Collection Overview
Title: Richmond Area Arts Council Records, 1989-2014
Extent: 3.0
Date Acquired: 04/22/2021
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Organizational records documenting the history and activities of the Richmond Area Arts Council from 1989 when it was founded through 2014. Collection includes meeting minutes from 1989 to 2007, various financial documents from 1990 to 2014, and council bylaws established in 2000.
Collection Historical Note
The Richmond Area Arts Council was founded in an effort to provide the citizens of Richmond more access to the arts. The first meeting of what would later become the council took place in November 1988 at Daniel Boone School. In 1989, The Richmond Arts Council became a non-profit organization, established the first board and officers, and began putting on programs and events for the community. In the fall of 1990, the Richmond Area Arts Council purchased a building on Lancaster Ave. at Water St. They named the facility the Richmond Area Arts Center. The Richmond Area Arts Council continues to present concerts, programs, and events for the community.
Administrative Information
Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives
Acquisition Source:
Westbrook, Randy, Director
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
[Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
Box 7],
Box 8],
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Meeting Minutes, 1989-1990

- Meeting minutes ranging from April of 1989 to July of 1990.
- Folder 2: Meeting Minutes, 1991

- Minutes from various Art Council meetings along with a couple of letters of support from other organizations and people from Richmond.
- Folder 3: Finances, 1990-1992

- Different projects the Arts Council wanted to bring to life, along with various letters of support and project descriptions with the budget needed for each project.
- Folder 4: Meeting Minutes, 1991

- Meeting minutes from various meetings. The minutes vary from regular monthly meetings, Board meetings, special meetings, and the second annual meeting. The minutes also included a financial report.
- Folder 5: Finances, 1990-1991

- This folder records the formation of the Richmond Area Arts Council. Included are minutes, financial information, choosing board members and a list of programs that were presented during this time. Very importantly, it has the records of purchasing the building which was built in 1887 and is the oldest standing church building in downtown Richmond.
- Folder 6: Development Plan, 1991

- This folder contains the earliest records of the Richmond Area Arts Council. The renovation architectural plans by Architect Wilson Bond can be seen, along with minutes and financial records of the earliest meetings held to promote this project and to establish the organization.
- Folder 7: Finances, 1991-1992

- Documents including a proposed budget plan, budget sheets, and a copy of the major donors to the Art Council.
- Folder 8: Board Members and Finances, 1991

- This folder records the formation of the Richmond Area Arts Council. Included are minutes, financial information, choosing board members and a list of programs that were presented during this time. Very importantly, it has the records of purchasing the building which was built in 1887 and is the oldest standing church building in downtown Richmond.
- Folder 9: Art Angel Gifts, 1991

- This folder contains the Arts Angel Campaign which was a fund raising project for the purchase and renovation of the Christ Episcopal Church which became the Richmond Area Arts Center.
- Folder 10: Government Grant Records, 1992

- A collection of documents inlcuding officers and directors for 1992-1993, some personal thank you's sent to various members of the community who helped the Art Council at that time, and a note pad detailing different finances and stamps used to acknowledge different documents.
- Folder 11: Board Minutes, 1992

- A list of officers and directors along with a note pad detailing a long list of ideas to talk about at the meeting minutes, which take up most of the folder. The minutes vary from May to the end of 1992.
Browse by Box:
[Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
Box 7],
Box 8],