By Tammy Jo Amsdam, Kevin Keefe
Collection Overview
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This collection contains materials related to teacher education and public K-12 education, in particular rural education, in the state of Kentucky.
Collection Historical Note
Richard Elmer Jaggers was born on February 6, 1891, in Hart County, Kentucky, to Sarah Waddle and Nimrod Jaggers. One of four children, Jaggers had two sisters, Roberta and May, and one half-brother, William Brown.
After receiving his diploma from Western Kentucky State Teacher's College, Jaggers obtained his post-secondary schooling at two universities. He received an A.B. degree in 1925 and a M.A. in 1926 from the University of Kentucky. Later, he attended Cornell University, where he earned his Ph.D in 1932. The main emphasis of Jaggers's studies were placed on rural education and school administration.
Dr. Jaggers's professional experience began in 1910 when he taught in a one-room schoolhouse for Hart County and the city of Marion, Kentucky. In 1932, Jaggers became the state's director of Teacher Education and Certification. By the time he retired from the State Department of Education in 1946 he had attained the office of chief of the Bureau of Instruction.
Jagger joined the staff of Eastern Kentucky State Normal School and Teacher's College (now Eastern Kentucky University) in 1926 as principal of the normal school; he also served as an instructor. Jaggers later served as chairperson of the Department of Education and Psychology at the State Teachers College in Florence, Alabama, before returning to Eastern in 1952 as a professor of elementary education.
Dr. Jaggers was recognized as an expert in his field and as the originator of important studies on rural education and teacher training, graduate programs at Eastern, and of the program of pre-service training of teachers, which has been adopted in nearly every state in the country. He was constantly in demand as a speaker throughout his career, teaching as a guest professor at six universities and addressing educational concerns to groups in thirty-six states.
R.E. Jaggers was an active participant in many education-related organizations. He was a member of the National Education Association (NEA) board of directors and repeatedly gave addresses at the group's conventions. In the organizations Jaggers belonged to, he played a leadership role more often than just being a conventional member. These positions included his role as secretary of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, president of the NEA Department of Rural Education, president of the Ohio River Valley Conference on Teacher Education, chairperson of the Southern Conference on Teacher Education, chairperson of the NEA Committee on Supply Preparation and Certification of Teachers, and chairperson of the Kentucky Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards. He also served as chairperson of the Kentucky council on Public Higher Education Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and as the council's first secretary. Jaggers was also acting secretary of the Central Kentucky Education Association (CKEA) for many years.
Dr. Jaggers's activities extended to the community as well. He served as president of the Richmond Rotary Club and was a member of the First United Methodist Church.
Jaggers published several books, produced because of his research in education. His most prominent works Kentucky Courses of Study (1931), Administering the County School System (1934), and State Department of Education-- A Forward Look (1955), the latter of which he co-wrote with four other authors.
Dr. Jaggers retired from service at Eastern Kentucky University to the position of emeritus professor in 1962.
Richard Jaggers married his wife Emma Geralds in 1912 in Hart County. They had one daughter, Frances, who married Bruce T. Dorsey, and two sons, Gerald, KEA director of publications, and retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Richard E. Jaggers Jr., who became director of the Division for Management Systems in the Kentucky Department for Human Resources. Dr. Richard Jaggers Sr. died in Richmond in 1975 and is buried in Elizaville, Kentucky.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Eastern Kentucky University - Special Collections and Archives
Acquisition Source:
Jaggers, Richard E.
Acquisition Method:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Professional Activities, 1933-1966],
Series 2: Miscellaneous, 1910-1965],
[Series 3: Writings, 1927-1964],
- Series 3: Writings, 1927-1964

- Essays, reports, and papers on topics primarily related to education. The writings cover such topics as assessments of school programs, influences of various factors upon education, and suggested methods to improve the field of education.
- Box 9

- Folder 2: Administering the County School System: Part One, undated

- Folder 3: Administering the County School System: Part Two, undated

- Folder 4: Administering the County School System: Part Three, undated

- Box 10

- Barcode: 31234013797640
- Folder 1: Advancing Education in Kentucky: Parts One and Two, 1956

- Folder 2: Advancing Education in Kentucky: Part Three, 1956

- Folder 3: Aim and Purpose of Using Resources in School System: Introduction and Chapters One and Two, undated

- Folder 4: Aim and Purpose of Using Resources in School System: Chapters Three, Four, and Appendix, undated

- Folder 5: An-C, 1931-1958

- Essays mostly on education in Kentucky
- Item 1: An Analysis of Experiments and Studies of Methods of Cooperative Procedures in the Education of Teachers, undated

- Item 2: Analyzing the Job, 1945

- Item 3: Applicable Philosophy Underlying Educational Advancement, undated

- Item 4: An Appreciation of William Cecelius Bell, 1931

- Item 5: Areas of Increased Emphasis, 1947

- Item 6: Beliefs Basic to Democratic Education, 1940

- Item 7: The Blessing of Liberty, 1934

- Item 8: Brief Summary of Discussion Held on Nov. 28, 1958, undated

- Item 9: Building the Country Road, undated

- Item 10: The Bureau of Instruction and Its Work, 1947

- Item 11: Business Education and Reciprocal Relations, 1940

- Item 12: Certification as Related to Teacher Preparation and Supply, 1946

- Item 13: Colleges in a World at War: Suggested Action Program, 1946

- Item 14: Community Schools Share in Planning, 1944

- Item 15: A Continuing Study of Teacher Education in Kentucky, 1943

- Item 16: Cooperation in the Study of Teacher Education, 1946

- Item 17: Cooperative Study of Uniformity and Reciprocity, 1940

- Item 18: Coordinating Rural Education Programs, 1935

- Item 19: Curriculum, 1931

- Folder 6: D-E, 1932-1952

- Essays mostly on education in Kentucky
- Folder 7: F-G, 1939-1964

- Essays on education in Kentucky.
- Folder 8: How Americans Have Learned to Carry People and Goods

- Folder 9: How-L, 1931-1960

- Item 1: How Firm the Foundation, 1953

- Item 2: Images of a Teacher, 1960

- Item 3: Improvement of Learning Conditions in Rural Elementary Schools, 1944

- Item 4: In-School Children and Out-of-School Youth, 1935

- Item 5: Interpreting the Spirit of Democracy Through the Schools, 1944

- Item 6: I See the White Cliffs, 1942

- Item 7: Is it Patriotic to be a Teacher? Yes! 1943

- Item 8: Kentucky Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1944

- Item 9: Kentucky Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, undated

- Item 10: Kentucky Public School Organization, 1945

- Item 11: Kentucky Schools in War Time, 1942

- Item 12: Kentucky's Educational Needs, 1945

- Item 13: Kentucky's School Program, 1944

- Item 14: The King's Highway, undated

- Item 15: The Land is Our Bounty, 1951

- Item 16: A Legislator Looks at the School Program, 1945

- Item 17: A Long Look Ahead, undated

- Item 18: A Look at Teacher Supply, 1945

- Item 19: Looking Ahead in Kentucky, 1946

- Item 20: Looking Ahead with the Teacher, 1933

- Item 21: Lost Generation, undated

- Box 11

- Barcode: 31234013797657
- Folder 1: M-Pri, 1931-1952

- Item 1: Making Learning Make Sense, 1952

- Item 2: Meeting the Needs of All of Kentucky's Children, 1945

- Item 3: Meeting the Needs of Teachers in Service, 1945

- Item 4: My Selves, undated

- Item 5: National Trends in Teacher Education, 1940

- Item 6: Needed Research Facilities for Education, 1945

- Item 7: Newer Trends in Rural School Organization with newspaper article: "Rural School to be Radio Talk Subject", 1931

- Item 8: Old Wine in New Bottles, undated

- Item 9: On Human Relations, Undated

- Item 10: On-the-Job Training, 1946

- Item 11: Organization and the Work of the Division of Teacher Training and Certification since February 1, 1933, 1933

- Item 12: Organization of Elementary Guides in Twelve-Grade Schools, undated

- Item 13: Personnel of Teaching Staff of Secondary School of Tomorrow, 1934

- Item 14: Philosophy of Educational Leadership, undated

- Item 15: The Place of Parent-Teacher Association Movement in Education, 1933

- Item 16: Practice Teaching Programs, 1950

- Item 17: Principles of Secondary Education, undated

- Folder 2: Pro-Rep, 1929-1960

- Item 1: Problems in Improving Learning Conditions in Rural Elementary Schools in KY, 1929

- Item 2: Elementary Schools in Kentucky, 1929

- Item 3: The Problems of Certification as they are Related to Teacher Preparation and Supply, 1946

- Item 4: Professional Education and the Twelve Grade School, undated

- Item 5: Professional Growth Through In-Service Education, 1950

- Item 6: Program Atlanta, GA, Meeting, 1946, School Administrators, NEA: Comprehending the Community, 1946

- Item 7: A Program of Rural Education in the United States, 1934

- Item 8: Programs of In-Service Teacher Education Improves Instruction, undated

- Item 9: Process of the Cooperative Study, 1945

- Item 10: Public Works and Postwar Education in Kentucky, 1943

- Item 11: Putting the Idea to Work for Children, 1950

- Item 12: Quality Education Through Quality Teacher Education, 1960

- Item 13: Raising KY's Educational Standard Through More Functional Educational Leadership Training, 1945

- Item 14: Redirecting Rural Education, 1934

- Item 15: Regional Standards for Teacher Education, 1940

- Item 16: Relationships in School Organization (chart), 1952

- Item 17: Report of Committee on Teacher Education, 1946

- Item 18: Report of KY Educational Commission, 1933

- Item 19: Report of Scores Given to the County Superintendent in Franklin Co, KY, by Teachers and Principals, undated

- Item 20: Report on Materials: Production Projects in Cooperative Study of Teacher Education to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1947

- Item 21: Report on Problems in Administration of County School Systems, 1929

- Folder 3: Rural Education in Christian County, [Kentucky]: A Survey, 1930

- By R.E. Jaggers and O.J. Jones for the Department of Education in Frankfort, KY.
- Folder 4: Res-Sta, 1928-1959

- Item 1: Resource Use Education, 1948

- Item 2: Rural Education in Madison County: A Survey, undated

- Item 3: Rural Education Leadership, 1928

- Item 4: Rural Education on the Move, 1945

- Item 5: Rural Teacher Shortage--Remedies, 1942

- Item 6: The Rural School of Tomorrow, 1931

- Item 7: S. 1313 and the Nation's War Report, 1942

- Item 8: Scholarship in Action, 1940

- Item 9: School Problems and School Support, 1943

- Item 10: The Schools and the War Effort, 1942

- Item 11: The Selection of the Teachers of Tomorrow, undated

- Item 12: Ships of Discovery, 1932

- Item 13: Significant Learning: In Therapy and in Education, 1959

- Item 14: Social Adjustment and Parental Attitude, 1931

- Item 15: The Social South in Teacher Education, 1941

- Item 16: Some Characteristics of a Good Teacher, 1951

- Item 17: Some Evidences of Improvement in School Programs in KY, 1945

- Item 18: Some Problems to be Faced in Developing a Program as a Basis for Issuing the Standard Elementary and the Standard Secondary Certificate Based on the Master's Degree, undated

- Item 19: State and Institutional Cooperation in Preparation of Business Teachers, 1941

- Item 20: State Department of Education, 1944

- Item 21: The State Department of Education and its Function, 1945

- Item 22: State Supervision of Instruction, undated

- Item 23: State Supervision of Rural Schools, 1932

- Folder 5: Str-Teacher Cert, 1927-1957

- Item 1: Straight Ahead--The Goal (Teachers Look at the Future), 1957

- Item 2: Suggested Adjustments in the Faculty Load, 1953

- Item 3: Suggested Competencies in Teacher-Education. Curriculums in KY, 1953

- Item 4: Suggested Competencies Which Have Major Emphasis in Teacher Education Curriculum at the Fifth Year Level, 1953

- Item 5: Summary of Conference of Classroom Teachers of Southeastern States Held in Lexington, Kentucky, March 28, 1942, 1942

- Item 6: The Supervision of "Feeder Schools" by Central School, 1935

- Item 7: Survey of Office Space, Office Equipment, Office Personnel, & Office Procedure in 108 Counties in Kentucky, 1927

- Item 8: The Teacher and the Report of the Community, undated

- Item 9: Teacher Certification and In-Service Education, 1940

- Item 10: Teacher Certification and Professionalization of Teaching, 1953

- Folder 6: Teacher Cert-Tw, 1932-1962

- Item 1: Teacher Certification by the State, 1940

- Item 2: Teacher Education and Certification in Kentucky, 1940

- Item 3: Teacher Education--"Cradle to Grave Process,", 1946

- Item 4: A Teacher for the Atomic Age, 1946

- Item 5: Teaching Load, undated

- Item 6: The Teacher in Our Midst, 1938

- Item 7: The Teacher in the New School, undated

- Item 8: Teacher Leadership in Pupil Progress, 1935

- Item 9: Teacher Preparation Moves Forward, 1935

- Item 10: Teachers and National Offense, 1944

- Item 11: Teacher Supply & Demand: Program of Action-- with Forward by R.E. Jaggers, 1941

- Item 12: Teacher-Training from the Standpoint of the State, 1936

- Item 13: These are Our Institutions, 1948

- Item 14: These are Our People, 1948

- Item 15: This is Your World, undated

- Item 16: To the Council on Public Higher Education, 1947

- Item 17: Total Faculty Plans Teacher Education Program Training for Emergency Teachers, 1947

- Item 18: Training for Guidance, 1962

- Item 19: Trends in Teacher Retirement, 1937

- Item 20: The Twelve Grade Principalship, 1932

- Folder 7: U-W, 1930-1948

- Item 1: Unification of Public School Program Through Improvement of Instruction in Elementary School on Basis of Scientific Analysis, 1930

- Item 2: Unification Program, undated

- Item 3: Unified Program of Teacher Education and Certification in Southern States, 1941

- Item 4: Uniformity and Reciprocity in Certification, 1934

- Item 5: Unifying Higher Education in KY Through Cooperation and Coordination, 1946

- Item 6: Untitled Works, 1937-1947

- Folder 8: Untitled Works, 1935-1947

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Professional Activities, 1933-1966],
Series 2: Miscellaneous, 1910-1965],
[Series 3: Writings, 1927-1964],