: Ucon River ValleyAdd to your cart.
Item 76: Out From Santa Rosa, CaliforniaAdd to your cart.
Item 77: View on the MonongahalaAdd to your cart.
Item 78: Put-In Bay IslandAdd to your cart.
Item 79: An Australian SceneAdd to your cart.
Item 80: Doodle Bug HolesAdd to your cart.
Item 81: Doodle Bug HolesAdd to your cart.
Item 82: Doodle Bug Holes Aphis (?) LionAdd to your cart.
Item 83: Hybrid PlumsAdd to your cart.
Item 84: FernsAdd to your cart.
Item 85: HorsetailAdd to your cart.
Item 86: RacoonsAdd to your cart.
Item 87: An avenue of trees in FloridaAdd to your cart.
Item 88: Lecidia ColumbinaAdd to your cart.
Item 89: A hybrid plum 500 as large as one of the crossAdd to your cart.
Item 90: Muscat GrapesAdd to your cart.
Item 91: Tyka GraapesAdd to your cart.
Item 92: San Jose ScaleAdd to your cart.
Item 93: Rome Beauty AppleAdd to your cart.
Item 94: OrangeAdd to your cart.
Item 95: PomegranateAdd to your cart.
Item 96: Boxed ApplesAdd to your cart.
Item 97: Train of Apples at an Apple ShowAdd to your cart.
Item 98: Indian PeachAdd to your cart.
Item 99: Planting PeachesAdd to your cart.
Item 100: RaspberryAdd to your cart.
Item 101: Maiden Ridge Peaches GrowingAdd to your cart.
Item 102: Blackberry and Raspberry Hybrids of BurbankAdd to your cart.
Item 103: Burbank PotatoAdd to your cart.
Item 104: Lichen Study in CowbellAdd to your cart.
Item 105: Cattle on a hillAdd to your cart.
Item 106: Poland China HogsAdd to your cart.
Item 107: Cactus in TexasAdd to your cart.
Item 108: A School named for Luther BurbankAdd to your cart.
Box 5Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045866
Item 109: G. D. Smith under his favorite mushroomAdd to your cart.
Item 110: Lycoperdon WrightiiAdd to your cart.
Item 111: Omphalia CampanellaAdd to your cart.
Item 112: Boletus Reti(?)Add to your cart.
Item 113: Burbank's Proving GroundAdd to your cart.
Item 114: Paper Shell PeaconAdd to your cart.
Item 115: Chrysalis of Monarch ButterflyAdd to your cart.
Item 116: ButterfliesAdd to your cart.
Item 117: Regal Moth LarvaAdd to your cart.
Item 118: Coddling MothAdd to your cart.
Item 119: Metallic Woodboring BeetleAdd to your cart.
Item 120: Garden SpiderAdd to your cart.
Item 121: Black Snake in the GorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 122: Snapping TurtalAdd to your cart.
Item 123: Coprinus ComatusAdd to your cart.
Item 124: Fiber of the Smallest cactusAdd to your cart.
Item 125: Morchella EsculentaAdd to your cart.
Item 126: Mistletoe in FruitAdd to your cart.
Item 127: Hepatica TrilobaAdd to your cart.
Item 128: California Hybrid PoppiesAdd to your cart.
Item 129: Burbank RoseAdd to your cart.
Item 130: Fruit of the early Dandelion or ColtsfootAdd to your cart.
Item 131: The Shining CactusAdd to your cart.
Item 132: Wild Swet Potato VineAdd to your cart.
Item 133: Ivory or Mountain LaurelAdd to your cart.
Item 134: Chinese Lily with Nectar cupsAdd to your cart.
Item 135: Plu.(?)fontanaAdd to your cart.
Item 136: Lily PadsAdd to your cart.
Item 137: Canoe Birch.Add to your cart.
Item 138: Mossagate (Montana)Add to your cart.
Item 139: The root of a tree in CanadaAdd to your cart.
Item 140: Nersery StockAdd to your cart.
Item 141: Paper Birch TreeAdd to your cart.
Item 142: Red Oak and HickoryAdd to your cart.
Item 143: Eucalypts Trees Forest,Los AngelesAdd to your cart.
Item 144: Royal Walnut of BurbankAdd to your cart.
Item 145: Polyporus SalicinusAdd to your cart.
Item 146: Boleus LuridusAdd to your cart.
Item 147: Burbank's seedling cactiAdd to your cart.
Item 148: MayappleAdd to your cart.
Item 149: Pithces PlantAdd to your cart.
Item 150: Marsh Vetchling, My first Slide, 1902Add to your cart.
Item 151: Clam Borers on boatsAdd to your cart.
Item 152: Hydnum CoralloidesAdd to your cart.
Item 153: Salt Crystal from BarbertonAdd to your cart.
Item 154: SpawnAdd to your cart.
Item 155: Cladonia SquamosaAdd to your cart.
Item 156: Eagle LichenAdd to your cart.
Item 157: Parmelia BruneaAdd to your cart.
Item 158: ParmeliaAdd to your cart.
Item 159: Pertusaria RugosaAdd to your cart.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045825
Item 160: Lecanora HageniiAdd to your cart.
Item 161: Amphiloma LanuginosumAdd to your cart.
Item 162: Yellow Breasted WarblerAdd to your cart.
Item 163: Meadowlarks NestAdd to your cart.
Item 164: Zoned-tailed HawkAdd to your cart.
Item 165: Yellow Breasted ChatAdd to your cart.
Item 166: Jay's NestAdd to your cart.
Item 167: Robin SnipeAdd to your cart.
Item 168: Young DovesAdd to your cart.
Item 169: Scissortail FlycatcherAdd to your cart.
Item 170: American CootAdd to your cart.
Item 171: KilldeerAdd to your cart.
Item 172: White-Crowned SparrowAdd to your cart.
Item 173: Barn SwallowAdd to your cart.
Item 174: Cockle BurAdd to your cart.
Item 175: Boy's playing softball at EKUAdd to your cart.
Item 176: Model SchoolAdd to your cart.
Item 177: 1927 Model SchoolAdd to your cart.
Item 178: Barge Party on the KentuckyAdd to your cart.
Item 179: Men's club at EasternAdd to your cart.
Item 180: Lake RebaAdd to your cart.
Item 181: Class Excursion to Lincoln's Birth PlaceAdd to your cart.
Item 182: Faculty and Students circa 1920Add to your cart.
Item 183: One room school house at EasternAdd to your cart.
Item 184: Brock AuditoriumAdd to your cart.
Item 185: Brock AuditoriumAdd to your cart.
Item 186: Sullivan HallAdd to your cart.
Item 187: Eastern CampusAdd to your cart.
Item 188: Eastern CampusAdd to your cart.
Item 189: Burnam HallAdd to your cart.
Item 190: New Burnam HallAdd to your cart.
Item 191: Campus and Roark buildingAdd to your cart.
Item 192: Campus North West CornerAdd to your cart.
Item 193: Roark in WinterAdd to your cart.
Item 194: Sullivan HallAdd to your cart.
Item 195: Mary AdamsAdd to your cart.
Item 196: Mr. AultAdd to your cart.
Item 197: Fred BallouAdd to your cart.
Item 198: BennettAdd to your cart.
Item 199: G.M. BrockAdd to your cart.
Item 200: Harvey BrockAdd to your cart.
Item 201: Mr. BryantAdd to your cart.
Item 202: Miss BuchananAdd to your cart.
Item 203: Miss BuchananAdd to your cart.
Item 204: Dr. ClarkAdd to your cart.
Item 205: Mr. CoxAdd to your cart.
Item 206: Marion DaileyAdd to your cart.
Item 207: Augusta DaughertyAdd to your cart.
Item 208: DenisonAdd to your cart.
Item 209: Mr. DennisonAdd to your cart.
Item 210: Miss DerrickAdd to your cart.
Item 211: DixAdd to your cart.
Box 7Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045833
Item 212: President DonovanAdd to your cart.
Item 213: Mrs. DonovanAdd to your cart.
Item 214: Miss DunniganAdd to your cart.
Item 215: Mr. EngleAdd to your cart.
Item 216: Dr. FarrisAdd to your cart.
Item 217: Mrs. GriggsAdd to your cart.
Item 218: Dr. HerndonAdd to your cart.
Item 219: Miss HillyerAdd to your cart.
Item 220: Miss HillyerAdd to your cart.
Item 221: Miss HoodAdd to your cart.
Item 222: Mrs. HumeAdd to your cart.
Item 223: Dr. HummelAdd to your cart.
Item 224: Faery JonesAdd to your cart.
Item 225: Mr. KeeneAdd to your cart.
Item 226: Mr. KeithAdd to your cart.
Item 227: Mrs. KeithAdd to your cart.
Item 228: Dr. KennamerAdd to your cart.
Item 229: KrickAdd to your cart.
Item 230: Francis MasonAdd to your cart.
Item 231: Mr. McConnellAdd to your cart.
Item 232: Miss McIlvainAdd to your cart.
Item 233: Inez McKinleyAdd to your cart.
Item 234: McKinneyAdd to your cart.
Item 235: McKinneyAdd to your cart.
Item 236: Miss E. MebaneAdd to your cart.
Item 237: MillerAdd to your cart.
Item 238: MorgenAdd to your cart.
Item 239: Smith ParkAdd to your cart.
Item 240: Van PearsonAdd to your cart.
Item 241: Mrs. PerryAdd to your cart.
Item 242: PortwoodAdd to your cart.
Item 243: R.R. RichardsAdd to your cart.
Item 244: Miss RichardsonAdd to your cart.
Item 245: Ruby SearsAdd to your cart.
Item 246: Mr. SmithAdd to your cart.
Item 247: SullivanAdd to your cart.
Item 248: Mrs. TyngAdd to your cart.
Item 249: Maime WaltzAdd to your cart.
Item 250: WhiteAdd to your cart.
Item 251: WhiteheadAdd to your cart.
Item 252: Germania WingoAdd to your cart.
Item 253: Unknown boy with dog and ponyAdd to your cart.
Item 291: War DogsAdd to your cart.
Soldiers with dogs
Item 292: Among the Cliffs in the Cuyahoga GorgeAdd to your cart.
Item 293: Cuyahoga RiverAdd to your cart.
Item 294: Storm on Lake ErieAdd to your cart.
Item 295: Glacial Ground in Put-in-BayAdd to your cart.
Item 296: CoralAdd to your cart.
Item 297: A PeachAdd to your cart.
Item 298: China Painting (Pottery)Add to your cart.
Item 299: Inspecting Crude RubberAdd to your cart.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Essays and Stories],
[Series 2: Photographs],

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