By Chuck Hill
Collection Overview
Title: Autograph Collection, 1847-1968
Extent: 2.0 Folders
Arrangement: Alphabetical
Date Acquired: 10/31/2003
Subjects: Autographs--Collections.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Autograph Collection consists of a variety of documents including signatures on calling cards, signatures that appear to have been cut from letters, programs, business cards or other documents, and other signatures that were written specifically as autographs to admirers. They date from the early 19th century to the late 20th century and come from a several unidentified sources. This collection appears to have been created to center around important Kentucky public figures (politicians, authors, athletes, military leaders, etc.) or people who have some connection with the Civil War or Abraham Lincoln (Robert T. Lincoln, Simon Cameron, Steven A. Douglas, etc.). The items are organized in alphabetical order by last name.
Although the majority of items in this collection are signatures collected as souvenirs or as requests for autographs, a few items were added that are actual documents but had no connection to another collection in the Archives. An example is the letter from Robert T. Lincoln requesting copies of the Congressional Directory. Items such as this have been left in the Autograph Collection because they have no relevance as part of a larger collection or as a small collection by itself.
Collection Historical Note
The provenance of this material is unknown at this time [10/31/2003], however, several of the items appear to have been removed from a scrapbook and they, as well as others, have dealer marks which would indicate that they were purchased. Although the collection has been dated 1847-1968, those are simply the earliest and latest identified dates. Some items must predate 1847 (John Adair died in 1840) and some may postdate 1968 (Robert Penn Warren died in 1989) but the items with their signatures were not dated.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives
Acquisition Source:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Folder:
Folder 1: Autograph Collection (Copies), 1847-1968],
[Folder 2: Autograph Collection (Originals), 1847-1968],
- Folder 2: Autograph Collection (Originals), 1847-1968

- Item 1: Adair, John, 1757-1840

- (KY Rep., US Senator from KY, KY Governor, US Rep. from KY) AS John Adair. Probably cut from a letter as the signature is preceded by "Believe me to be with real esteem, yours."
- Item 2: Adams, Daniel Weisiger, 1820-1872

- (CS Lt. Col., Col. and Brig. General) AS Danl. W. Adams, Brig. Genl. CSA. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 3: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925

- (KY Author) AS Sincerely Yours, James Lane Allen. On card stock, not cut from a letter.
- Item 4: Beall, William Nelson Rector, 1825-1883

- (Graduate USMA, US Capt., CS Capt. and Brig. General) AS Wm. N.R. Beall, Bg. Gn. PCSA. Arkansas. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 5: Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 1818-1893, 1890

- (Graduate USMA, Superintendent USMA, CS Brig. General and General) AS G.T. Beauregard, 1890. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 6: Blackburn, Joseph Clay Stiles, 1838-1918

- (KY Rep., US Rep. from KY, US Senator from KY) AS Jo. C.S. Blackburn, Kentucky. Signature on a page from an autograph book.
- Item 7: Breckinridge, John Cabell, 1821-1875, 24 Feb 1860

- (KY Rep., US Rep. from KY, US Vice President, CS Brig. General, US Senator from KY, CS Secretary of War) ANS John C. Breckinridge. Note transmitting his autograph signature to G.W. Wilson of New York City.
- Item 8: Browning, Orville Hickman, 1806-1881, 22 May 1867

- (IL Senator, US Senator from IL, US Secretary of the Interior) AS O.H. Browning, May 22, 1867. Signature cut from a larger document or a book.
- Item 9: Cameron, Simon, 1799-1889

- (US Senator from PA, US Secretary of War, US Minister to Russia) AS Simon Cameron, [illegible] Penna. Signature cut from a larger document or a letter.
- Item 10: Cameron, Simon, 24 Jan 1847

- (see above) ALS Simon Cameron. Letter in Cameron's hand to Edward D. Ingraham stating that he would send an unidentified "Bill & report" when it is printed, 24 January 1847. [note: possibly Edward Duffield Ingraham, a Philadelphia attorney and Democrat, who, in the 1830s, was secretary for the congressional committee investigating the United States Bank, served as one of the Bank's directors, and was the US Commissioner at Philadelphia]
- Item 11: Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg, 1817-1873

- (Graduate USMA, US Col., Brig. General and Maj. General, post-war commanded Department of the Columbia and Division of the Pacific, and was killed at Siskiyou, CA by Captain Jack and other Modoc Indians during negotiations over a peace treaty.) AS Ed. M. Canby, M.G. Vols. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 12: Cawein, Madison, 1865-1914, 19 May 1904

- (KY Author) AS Madison Cawein. Probably cut from a letter as the signature is preceded by "with affectionate friendship," and after with "Louisville, Ky., May 19th 1904."
- Item 13: Cawein, Madison

- (see above) AS Madison Cawein
- Item 14: Chandler, Albert Benjamin (Happy), 1898-1991

- (KY Senator, KY Governor, US Senator from KY, Commissioner of Baseball) AS A.B. Chandler. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 15: Clay, Henry, 1777-1852

- (KY Rep., US Senator from KY, US Rep. from KY, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, US Secretary of State, Peace Commissioner at Ghent) AS H. Clay. Portion of an envelope addressed to A.M. January, Maysville, KY and containing the franking mark "Free," all in Clay
- Item 16: Collins, Martha Layne, 1936-

- (KY Lt. Governor and Governor, President of St. Catharine College) AS Martha Layne Collins. Signature on her business card as Governor.
- Item 17: Combs, Earle, 1899-1976, 6 Jul 1954

- (Professional Baseball Player, NY Yankees, Baseball Hall of Fame) AS Earle Combs. Signature on a blank postcard addressed to Roy Pitts, Anniston, AL, and postmarked at Philadelphia, 6 Jul 1954.
- Item 18: Conrad, Charles Magill, 1804-1878

- (US Secretary of War, US Senator from LA, US and CS Rep. from LA) AS C.M. Conrad. Portion of an envelope addressed to Robert F. Adair, Maysville, KY (also in Conrad
- Item 19: Crittenden, Thomas L., 1819-1893

- (US Maj. General, KY State Treasurer, US Consul in Liverpool) AS T.L. Crittenden, Major General U.S. Volunteers. Probably cut from a letter as the signature is preceded by "Your Obt. Servant."
- Item 20: Crittenden, T.L., 1 Jun 1863

- (see above) AS T.L. Crittenden, Maj. Genl. Com. Fragment of an official document with his signature preceded by "Respectfully forwarded" and dated at "Headquarters, 21st Army Corps, June 1st 1863."
- Item 21: Croxton, John Thomas, 1836-1874, 4 Sep 1863

- (US Lt. Col. [4th KY Mounted Infantry], US Col., US Brig. General, US Minister to Bolivia) AS John T. Croxton, Brig. Genl. Cmdg. Brig. Fragment of an official document or cover sheet with the notation "Respectfully forwarded." Dated at Headqurters, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps, in camp near Shell Mound, TN.
- Item 22: Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889

- (US Rep. from MS, US Senator from MS, Governor of MS, US Sec. of War, CS President) AS Jeffn. Davis. Probably cut from a letter as the signature is preceded by "Very respectfully, Your Obt. Servt."
- Item 23: Douglas, Stephen A., 1813-1861

- (US Rep. from IL, IL State Rep., IL Secretary of State, IL State Supreme Court Justice, US Senator from IL) AS S.A. Douglas, Chicago, Illinois. Probably cut from a letter as the remains of an address appear on the back.
- Item 24: Douglas, Stephen A.

- (see above) AS S.A. Douglas, Chicago, Ills. Signature cut from a larger document or a letter.
- Item 25: Guthrie, James, 1792-1869, 3 Feb 1861

- (US Secretary of Treasury, US Senator from KY, KY State Senate, KY State Rep.) AS James Guthrie, Feb. 3rd 1861, Louisville, KY. Signature cut from a larger document or a letter. [back contains an illegible signature - William R. Timel (?), Capt. 5th Artillery.]
- Item 26: Hamlin, Hannibal, 1809-1891

- (US Senator from ME, US Rep. from ME, ME Governor, US Vice President) AS H. Hamlin, Maine. Signature cut from a larger document or a letter.
- Item 27: Hay, John Milton, 1838-1905

- (Private Secretary to Abraham Lincoln, US Assistant Secretary of State, Ambassador to Great Britain, US Secretary of State) AS John Hay. Signature cut from a larger document or a letter.
- Item 28: James, Will, 1892-1942

- (Author [Smoky, Lone Cowboy, etc.], Illustrator) AS Will James
- Item 29: Johnson, Richard W., 1827-1897

- (Graduate USMA, US Brig. General, US Maj. General) AS R.W. Johnson, Maj. Genl. Vols. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 30: Johnston, Annie Fellows, 1863-1931

- (IN and KY author [The Little Colonel, etc.]) TLS Annie Fellows Johnston. Form letter acknowledging receipt of a fan letter. "Dear Ruth" and "Very sincerely yours" appear to be in Johnston
- Item 31: Lincoln, Robert Todd, 1843-1926

- (Son of Abraham Lincoln, US Secretary of War, US Minister to Great Britain) AS Robert T. Lincoln. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 32: Lincoln, Robert Todd, 13 Jun 1881

- (see above) ALS Robert T. Lincoln, Secretary of War. Letter to Henry B. Anthony requesting 300 copies of the Congressional Directory for use in the War Department, 13 Jun 1881. The entire letter appears to be in Lincoln
- Item 33: McClernand, John Alexander, 1812-1900

- (IL Rep., US Rep. from IL, US Brig. General, US Maj. General) AS John A. McClernand. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 34: Preston, William, 1816-1887

- (KY Rep., KY Senator, US Rep. from KY, US Minister to Spain, CS Brig. General) AS W. Preston, Louisville, KY. Signature cut from a larger document or a letter.
- Item 35: Reynolds, Joseph Jones, 1822-1899

- (Graduate USMA, US Col., US Brig. General, US Maj. General, Asst. Commissioner of Freedmen
- Item 36: Rice, Alice Hegan, 1870-1942

- (KY Author [Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, A Romance of Billy-Goat Hill, etc.]) ANS Alice Hegan Rice. "For Mrs. John R. Clements with all good wishes."
- Item 37: Rice, Alice Hegan

- (see above) AS Alice Hegan Rice. Includes address and signature as Mrs. Cale Young Rice.
- Item 38: Rice, Alice Hegan

- (see above) AS Alice Hegan Rice. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 39: Rice, Cale Young, 1872-1943, 1928

- (KY Poet and Author [Stygian Freight, Bitter Brew, etc.]) ALS Cale Young Rice. On The Homestead, Hot Springs, VA, letterhead, 1928.
- Item 40: Rousseau, Lovell Harrison, 1818-1869

- (IN Legislator, KY Legislator, US Rep. from KY, US Brig. General) AS Lovell H. Rousseau, Maj. Genl., U.S. Vols. Probably cut from a letter as the signature is preceded by "I am, etc."
- Item 41: Rousseau, Lovell Harrison

- (see above) AS Very truly, etc. Lovell H. Rousseau, Maj. Genl. On card stock, not cut from a letter.
- Item 42: Sachs, Emanie, 1893-1981

- (KY Author [The Octangle, Terrible Siren, etc.]) AS Emanie Sachs. Signature on news clipping containing her picture.
- Item 43: Seward, William H., 1801-1872, 23 Mar 1860

- (NY Senator, NY Governor, US Senator from NY, US Secretary of State) ANS William H. Seward. Note to Justin Kellogg thanking him "for your kind courtesy." dated at Washington, DC, 23 Mar 1860.
- Item 44: Shackelford, James Murrell, 1827-1909, 3 Feb 1880

- (US Col. [25th KY Infantry and 8th KY Cavalry], US Brig. General, Judge of the U.S. Court for Indian Territory) ANS J.M. Shackelford. Note transmitting his signature dated at Evansville, IN, 3 Feb 1880.
- Item 45: Smith, Green Clay, 1826-1895

- (KY Rep., US Col. [4th KY Cavalry], US Brig. General, US Rep. from KY, MT Governor) AS Most Respty., Green Clay Smith, Brig. Genl. USA. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 46: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896, 19 Jun 1876

- (Author [Uncle Tom
- Item 47: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 15 Dec 1880

- (see above) AS H.B. Stowe. Probably cut from a letter as the signature is preceded by "Very Truly Your Friend." The back contains an address "Mr. Arthur Hughes. New York City" but this does not appear to be in Beecher
- Item 48: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1 Dec 1885

- (see above) ANS Harriet Beecher Stowe. Calling card with note in Beecher
- Item 49: Tate, Allen, 1899-1979, 28 Dec 1953

- (Author [The Fathers, Stonewall Jackson: The Good Soldier, etc.]) ANS Allen Tate, Rome. The note, "With kind regards from" is written on card stock and includes the envelope addressed to Ashley H. Cole, New York. [2 items]
- Item 50: Tunney, Gene, 1897-1978

- (WW I veteran and World Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight Champion Boxer) AS Gene Tunney. Signature on a calling card.
- Item 51: Warren, Robert Penn, 1905-1989

- (KY Author [All the King
- Item 52: Warren, Robert Penn, 6 Feb 1968

- (see above) AS Robert Penn Warren. Signature on a program with his picture as the Kennedy Lecturer, Ohio University.
- Item 53: Warren, Robert Penn

- (see above) TDS Robert Penn Warren. Typed copy of his poem "The Ivy" signed by Warren.
- Item 54: Williams, John Stuart, 1818-1898, 17 Jun 1881

- (Capt. and Colonel in the 4th KY Volunteers during the Mexican War, KY Rep., CS Brig. General, US Senator from KY) ANS John S. Williams. A note to L. Dalton, Washington, DC, requesting that he forward all documents to him "as fast as they come." Dated at Mt Sterling, KY, 17 Jun 1881.
- Item 55: Williamson, James Alexander, 1829-1902 and Hoyt, E.A.

(1st Lt., Lt. Col. and Col., 4th Iowa, US Brig. General, Medal of Honor Recipient, Commissioner of the General Land Office, Pres. of the Atlantic and Pacific RR)
Hoyt, E.A. [no birth or death dates available at this time - 15 Oct 2003] (Commissioner of Indian Affairs) AS J.A. Williamson (with notation above his name, not in his hand, "Commissioner of the Land Office -") and E.A. Hoyt (with notation above his name, not in his hand, "Commissioner of Indian Affairs -" [1 item with two signatures on a page from an autograph book]
Browse by Folder:
Folder 1: Autograph Collection (Copies), 1847-1968],
[Folder 2: Autograph Collection (Originals), 1847-1968],