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Major Family Papers


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Major Family Papers, 1755-1942 | Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives

By Kyle McQueen, Chuck Hill

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Collection Overview

Title: Major Family Papers, 1755-1942Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1800-1900

Extent: 4.42 Cubic Feet


Correspondence and Personal Documents are arranged alphabetically by recipient or creator and then chronological. They encompass the day to day personal activities, business interests and politics of the respective family members. Because 19th century correspondence of a business nature was often interwoven with personal information, researchers looking at the business or financial aspects of the Major Family should also consult the Correspondence files. Some of the correspondence, especially that of Samuel Major II, discusses the politics, events and repercussions of the Civil War. For researchers and scholars, this collection is rich in primary source material relating to the business and personal aspects of American slavery.

Business and Financial Papers are arranged chronologically except for material that could constitute a coherent group and contain a substantial number of documents (such as financial documents relating to the Kentucky Yeoman). These documents will be found in separate folders as listed in the finding aid below. The material covers a number of different endeavors including banking, publishing, farming, slave holdings, mill operations and land deals. As noted above, researchers looking at the business or financial aspects of the Major Family should also consult the Correspondence files.

Land and Legal Documents are arranged (Land) by county and state, and (Legal) chronological. The land items include deeds, surveys, field notes, and insurance policies, primarily involving Francis, SIMM-I, Dr. Patrick Major and SIMM-II. The legal material relates to several family members and extended family. Among this material are tax documentation and court papers.

Political Documents and Campaign Material that are arranged chronologically within their respective folders. Most of this material relates to SIMM-II and contains letters, petitions, speeches, and official records.

Date Acquired: 10/01/1969

Subjects: Civil War, 1861-1865., Kentucky yeoman., Major family., Slavery - Kentucky

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Major Family was a prominent Frankfort, KY family in the mid-nineteenth century. The bulk of the material in this collection relates to Samuel Ire Monger Major II, mayor of Frankfort following the Civil War, a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives and owner of the Kentucky Yeoman. A number of documents also relate to his father, Samuel Ire Monger Major I, who was Clerk of the Penitentiary of Kentucky and noted civic leader in early Frankfort; his brother, Dr. Patrick Major, who was also his business partner and confidant whose correspondence reflects their close relationship; and his son, Patrick Upshaw Major, a well-known attorney and judge. There is correspondence that relates to family and business matters, personal documents that range from poetry to journals, business and financial papers that concern a wide range of endeavors, land and legal documentation such as deeds and land grants for holdings in Kentucky and Virginia as well as other states, and political material that relates to campaigns and political beliefs. Of particular interest is a first-hand account of the New Madrid Earthquake, letters concerning the 1850 cholera epidemic and records relating to the Kentucky State Penitentiary.

Many of the Major Family women are represented as well. Among them are: Margaret (Peggy) Porter who married Francis Major to become Margaret (Peggy) Major; Martha Hipkins Bohannon who was married to S.I.M. Major I, and known as Martha H. Major; and Mary Brown Scott married to S.I.M. Major II, and commonly addressed as Mary B. Major. There is very little biographical information regarding the Major Family women; however, there is extensive correspondence between the women, to and from their husbands, fathers and sons as well as with cousins and friends. These give a glimpse into their social background, daily lives, education, and some sense of their political and financial views.

For researchers and scholars, this collection is rich in primary source material relating to the politics, business and personal aspects of American Slavery, Women's History, the American Civil War and many other subjects - Journalism, Trade & Commerce, etc.

Collection Historical Note

The Major Family was a prominent Frankfort family in the mid-nineteenth century. The bulk of the material in this collection relates to Samuel Ire Monger Major II [SIMM-II], mayor of Frankfort following the Civil War, a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives and owner of the Kentucky Yeoman. A number of documents also relate to: his father, Samuel Ire Monger Major I [SIMM-1], who was Clerk of the Penitentiary of Kentucky and noted civic leader in early Frankfort; his brother, Dr. Patrick Major, were business partners and confidants whose correspondence reflects their close relationship; and his son, Patrick Upshaw Major, a well-known attorney and judge.

SIMM-I was a businessman, politician and local civic leader during the early days of Frankfort. SIMM-II was the editor and publisher of the influential Kentucky Yeoman, and was also a noted local politician (mayor of Frankfort), civic leader, and entrepreneur. As a businessman, SIMM-II was involved in the banking industry, a local gas utility company, and a mule-drawn trolley car operation. However, it was as publisher of the Kentucky Yeoman that he had the greatest impact. His paper was the main Southern Democratic voice in Kentucky before the Civil War, hitting its height with his support of John C. Breckinridge for President in 1860. During, and after, the Civil War, the Kentucky Yeoman continued to be a formidable political presence in the state. SIMM-II ceased publishing the Kentucky Yeoman in 1885. He died in 1886.

Margaret (Peggy) Porter married Francis Major to become Margaret (Peggy) Major. Martha Hipkins Bohannon was married to SIMM-I and was known as Martha H. Major. Mary Brown Scott married SIMM-II to become Mary B. Major. There is very little biographical information regarding the Major Family women. However, there is extensive correspondence between the women, to and from their husbands, fathers and sons as well as with cousins and friends. These give a glimpse into their social background, daily lives, education, and some sense of their political and financial views.

More biographical information/genealogical data will be found in the Research File, Box 01 f. 08.

Subject/Index Terms

Civil War, 1861-1865.
Kentucky yeoman.
Major family.
Slavery - Kentucky

Administrative Information

Repository: Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives

Acquisition Source: Ferguson, Harley; Pulliam, Molly

Acquisition Method: gift

Box and Folder Listing

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Box 1Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234013920804
Folder 1: Genealogical information, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Genealogical information written down by Francis Major and his son SIMM-I. The first two items were written by Francis Major. The rest of the documentation was written by SIMM-I.  (4 documents)
Folder 2: Personal Documents, 1848-1851Add to your cart.
Personal documents of SIMM-I, Catherine (Kate) Major, Mary B. Major and unidentified items (mostly poetry). "S. I. M. Major's Almanac for 1848," "S. I. M. Major's Almanac for 1850" with a list of names, and "S. I. M. Major's Almanac for 1851" with calculations, a list of names and a note: "Took Albert out of jail June 13, 1851" (see also Research File, f.08, for further information regarding this incident involving his slave Albert Harris). A list of books. Report cards from Frankfort Female Academy for Kate Major, the daughter of SIMM-I. The accompanying envelopes have filing notes written by SIMM-I. An 1850 obituary for Thomas Major written and initialed by Mary B. Major, the wife of SIMM-II.  (16 documents)
Folder 3: Personal Documents, UndatedAdd to your cart.
SIMM-II's manuscript notes for Memoirs of Pompadour: Historical Memoirs and Anecdotes of the Count of France- During the Favor of the Marchioness of Pompadour... This manuscript is a translation from French for a publishing company. 67pp. (1 document)
Folder 4: Personal Documents, 1840-1849Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Personal documents written by SIMM-II that include, but are not limited to, examples of poetry, journal entries, lectures, invitations, and memorandums. It also contains an undated biography written by D.C. Barrett and a recommendation written by his teacher, J.A. Hopkins, in 1840 stating that Samuel "is a fair, honorable and well disposed boy." Some of the manuscripts are in code.  (30 documents)
Folder 5: Ephemera, 1821-1942Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Ephemeral material such as handbills, invitations, news clippings and advertisements. Contents include political statements, candidacy announcements, business cards, drawings, programs, advertisements for property, theater productions, funeral notices and plans for funeral ceremonies. Among these are a printed funeral notice for Martha H. Major, the wife of SIMM-I, a blank application for life insurance from Lexington Fire, Life, and Marine Insurance Company; a subscription for the Kentucky Farmer with a note from H. J. McRoberts; notes and poetry;  a wedding announcement, a sketch, an invitation to a dance, a lock of hair, business and calling cards, a pamphlet, and a ticket for a steam boat. A personal invitation to Captain and Lady Lafer's house. An invitation to the Kentucky Military Institute's Military Ball with filing notes. An editorial with a brain teaser and the resulting letters to the editor. A printed funeral notice for Frances Ann Major, the daughter of SIMM-I. Advertisements sent to SIMM-II throughout his newspaper career. A pamphlet titled "Antiquitates Peweeji" labeled for the Kentucky Yeoman. A certificate for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows where SIMM-I signs as a scribe. An invitation to a reception in Louisville for U.S. Grant on 10 Dec 1879 that includes an envelope addressed to Col. & Mrs. Major - Grant originals in fire proof file. (52 items and a lock of hair)
Folder 6: Autograph Book, UndatedAdd to your cart.
A collection of signatures cut out of correspondence and other sources pasted into a book as well as some signed directly in the book. Among the signatures are several Kentucky governors including Thomas E. Bramlette and Lazarus W. Powell. There is also a very nice autograph by Edwin Booth.  A few of the signatures are faded to the point of illegibility, and some appear to be fake ones done to impress others rather than as forgeries.  Photocopies only - original in fire proof file (FPF Folder 2).
Folder 7: Scrapbook, 1755-1886Add to your cart.
A collection of memorabilia from the Major family put together by SIMM-III. There are many newspaper articles with examples from the Kentucky Yeoman and articles authored by SIMM-II and Judge Patrick U. Major. There are notices of deaths and funeral arrangements for many members of the Major family to include the four children of SIMM-II that died as very young children. Notes and documents signed by SIMM-II, John B., Alexander H., and Samuel I. M. Major along with a few of authors outside the family like B. B. Sayre. Several printed documents done by the Yeoman Office that include a sign for the Yeoman Office on blue cardstock. There is a printed copy of the proceedings that brought into question the loyalty of SIMM-II to the Union during the Civil War where he answers questions and swears an oath of loyalty. A few illustrations of differing types.  Some of the pages have original documents, correspondence and handbills pasted to the front and back. (29 pages, 9 loose items and one photocopy)
Folder 8: Research File, UndatedAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
Contains research information accumulated during the processing of the collection and comprises biographies, genealogical notes, information gathered on individuals mentioned in the collection, and research notes. Photocopies or recent notes only - no original Major Family items.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045577
Folder 1: Correspondence to SIMM-I From A-F, 1820-1857Add to your cart.
The majority of the letters appear to be related to family issues such as health, money, children's education and family business matters relating to estates, farming and collection of debts. There is a letter from his Mother-in-law, L.H. Bohannon, asking about family health and discussing her own situation. Also contains interesting letters from M.B. Blackburn pertaining to a request for money owed to SIMM-I, and another discussing the ownership and sale of slaves.  (35 documents)
Folder 2: Correspondence to SIMM-I from G-L, 1812-1857Add to your cart.
The majority of the letters appear to be requests for assistance, fiscal and otherwise, caring for the Bohannon children, depositions in legal cases, and family issues. One letter requests information as to whether a Kentucky Bank would accept money from Tennessee. Also contains interesting letters from Jack Fouett discussing debts owed and business issues.  (28 documents)
Folder 3: Correspondence to SIMM-I from Catherine Major-N, 1811-1852Add to your cart.
Contains correspondence of personal interest. These letters are largely from nephews and cousins of SIMM-I. They discuss subjects from health to the provision of goods to those in need. Of note are letters from his nephew, F. Major, requesting information about land owned by SIMM-I. As well his son J.B. Major writes to SIMM-I discussing concerns over his Captain's disappearance in 1832.  (24 documents)
Folder 4: Correspondence to SIMM-I from Martha H. Major (Bohannon, Maiden Name), 1820-1844Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The earlier letters are prior to their marriage and signed with her maiden name, Bohannon. These are personal correspondence from 1820 until 1844 with several undated letters. Within them are matters of her family's opinion of SIMM-I and health is discussed as well. An ongoing concern for the safety and health of one another when they are apart displays their affection.  (36 documents)
Folder 5: Correspondence to SIMM-I from Dr. Patrick Major, 1815-1821Add to your cart.
These letters are largely of personal nature from his brother. One letter discusses matters such as the current actions and state of Patrick's troops; he also relays questions from others concerning their wives. In other letters topics such as selling their jointly owned possessions are discussed.  (31 documents)
Folder 6: Correspondence to SIMM-I from Dr. Patrick Major, Continued, 1847-1853Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
These letters are mostly on the subject of land owned and debts owed between the two brothers, as well as other property. An ongoing discussion of Anderson Taylor's debt to Patrick occurs when SIMM-I is asked to validate information and investigate claims. Dr. Patrick Major regularly provides medical assistance including forewarning the spread of cholera.  (51 documents)
Folder 7: Correspondence to SIMM-I from Dr. Patrick Major (New Madrid, 16 Dec 1811), 16 Dec 1811Add to your cart.
Letter to SIMM-I from Dr. Patrick Major, detailing the effects of the New Madrid Earthquake, 16 Dec 1811 - photocopy only - original in fire proof file - with transcript. (1 document)
Folder 8: Correspondence to SIMM-I from Major-S, 1811-1852Add to your cart.
Patrick writes to his father regularly from St. Louis, he seeks advice from his father often in the letters as he seeks to establish his independence. Other documents include letters from cousins and sisters relaying information about family health. A note from Elsa Shepherd (cousin) includes a lock of her hair and watch paper.  (59 documents)
Folder 9: Correspondence to SIMM-I from T-W, 1815-1852Add to your cart.
Includes a mixture of family letters from cousins and siblings alongside acquaintances and friends. Most pertain to general information such as health, weather and their current condition. Recent marriages and engagements are often disclosed in letters from acquaintances and friends.  (35 documents)
Folder 10: Correspondence to SIMM-I (Unidentified), 1813-1816Add to your cart.
Includes two letters, one of personal interest discussing health and daily information of life around Frankfort. The second letter is of judicial or business nature where it is made known that an appeal has been made by Duncannon's heirs; the sale of land is also discussed.  (3 documents)
Folder 11: Correspondence to SIMM-I (Envelopes), 1850-1851Add to your cart.
Envelopes from correspondence to SIMM-I, some with filing notes on them. (18 documents)
Box 3Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045569
Folder 1: Correspondence to SIMM-II from A-Blackburn, 1863-1893Add to your cart.
These letters range from personal arrangements after his wife's death to legal proceedings from Washington D.C. and elsewhere. Many of the letters relate to the Circuit Court in Kentucky discussing appointments and proceedings. Includes various business cards as well.  (52 documents)
Folder 2: Correspondence to SIMM-II from C. H. Blakely to William Bush, 1855-1885Add to your cart.
Includes a collection of letters addressed to SIMM-II concerning the "Frankfort Yeoman" and other published works. There are letters from Governor Breckinridge discussing advertisements in the Yeoman. (45 documents)
Folder 3: Correspondence to SIMM-II from C-F, 1854-1886Add to your cart.
The folder consists of letters mostly in relation to political bills and legislation on gambling and other subjects. Various candidates petition the Major family for their support in elections in various letters. There is a letter from Mary B. Clay and one from Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. - photocopy only - original in fire proof file.  (61 documents)
Folder 4: Correspondence to SIMM-II from G, 1846-1885Add to your cart.
Includes letters of financial and political importance to SIMM-II. Along with requests for SIMM-II's support in various political situations, many letters discuss legal matters in relation to finances and account. There is also an interesting letter from John N. Gibson about the state guard and acquiring uniforms. (28 documents)
Folder 5: Correspondence to SIMM-II and John B. Major from W. N. Haldeman, 1866-1871Add to your cart.
Contains a large collection of letters pertaining to the Louisville Courier, photographers, articles and business related information. The correspondence with John relates to money owed to Haldeman by SIMM-II. There is an unfilled check that states in writing "Accepted payable at the Bank of Kentucky". Later documents are printed with the Courier-Journal name still used at present. (88 documents)
Folder 6: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Hal-Hod, 1849-1889Add to your cart.
This folder is largely personal letters ranging from discussing place of rest to the Kentucky Yeoman. There is a series of letters depicting a heated debate between SIMM-II and a R. Hardy from Cincinnati. Family matters are discussed in various letters from SIMM-II's cousins. There is a letter from General Rogers W. Hanson (CSA) - photocopy only - original in fire proof file. (51 documents)
Folder 7: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Hol-Mag, 1859-1886Add to your cart.
Many letters pertain to the Kentucky Yeoman including subscriptions, responses to articles, editorial comment and political discussions. Within there is also a letter consoling SIMM-II on the death of his father-in-law, Robert W. Scott, from the Executive Department of the Commonwealth. There is a letter from P. H. Leslie, six from B. Magoffin, and one from J. P. Knott. (63 documents)
Folder 8: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Alexander Major, 1859-1877Add to your cart.
They deal mainly with family matters, news of romances and marriages among family and friends, political news and opinions, and news of illness. Business dealings include the buying and selling of slaves, potential investing in copper, whiskey and tobacco, and requests (and demands) for loans. (48 documents)
Box 4Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045551
Folder 1: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Charles Major-Mary B. Major (Scott), 1846-1884Add to your cart.
These letters include personal endorsements for jobs or introductions, personal and legal family matters, a poem for newspaper publication, pleas for loans, and Mary Major's poignant notes and news from home to her husband. (70 documents)
Folder 2: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Patrick U. Major-McClaity, 1840-1885Add to your cart.
These letters include Patrick's dispatches from college, family news and gossip, business concerns, political favors and endorsements requested by friends, and a supplier seeking to provide arms to pre-Civil War Kentucky. There is a series of letters signed "Phronie' that are filed under Sophronia A. Matthews. (39 documents)
Folder 3: Correspondence to SIMM-II from McCreary-Reynolds, 1849-1888Add to your cart.
These letters include requests for political favors, messages from aspiring Yeoman writers and other printing matters, business and personal correspondence, bills and dunning notes, and requests for endorsements. There are two letters from Whitelaw Reid, editor of the New York Tribune and a one-time vice-presidential candidate for the Republican Party. (68 documents)
Folder 4: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Rhe-Scott, 1854-1885Add to your cart.
The folder, aside from the Scott family, consists of letters from various friends and acquaintances of SIMM-II. Most of these letters discuss various political and judicial events in relation to the Yeoman publications. The Scotts are the family of Mary B. Major (SIMM-II's wife) and generally discuss financial accounts and family matters. (56 documents)
Folder 5: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Robert W. Scott, 1860-1884Add to your cart.
These letters are personal and business interactions until Mr. Scott's death in 1886. Most of the letters pertain to accounts and monetary discussions of money owed, or required for various business situations. Others are more personal discussing the health of marital related family members. (34 documents)
Folder 6: Correspondence to SIMM-II from Shi-Young, 1862-1886Add to your cart.
This folder comprises largely letters of business or legal matters. Various letters throughout the folder discuss the candidacy for Speaker of the House within Frankfort and other political matters. Several letters are from his sister Catherine (Kate) Williams nee Major. Several of the letters were written during and discuss the events and politics of the Civil War. There are also letters from E. Rumsey Wing, a family friend, who was Minister to Ecuador at one time. (29 documents)
Folder 7: Correspondence to SIMM-II from unidentified senders, 1848-1886Add to your cart.
The majority of the letters contained are signed but are fairly illegible in determining who the sender is. Most of them discuss matters or opinions in response to the Yeoman or otherwise inviting SIMM-II to various events. Others are from unidentified family members, mostly siblings discussing health and happenings within the family. (24 documents)
Folder 8: Envelopes from correspondence, 1857-1858Add to your cart.
Envelopes from correspondence to SIMM-II. Some of the envelopes have hand written notes on them. (33 documents)
Box 5Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045460
Folder 1: Correspondence to Benjamin Major, et al., 1810-1885Add to your cart.
Letters to Benjamin Major, Catherine I. Major, John B. Major, Margaret P. Major Mary B. Major and Mary E. Major. The letter addressed to Catherine Major (nee Innes) relates to a mortgage that SIMM-I had annulled and further discusses his role in his brother's (Dr. Patrick Major) business.  A short note from SIMM-I to Benjamin requests payment of a medical bill owed to Dr. Major. There is a very poignant letter from M. H. Major to her newly born granddaughter, Mary E. Major, written in 1868 saying that Mary "should keep this as her very first letter."  Mary died at age 4. (63 documents)
Folder 2: Correspondence to Francis Major, F-W, 1790-1823Add to your cart.
Letters to Francis Major (F-W) including two from his father, SIMM Sr. Contains a collection of letters, mostly from family throughout Francis Major's lifetime. The subjects span the sale of meat and outstanding payment, to a request for pantaloons and drawers from SIMM Sr. Also several letters from his son, SIMM-I. (26 documents)
Folder 3: Correspondence to Dr. Patrick Major, F-R, 1807-1869Add to your cart.
Includes several letters from his father, Francis Major, his brother SIMM-I often discussing business and personal matters related to land and shared property and two from his nephew, SIMM-II. Others include questions regarding medical problems or assistance, and one from Gen. William Hardin disavowing their friendship. (34 documents)
Folder 4: Correspondence to Patrick U. Major, B-Mary B. Major, 1836-1895Add to your cart.
Folder consists primarily of letters from M. H. Major (his mother), some quite lengthy, discussing his health, welfare and political news of the time as well as requests for information pertaining to himself. A letter from William C. P. Breckinridge (U.S. Representative) discusses the plausibility of assisting others in getting positions in the Washington D.C. area. (68 documents)
Folder 5: Correspondence to Patrick U. Major from SIMM-I, 1840-1853Add to your cart.
Correspondence consisting largely of fatherly advice. Subjects include business-like discussions and requests but mostly the letters display SIMM-I's concern and advice for his son. (57 documents)
Folder 6: Correspondence to Patrick U. Major from SIMM-II-Unidentified, 1840-1885Add to your cart.
These letters mostly from SIMM-II display an ongoing dialogue about family affairs and health between them. One in particular discusses preparations for his duel with Thomas Green that will take place in Jeffersonville, IN. Several letters have additional notes from his mother, Mary H. Major, and his father, SIMM-I. (40 documents)
Folder 7: Correspondence from Dr. Patrick Major and SIMM-I, 1828-1836Add to your cart.
Contemporary copies of letters from Dr. Patrick Major and SIMM-II addressed to William Major and Thomas P. Major. The letters discuss various financial accounts and monetary concerns in relation to other persons. Also a series of letters concerning Mr. Pearson and concerns with him remaining on the docket for candidacy. (9 documents)
Folder 8: Correspondence to SIMM-I and Dr. Patrick Major from Francis Major, 1816Add to your cart.
These two letters are addressed to them "as dear sons" and are intended for both of them. The letters discuss land owned by the family and their roles or part in owning it. (2 documents)
Folder 9: Correspondence to SIMM-III from Rumsey Wing, 1890Add to your cart.
Letters to SIMM-III from his cousin. These letters are addressed to him as "Sambo" and talk about the boys' activities and toys such as putting on a show at Christmas time and a new steam engine that Rumsey had received. (2 documents)
Folder 10: Correspondence to Patrick U. Major, envelopes, 1858-1874Add to your cart.
Envelopes from the correspondence to Patrick U. Major. (26 items)
Box 6Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045478
Folder 1: Correspondence from SIMM-I and SIMM-II, A-F, 1813-1865Add to your cart.
The majority of these letters relate to business matters, letters of introduction, financial dealings and some politics. There are few of a more personal nature such as a letter to Miss Sallie Clay at White Hall addressed to her as "the child of the regiment."  (61 documents and one envelope)
Folder 2: Correspondence from SIMM-I and SIMM-II, G-J, 1817-1870Add to your cart.
The majority of these letters relate to business matters, letters of introduction, financial dealings and some politics. There are few of a more personal nature such as a letter to William Gayle about an elderly slave named Rachael who has been accused of trying to poison her owner, Mr. B.F. Coyle. These letters also discuss articles and publishing for the Kentucky Yeoman and family matters. (30 documents)
Folder 3: Correspondence from SIMM-I and SIMM-II, K-O, 1816-1884Add to your cart.
The majority of these letters relate to business matters, letters of introduction, financial dealings and discussions on political races and candidacy. There are few that relate to military matters such as one from Lt. Col. Thomas B. Monroe, Kentucky State Guard, addressed to R.C. Morgan requesting the officers of the "Lexington Rifles" to report to their armory, 9 Aug 1861. Mostly serving as rough drafts or handwritten copies, but there is a letter to Gov. Knott in 1884 that appears to be an original. (32 documents)
Folder 4: Correspondence from SIMM-I and SIMM-II, P-S, 1811-1869Add to your cart.
Discussions of business, legal and land agreements predominate this material. One letter from SIMM-I to his grandfather, Thomas Porter, concerns payment to a surveyor in corn rather than cash and is almost entirely devoid of any personal information. There is one photocopy of a letter that was written on the back of another one that is in another box. (33 documents)
Folder 5: Correspondence from SIMM-I and SIMM-II, T-Y, 1817-1890Add to your cart.
Some letters obviously being rough drafts discussing business and work related subjects. Among these are requests for payment of services rendered, business proposals, financial transactions and land deals. There are also some of a more personal nature including SIMM-II's ribald message to a friend, a riddle and a very long draft of a letter to a Father Young relating an incident when SIMM-II was Mayor of Frankfort. The incident appears to have occurred at the Frankfort jail and  related to a post-war riot, or near riot, over some civil rights issue by a crowd consisting primarily of Catholics. There is also a letter of recommendation from Patrick U. Major to the Postmaster General for Joseph Scott.  (29 documents)
Folder 6: Correspondence with undetermined recipients, 1797-1892Add to your cart.
These letters are mostly personal matters from and to members of the Major family. Others are addressed to those outside the family and have a more practical and business oriented application in their writing. (56 documents)
Folder 7: Correspondence, Scott Family, 1855-1882Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Mainly consists of letters written to Elizabeth Scott from her husband Robert W. Scott while on business trips to Memphis, Vicksburg and New Orleans. They discuss business matters in great detail and contain much family news. There are a few letters, both personal and business related to Robert W. Scott as well as several from their children. (29 documents)
Folder 8: Envelopes from general correspondence, 1860-1864Add to your cart.
Envelopes addressed to recipients in general correspondence. (30 documents)
Box 7Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045486
Folder 1: Boyle County, 1781Add to your cart.
Survey of David Jameson's land in Boyle County, 26 Mar 1781. (1 document)
Folder 2: Franklin County, KY Documents, 1821-1889Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Deeds, surveys, field notes, and insurance policies for property in Jefferson and Franklin County. This property ranges from a town house in Louisville to plots of land in the country. The documents are arranged by date starting with the earliest and ending with the documents that have no date. (51 documents)
Folder 3: Owen CountyAdd to your cart.
A survey and map of James W. Wood's land in Owen County. (2 documents)
Folder 4: Scott County, 1797Add to your cart.
Contemporary copy of a survey of David Jamison's land in Scott County. (1 document)
Folder 5: Mississippi, Ohio and Virginia, 1780-1876Add to your cart.
Deeds for plots of land outside of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The states that these plots are in are Mississippi, Ohio, and Virginia. The deeds are in order by state name and then by year.  (13 documents)
Folder 6: Unidentified locations, 1851-1882Add to your cart.
Surveys, deeds, and field notes for land in unidentified locations. (23 documents)
Folder 7: Legal documents, 1789-1839Add to your cart.
Legal documents arranged chronologically and related to several family members and extended family and friends. Among this material are deeds, slaves transfers and sales, bonds, wills, power of attorney and estate papers, debt collection documentation, tax receipts, tax inventories of household property, slaves, land, livestock and horses. The earlier documents relate primarily to Francis Major, George Major, SIMM-I and Dr. Patrick Major. A number of items relate to the estate of John Jamison. (104 documents)
Folder 8: Legal documents, 1840-1884Add to your cart.
Two items of note are a pardon issued to SIMM-II for accepting a challenge to a duel with Thomas Green, signed by Gov. Magoffin, 1862, and a remission of judgment against SIMM-II for "singing and whooping in the streets," signed by Gov. Powell, 1852. The pardon and remission are photocopies - originals in fire proof file. (94 documents and 2 photocopies)
Folder 9: Official legal documents of the Board of Trustees, Frankfort, 1797-1817Add to your cart.
These include tax lists, land documents and petitions. (9 documents)
Folder 10: Poindexter petition, 1840Add to your cart.
Petition to the State Legislature on behalf of Robert Poindexter. The petition is requesting compensation for military service from 1788-1813. It is accompanied by an account of Poindexter's service in his own hand. The account and petition contain very interesting descriptions of his serving under "Mad Anthony" Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers during the Indian Wars and with William Henry Harrison at the Battle of the Thames in the War of 1812. The account by Poindexter includes a defense of Harrison after his nomination in 1840. (3 documents)
Box 8Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045510
Folder 1: SIMM-I, Kentucky Penitentiary, 1809-1814Add to your cart.
Documents pertaining to the Kentucky Penitentiary as kept by SIMM-I. The appointment of SIMM-I as Agent of the Jail and Penitentiary House in 1813 signed by Isaac Shelby with the seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky still affixed. The appointment of SIMM-I as Agent of the Jail and Penitentiary House in 1812 signed by Charles Scott with the Seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky still affixed. A note from John Glover concerning money owed him by the Penitentiary that is dated 1809, but contains notes on the back of later dates. A notice for those in debt to the Penitentiary to make their payments in 1814. The appointments are photocopies - originals in fire proof file. (9 documents)
Folder 2: Dr. Patrick Major's accounts, 1824-1846Add to your cart.
Bills, receipts and accounts of Dr. Patrick Major for medicines, medical treatment and dental extractions. Some of these are extensive and cover many years. (38 documents)
Folder 3: Business and financial material, 1782-1829Add to your cart.
Business and financial material for several family members that cover a number of different endeavors including banking, publishing, farming, slave holdings, mill operations and land deals. Among the documents are lists of taxable property, accounts for collection, receipts, bills, promissory notes, bills for the hiring of slaves, checks, articles of agreement, prospectuses and related correspondence. The bulk of the material represents the business dealings of Francis Major, SIMM-I, Dr. Patrick Major, SIMM-II, and Patrick U. Major with occasional references to other family members. Folder one of three. (123 documents)
Folder 4: Business and financial material, 1830-1849Add to your cart.
Business and financial material for several family members that cover a number of different endeavors including banking, publishing, farming, slave holdings, mill operations and land deals.  Among the documents are lists of taxable property, accounts for collection, receipts, bills, promissory notes, bills for the hiring of slaves, checks, articles of agreement, prospectuses and related correspondence.  The bulk of the material represents the business dealings of Francis Major, SIMM-I, Dr. Patrick Major, SIMM-II, and Patrick U. Major with occasional references to other family members. Folder Two of three. (186 documents)
Folder 5: Business and financial material, 1850-1878Add to your cart.
Business and financial material for several family members that cover a number of different endeavors including banking, publishing, farming, slave holdings, mill operations and land deals.  Among the documents are lists of taxable property, accounts for collection, receipts, bills, promissory notes, bills for the hiring of slaves, checks, articles of agreement, prospectuses and related correspondence.  The bulk of the material represents the business dealings of Francis Major, SIMM-I, Dr. Patrick Major, SIMM-II, and Patrick U. Major with occasional references to other family members. Folder Three of three. (189 documents)
Folder 6: Kentucky Yeoman, financial papers, 1842-1876Add to your cart.
Financial material relating to the Kentucky Yeoman and the offices of the State Printer (held by both Jonathon B. Major and SIMM-II at different times and run from the Yeoman Printing Co. offices). This includes subscriptions, bills, receipts, account balances, agreements, and profit and loss statements. (157 documents)
Folder 7: Kentucky Yeoman, payroll material, 1858-1861Add to your cart.
Payroll related material for the Kentucky Yeoman, including payments for editorial work and lists of workers' weekly pay schedules based mostly on piece work and labeled as "Bill." These give the names of the employee, sometimes the type of work and/or the amount of work, and the pay for the week. (112 documents)
Folder 8: Household bills and receipts, 1787-1873Add to your cart.
These items encompass the whole spectrum of what might be expected to be purchased by a household during the given time period. Among the purchases noted are salt, sugar, tea, coffee and other household staples, tobacco, liquor, furniture, cloth, thread, dresses, pantaloons, tools, and farm implements. (168 documents)
Folder 9: Household bills and receipts, 1874-1880Add to your cart.
These items encompass the whole spectrum of what might be expected to be purchased by a household during the given time period but now include many luxury items reflecting the rise in family fortunes. (159 documents)
Box 9Add to your cart.
Barcode: 31234014045528
Folder 1: Bank Records and Cancelled ChecksAdd to your cart.
Personal ledgers, bank account books and cancelled checks belonging to SIMM-I, Robert W. Scott and SIMM-II. The ledgers are small booklets that contain a record of purchases as well as payments for tuition and receipts for hiring slaves out. Most of the cancelled checks appear to be made out to "myself." (7 booklets and 289 cancelled checks)
Folder 2: Political documents, 1813-1886Add to your cart.
Lists, letters, and records kept by SIMM-I and SIMM-II of a political nature. There are lists of Governors, Secretaries of State, Attorney Generals, Clerks of the Senate, Speakers of the House of Representatives, Treasurers, Auditors, Lieutenant Governors and Speakers of the Senate, and Clerks of the House of Representatives of Kentucky as recorded by SIMM-II. Letters sent to SIMM-II seeking appointments and support. There is a pamphlet listing the members of the Standing Committees of the House for the 1885-1886 session. Records for Committee meetings written by SIMM-II. Documents concerning his involvement in the Democratic Party and his official appointment as Surveyor. The official electoral ballots for Kentucky that elected James Buchanan President and John C. Breckinridge Vice-President in the 1856 presidential election with envelope signed by SIMM-II as Secretary - originals in fire proof file. (60 documents, 23 ballots and one envelope)
Folder 3: Political documents, January 1827Add to your cart.
Letters of recommendation to Judge Henry Davidge concerning SIMM-I's candidacy for the office of Anderson County Clerk. The letters date from 17 Jan 1827 to 20 Jan 1827 with one undated letter. There is also a list of those letters written by SIMM-I. (39 documents)
Folder 4: The Screw, 1848-1850Add to your cart.
Documents pertaining to the writing and publishing of the paper called The Screw. Correspondence between SIMM-II, James Craddock, and Richardson Hardy. Some bills for publication. Two copies of the Prospectus of The Screw as printed. One of the copies has a list of subscribers. A hand-written extra issue. Please note: This folder contains discussions in mature language and with mature illustrations. (27 documents)
Box 10: OversizeAdd to your cart.
Barcode: 312340139:2057
Folder 1: Appointments and commissions, 1853-1866Add to your cart.
Item 1: Appointment of SIMM-II as Clerk of the Penitentiary of Kentucky, 01 Apr 1853Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 pg.
Item 2: Reappointment of SIMM-II as Clerk of the Penitentiary of Kentucky, 01 Feb 1854Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 pg.
Item 3: Appointment of Robert W. Scott to Commissioner of the Kentucky Institute for the Education and Training of Feeble-Minded Children by Governor Magoffin, 11 Apr 1860Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 pg.
Item 4: Commission of SIMM-II as Captain, Kentucky State Guard, 13 Aug 1861Add to your cart.
DS, 1 pg.
Item 5: Commission of SIMM-II as Colonel, Kentucky State Militia, 03 July 1862Add to your cart.
DS, 1 pg.
Item 6: Temporary appointment to the Board of Visitors for the Kentucky Military Institute for SIMM-II by Governor Bramlette, 30 May 1866Add to your cart.
DS, 1 pg.
Folder 2: Advertisements, notice, article, 1846-1886Add to your cart.
Item 1: Broadside advertising the sale of Dr. Patrick Major's property holdings in Kentucky at a reduced rate in order that he can move south, 02 Apr 1846Add to your cart.
Doc, 1 pg.
Item 2: Advertisement for the Thespian Society's production of Cato, 24 July 1846Add to your cart.
Doc, 1 pg.
Item 3: Orlando Brown's notice of the Presbyterian Fair, Jan 1886Add to your cart.
Doc, 1 pg.
Item 4: Southern Publisher and Printer article about the death of SIMM-II, Aug 1886Add to your cart.
Doc, 1 pg.
Folder 3: Land grants and documents, 1786-1799Add to your cart.
Item 1: Land grant for land in Jefferson County, VA to William Kendall; signed by Patrick Henry as governor, 13 Apr 1786Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 pg.
Item 2: Land grant for land in Fayette County, VA, to Thomas Marshall, 10 Feb 1787Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 pg.
Item 3: Land grant for land near the Continental Line of Virginia to William Gray, 19 July 1790Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 pg.
Item 4: Land document recording purchases of plots of land in Woodford County, 1792-1794Add to your cart.
AD, 3 pp.
Item 5: Land grant for a plot of land in Warren County to Augustine Slaughter, 10 Mar 1795Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Item 6: Land grant for land in Fayette County to Hannah Harris, 07 Sep 1795Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Item 7: Land grant for a plot of land in Scott County to David Jamison, 20 May 1798Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Item 8: Land grant for land in Shelby County to James Garrard, 02 Sep 1799Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Folder 4: Land deeds, survey, and map, 1816-1824Add to your cart.
Item 1: Survey and map of the land held by SIMM in Madison County, 07 Jun 1816Add to your cart.
AD, 1 p.
Item 2: Deed for land in Franklin County, Hezekiah Brown to Harry Brown for one dollar, 05 Sep 1819Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Item 3: Deed for land in Franklin County, Richard Bennett to William Johnson, 09 July 1821Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Item 4: Deed for land in Franklin County and Stratford County, Henry and Catherine Brown to William Hardin for sixteen-hundred dollars, 28 May 1824Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Folder 5: Passage from assessor's book, blank ballots, election results charts, Board of Trustees election recordAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Chart recording the election results for the 1802 election of the Board of Trustees for the town of Frankfort as recorded by SIMM-I, 1802Add to your cart.
AD, 1 p.
Item 2: Record of the 1808 election of the Board of Trustees, Frankfort, 15 Mar 1808Add to your cart.
ADS, 1 p.
Item 3: Copy of a passage from an Assessors Book done by Richard W. Todd for taxation purposes; pages are tied together with a string binding, 26 May 1809Add to your cart.
ADS, 5 pp.
Item 4: Blank ballot listing the counties of Kentucky and how many voters are in each one with spaces to record results; "Yeoman Printing Co.", n/dAdd to your cart.
Doc, 1 p.
Item 5: Blank ballot listing the counties of Kentucky and how many voters are in each one with spaces to record results; "D. C. Barrett's Bills to Jany 1 1860", n/dAdd to your cart.
Doc, 1 p.

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